Feb 17, 2009


Long long ago when I was a toddler, I used to use my left-hand for everything. I always had a fascination to be a south-paw. But I donno when I became a right-hander, well I suppose my mom should have had played a major role in that, transforming me into a right-handed. It's considered that left-hand should be used for certain things only and my aunt used to specify it whenever I used to forward my left-hand for anything offered.

One day when I started playing cricket, I was very attracted to left-handed batsmen and bowlers. I tried my hand and was able to bowl and bat left-hand with ease and then I realised I have equal dominance with left-hand too. And, from there on I started enjoying playing both right and left-hand batting and bowling. In football I'm a leftie by default. This makes me unique in someway or another. Ambidexterity is a well known but amazingly rare variant of cross-dominance.

There are few famous Cross-dominant like me - Leonardo da Vinci, Einstein, Oscar Wilde, Michelangelo, Benjamin Franklin, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Shawn Michaels (WWE Superstar) and and most important live example my library sir at school, I saw him writing with both hands.

So, this makes obvious prediction that someone is due becoming famous pretty soon! [;)]

Feb 14, 2009

X O ...

Love at times is said to be very difficult thing to find. And, once you find the true and selfless love then it lasts forever, but not everyone is that lucky. This love is a fantabulous experience felt by a person for another person. Love isn't built by a singular feeling but it's built from more than one feeling. Love is the most sweetest thing and also worst nightmare that can hunt you entire life if you don't get accepted. 

Well, I don't advise not to look out for your love, who knows you might just get luckier. Anyways, I wish everyone a very happy valentine's day and pray that everyone finds their love and none with a "nightmare!". 

Mohabbat mohabbat milegi chal ke do kadam 
Saathi se mil jaayenge 
Baharein phir khil jaayenge 
Chal ke do kadam



Feb 11, 2009

Recession time!

Unemployment has been climbing from ages ago and now it reached its peak at this time. Stock markets have been jittery all over. And, then the official declaration of recession!

Every company is practicing cost cutting now, layoffs has became the favorite game of all the companies around the world (hey bud, we have fired 20k! what about you guys, huh? 5k? bullshit man!)

There is an old joke among economists that states:

A recession is when your neighbor loses his job.

A depression is when you lose your job.

Recession is like the period of depression when a guy gets rejected after proposing a girl. It takes time to overcome that. One needs to be in good spirits to survive this crisis period. A recession generally lasts from six to 18 months, lets wait then...