Showing posts with label tag zone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label tag zone. Show all posts

Oct 22, 2010


Last Movie You Saw In A Theater - Social Network

What Book Are You Reading - The Associate. I'm trying my level best to finish it, been reading it for past 10
Favorite Board Game - Carroms

Favorite Magazine - Used to be sportstar when I was a kid

Favorite Smells - Girls shampooed hair :D

Favorite Sound - No sound ;)

Worst Feeling In The World - jealousy

What Is The First Thing You Think Of When You Wake?
what I was dreaming about :P

Favorite Fast Food Place - Eat Street in Hyderabad

Favorite Child’s Name - chuttki (my cousin)

Finish This Statement. “If I Had A Lot Of Money I’d…”
open few food joints, buy shares, and world tour and then a Ferrari!

Do You Drive Fast?

Do You Sleep With A Stuffed Animal?

Storms-Cool Or Scary?

What Was Your First Car?
Toyota Corolla

Favorite Drink - scotch

Finish This Statement, “If I Had The Time I Would …..”
I will drive to India from US :D

Do You Eat The Stems On Broccoli?

If You Could Dye Your Hair Any Colour, What Would Be Your Choice?
dark brown

Name All The Different Cities/Towns You Have Lived In -
Kothagudam, Vijayawada, Hyderabad, Sunnyvale, Fremont, Terre Haute, Parsippany, Edison, Royersford, fairfax

Favorite Sports To Watch - Cricket, NFL

One Nice Thing About The Person Who Sent This To You - He is not a gay :D

What’s Under Your Bed ? - Carpet

Would You Like To Be Born As Yourself Again?
yes yes yes

Morning Person Or Night Owl?
night owl

Over Easy or Sunny Side Up?
Sunny side up.

Favorite Place To Relax - In my car

Favorite Pie - I hate pies

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor - Strawberry

You pass this tag to - Kittu, Nandini

Of All The People You Tagged This To, Who’s Most Likely To Respond First?
Both Kittu and Nandini

Apr 1, 2009


Got tagged after ages, I got tagged by two bloggies Zany and Carpe Diem,


1) Put your iTunes or any other media player on Shuffle...
2)For each question, forward to next track to answer the question...
3) Write down the track title, it might be a silly one...
4) Tag other poor souls...

a) If someone asks you "are you okay?" you say:
Loose yourself  (Eminem)

b) How would you describe yourself?
Jai Ho? (Slum dog M)

c) What do you like in a girl/guy?
Ajnabi Shehar (Jaan-e-mann)

d) How do you feel today?
Lovesick (Elize)

e) What's your life purpose?
Singing Dam Di Da Doo (Eyeopener)

f) What's your motto?
My happy ending (Avril  Lavigne)

g) What do your friends feel about you?
A never ending dream (cascada)

h) What do your parents feel about you?
Ass like that (Eminem)

i) What do you think of often?
Jumping all over the world (Scooter)

j) What is 2+2?
fuck it (Eamon)

k) What do you think of your best friend?
behind these hazel eyes (Kelly Clarkson)

l) What is your life story?
doesn't matter ( Hypasonic)

m) What do you want to be when you grow up?
mohabbat apse ( Aa Dekhe Zara)

n) what do you think when you come across the person you like most?
my sacrifice (creed)

o) what will you dance to at you wedding?
sexy naughty bitchy me (Lene Alexandra)

p) what will they play at your funeral ?
insomnia (Craig David)

q) what is your hobby?
sutta na milaa (Zeest)

r) what is your biggest fear?
beautiful life (Ace of base)

s) what is your biggest secret?
love in the club (Usher)

t) what do you want right now?
all the things she said (Tatu)

u) what do you think of your friends?
Last goodbye (Avenue)

v) when you rush into the washroom, what do you think?
sab khairiyath hai (13B)

w) The person you hate the most is in front of you, what will you tell to that person?
another day in paradise (Phil Collins)

x) you have just won a lottery, what will you sing?
beautiful thing ( Soulcast)

y) What will you post this as?
Shake that ass girl (50cent)

I'm done, now Sajesh and Sindhu will do the tag...

Mar 12, 2008


Arasi tagged me, actually she has this huge crush on me so she wanted to know me better and this tag might be really helpful for her... (:P just kidding...). Anyways, thanks ma'am for tagging me. Here are the instructions to be followed:

In the 8 Facts about Yourself, you share 8 things that your readers don’t know about you. Then at the end you tag at least 8 other bloggers to keep the fun going. Here are the rules.

* Each blogger must post these rules first.
* Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
* Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
* At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
* Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.****

So, here are the 8 facts about me...

1. I wake up just before the alarm starts yelling!!
2. I kissed a girl (who's not related to me in anyway...)
3. I forget names easily.
4. I love to learn things myself.
5. I predict my grades (which is 98% accurate) after I come out of the exam hall.
6. I easily get bored.
7. I'm lazy depending on my mood.
8. I love to preach but I hate to be on the receiving end of it.

I tag:
kavitha , gayathri , maru , saty, sravs , sajesh , sindhu , krithika ....

Jan 5, 2008

Whodunit? - The Remake Version

First of all, after ages I got tagged (New year resolution - TAG). Kavitha has passed on this tag-cum-award.

New year Resolution:

Last year I made 6 resolutions and those were:

1. Enjoy LIFE more (come what may..)
2. Little more focus on things which I'm planning for my career.
3. Having appropriate expectations.
4. Try to reduce few pounds..(which I summoned after getting job..[:P])
5. Try to have less crushes! [:D]
6. Break as many rules as possible!

Outa 6 I adhered to the 6th resolution very sincerely. And so this year too I'm going to continue that...

Last year,
Best thing that happened
got US Visa...

Worst thing that happened
I went into the shell for the first time in my life...

And thanks Kavi for the award... (do u really think I deserve that ?? :D)


Coming attractions!

Whodunit? - The Remake Version

Got this thought of re-writing the first story in this blog. You can say I got instigated by the endless remakes of the bollywood flicks these days...

Jun 24, 2007

tag # 5 (thinking blogger awards)

Ahem! hello..hello... mic testing 1 2 3 1 2 3 hello....!...

ok .. so now i have to give away 5 awards to 5 bloggers of my choice...(well my choice means not entirely my choice ,...well u can bribe me for biasing also.. ;) .. lol..)

Anyways, I'm also a thinking blogger mind you, thanks pria for the award. "Brute who is an awesome writer with full creativity and inspiration for new bloggers" are the words for me!...

Now, I am also gonna divide the awards into categories as pria has.
  • Stories
  • Music
  • General
  • Philosophy
  • Bindaas

    Here we go..,
    STORIES: Harish , and then prithz (she started jotting down some wonderful stories of late), vicky also writes cool stories( he stopped blogging for a while, but he's making a come back), kavitha wrote some romantic stories (she has a fantasy for Karthik, mind you only name ;)...), gils writes cool but the stories are like mega serials.

    Out of all you guys I picked sajesh, a wonderful story writer though he wrote only one story and unfortunately this isn't seen its end till now, so far seven episodes were published and ppl are waiting whens the next part gonna come up. Please visit Not a Short Story for the story, I bet you guys would love this incomplete story...

    saj tu pukka aiseehi hai naa?? :P

    MUSIC: this category has only one blogger, none other than marutham, its not a musical blog but she regularly posts her songs with every new post, and those are really cool songs sung by her...

maru pukka looks like this, she dreams about mickey goofy, her imaginations are always in between cartoon characters...

GENERAL: ganesh comes in then, KK, gayathri, isha, these come into general categoery. Well, I picked gayathri as her posts contains mainly about day to day life hilarious incidents that shes involved in, they are really nice time pass to read I must say that...

gayatri looks like this I guess :D

PHILOSOPHY: sravanthi, krithika, Contented and pria. I would have loved to pick pria, but she already got one thinking award I will pass it to krithika, her posts are not a direct philosophy ones but her posts definitely ends with as indirect philosophical note...

may b this is how krithika looks :P

BINDAAS: My fav category, only 2 bloggers have been picked up, neha and saty. I would love to give this award to Neha but she isn't blogging that regularly these days so this leaves only saty to get the award. What can I probably say about this saty... where ever she goes bloggers have a "T" symbol hanging on their faces..(T= trouble) , one gal against so many guys, and these guys sometimes left clueless what to say next....and yea do visit her blog she rocks...

that's saty for u! =)) definitely she looks like tht...

All five tagged blog buddies rather award winning bloggies, you have to pass it on, you have simple rules to go on:
Choose five people from your blog who deserves this award.Participation rules: (Not my rules, just followed wat is written in the past from other blog awards)-

- If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think.- Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme.- Display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.

- Display the ‘Thinking Blogger Award’ with a link to the post that you wrote.
Please, remember to tag blogs with real merits, i.e. relative content, and above all - blogs that really get you thinking.

A.R.Rahman in asso with performed this video to support voting for tajmahal as one of the new7wonders...

Feb 9, 2007

IV th tagg!!

(not again!)

I was tagged by GAYATRI .
Favorite Color: black, red, white.
Favorite Food: Hyderabad biryani.
Favorite Month: Dec

Favorite Songs:
Hindi: anewala pal from golmaal (old version)
Tamil: boom boom from Raam
Telugu: mila mila from Super
English: numb : Linkin park

Favorite Movie: american pie
Favorite Sport: cricket
Favorite Season: summer
Favorite Day Of the week: Friday
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: choco chip
Favorite Time of Day: between 4 - 5 pm During weekends: between 6-8 pm

Current Mood: tired and sleepy.
Current Taste: chocolaty
Current Clothes: tee and short
Current Desktop: my INDIan SERIES pic
Current Time: 1804 IST
Current Surroundings: untidy room of mine.
Current Thoughts: am just half way through this blog wen am i gonna reach last question

First Best Friend: mayuri
First Screen Name: lovelyblackbuck
First Pet: fish
First Piercing: wen doc injected injection
First Album: venga boyz
First Movie: thalambraloo a Telugu flick (1985, according to my mom)

Last Cigarette: I'll skip this.
Last Drink alcoholic: vodka
Non-alcoholic: sugarcane juice
Last Car Ride: 0500hrs in my office cab.
Last Movie Seen: Kingdom of heaven
Last Phone Call: from vinee.
Last Book Read: prospectus of some B-school.

Have You Ever Broken the Law: cmon, I do that daily..
Have You Ever Been Arrested: nah
Have You Ever Been on TV: yea! Doordarshan came to shoot our science exhibition in our school, that was in my 7th standard
Have You Ever Lied: i have to ans that, what am I doing now :P
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: many times....

Thing You're Wearing: hey ! I have already answered this..
Thing You've Done Today: met girija at her CTS training center
Thing You Can Hear Right Now: radio mirchi iddi challa hot guru!
Thing You Can't Live Without: I donno
Thing You Do When You're Bored: go and sleep happily

my friend srikanth's house from there to his college, luckily girija's CTS training is there only so met her. In the morning to e-seva to pay the bills

Anu, girija, sindhu.

1. black or white: Black
2. Hot or Cold: hot

ensure that I die without leaving any chances to get back to life to live again....

me tagging...
Priya, Starry nights, marutham , sravanthi

PS: ok girls , valentines day is nearing, so this tagg shud be helpful to decide whether to approach me or not.. [:P]

Jan 18, 2007

my III rd tag!

1. Were you named after anyone? no.
2. Do you wish on stars? never done that..
3. When did you last cry? just after seeing my name at the end of the ganesh's post :((
4. Do you like your handwriting? yes...
5. What is your favourite meat? fish!
6. What is your most embarrassing CD on your shelf?
7. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? definitely.. ;)
8. Are you a daredevil? hmmm...yea, sometimes when situation demands...
9. How do you release anger? I walk, walk, walk..(in my room) till I get tired .
10. Where is your second home? these days, my office :D
11. Do you trust others easily? yea, sometimes.
12. What was your favourite toy as a child? I don't remember any...
13. What class in school/college do you think is totally useless? fuzzy logic, neural networks...(anybody heard abt these subjects ;)
14. Do you use sarcasm a lot? yes.
15. Have you ever been in a mosh pit? nah.
16. What do you look for in a guy/girl? attitude
17. Would you bungee jump? would like to have an expirience of that
18. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? yes.
19. What's your favourite ice cream? cornetto.
20. What are your favourite colours? black, white and red
21. What are your least favourite things? getting up from the bed after a sound sleep.
22. How many people do you have a crush on right now? aaaa.... 1, 2, 3..yea, 3
23. Who do you miss most right now? my dad... :(
24. What are you listening to right now? salaam-e-ishq - dil kya kare
25. If you were a crayon, what colour would you be? red
26. What is the weather like right now? its 1:50 am, I'm in my room. Just came back after watching Guru (for second time), while coming back it was really cold.
27. Last person you talked to on the phone? Anu
28. The "first" thing you notice about the opposite sex? dressing sense.
29. Do you like the person who sent you this? hey Ganesh ! do u like me??? my ans depends on his ans :P
30. How are you today? got a shocking news and well, I didn't lose my nerves as I had back up plan for that.
31. Favourite non alcoholic drink? tea
32. Favourite alcoholic drink? royal stag :D
33. Natural hair colour? Black.
34. Eye colour? dark brown
35. Wear contacts?' nope
36. Siblings? I have one, younger bro!.
37. Favourite month? December
38. Favourite food? Hyderabadi Chicken Biryani
39. Favourite day of the year? December 26'th.
40. Have you ever been too shy to ask someone out? no
41. Scary movies or happy endings? happy endings.
42. Summer or winter? summer
43. Holi or Diwali? Diwali
44. Do you like your name? yes! I do
45. What book/magazine are you reading? digit.
46. What's on your mouse pad? intel inside.... Pentium 4 processor.
47. What did you watch on TV last night? that last night was in last year, so don't remember
(I hate watching TV).
48. Favourite Smell? the smell which comes just before the rain starts pouring down.
49. Have you ever regretted breaking up with someone? Yea.
50. Most tiresome thing you’ve ever experienced/done? rite now, answering this 50th

me tagging:

Mystery , Krithika , Neha...

Oct 4, 2006

my IInd TAg....(WeIRd...)

I have been tagged by ganesh. I have to list 6 weird things about myself. Hehe... but I have more than 6 weird things about myself, anyways these are 6 things about me that I consider weirdest...

1. Opera's: I can imitate opera's as I have already said, so my friends used to request me to sing opera, after lot of persuasion I used to sing and used to become center of attraction for the weird looks. And how many in this world can imitate opera's just like that...

2. Attitude: I have a special attitude which I guess very few people will have this kind of attitude. I generally talk freely to all new guys whomever I meet and make them laugh like anything. But when I start observing things about them and if I don't like his attitude I ditch them without giving them any notice, now these guys become clueless about what happened, why did I stopped talking to them...

3. 6th sense: O Yes!! ... well everyone has this 6th sense or intution thing in them. But coming to my intution, its in its peak during exam times, particularly on the examination day. Whatever questions I read during the traveling time from my house to college they all appear in exams...

4. Guessing which experiment I'm gonna get for external exam:

during my entire engg college lab exams, I used to guess which expt is gonna come for my lab exam, before entering the lab I used to announce which expt am expecting and end up getting that exam. (Girija, hepsiba, Anu... they are all proof for this... in entire 4 yrs whatever experiments I expected I got that same experiment...hehe)

5. The innocent face of mine:

well generally I don't wanna reveal this but anyways you guys will never meet me so... well my innocent looks nullify my mass character. I wear specs, I pretend to be calm, studious etc etc so I generally escape from the situation when I get caught doing some mischive things. My mom feels I don't talk to girls (am a shy but my friends know my true character...

6. Movie buff:

Uh well, I know there are many like me who watch a movie more than once if they like. Anyways I saw Salaam Namaste for 7 times, Lage Raho Munnabhai - 4 times, Munnabhai MBBS - 5 times, etc etc I have a big list of movies which I watched them more than thrice in the theatres...

Hmm... I'm tagging


Sep 1, 2006

My 1sT TAg!!!!!!!!!!

BOLe tO..... bINDaas!

Before I complete the tag, lemme tell you guys hows lage raho MUNNA BHAI. At the end of the movie I realised that my cheeks are aching like anything, now I guess you people understood how the movie is.... yeah its toooo good. Wow! I was whistling, laughing louder, so louder that my beside audience were staring at ME!

Three cheers to Raj Kumar Hirani, who proves that the much hailed "MUNNA BHAI" was no fluke.

I just returned home directly from the theatre after the second show. The movie stood up to its expectations, especially "tension nay lenekha MAMU....apun hai naa!" genre which included comedy, crime and drama in M.B.B.S, has now changed to a rare genre "patriotic comedy film". Till now you people saw his DADAGIRI now you'll see his GANDHIGIRI.

Arshad warsi reproduces the witty CIRCUIT once more.

I recommend you guys to see this movie, this movie is not-to-miss kinda one. There is one particular hilarious scene which runs for 15mins I guess; this scene was so hilarious that me and friends were laughing and laughing and tears came out of our eyes; we were virtually rolling on the floor, you could say (I'm still laughing remembering that scene....) . The cast of the movie really did a splended job. Vidya Balan looked really cute in this movie.

There's something replacing the "jadoo ki Jhapii"............and if you wanna know whats that ???? And for the the first time ever, we learn to smile with GANDHI, laugh with him.

Time to practice 'GANDHIGIRI'. Time to watch 'LAge raho MUNNA bhaI'.

GANDHI: "Three bullets could kill me, but not my philosophy!" (Bande mein tha dum, Vande Mataram)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *


I am thinking

of my latest crush in my office :P

I said

I will not stop eating chicken biryani for lunch in lunch breaks.......

I want

60GB video iPOD

I wish

I know swimming.

I miss

My College buddies....

I hear

Someone farting

I wonder

did sajesh really TAG me or some other AVINASH .....later cleared my doubt by clicking on to the link.....(lol.._)

I regret

doing B.TECH

I am

Brute a.k.a Avinash a.k.a Hunky4gals a.K.a googlyguy.

I dance

when am happy

I sing

song..... (wow thts a kool ans...)

I cry

when I feel my eyes needs some cleaning...

I am

good for everything.

I write

with right hand....

I confuse


I need

selfless love

I should

Go to theatre now as its showtime (lage raho ...)

I finish

things perfectly!!!!!!!!!!! (I think so)

