Showing posts with label India. Show all posts
Showing posts with label India. Show all posts

Feb 23, 2009

Jai Ho!

I didn't know how to express my happiness while watching the 81st Annual Academy awards show, each award given to slumdog millionaire made me clap and whistle hard. The words of Resul Pookutty "Thank you, Academy, this not just a sound award, this is history being handed over to me", who won Oscar for Sound mixing along with Ian Tapp and Richard Pryke, brought goosebumps to me. 

And then, Rahman bhai winning ek nahi balki dho' (2) Oscars was truly amazing. His performance on the stage was terrific and I didn't see any nervousness in him, all I could see is the confidence of taking home the Oscars in his eyes. He won two Oscar awards for Best Original score and Best OST (Jai Ho...)

Frankly speaking I always have hated Oscar awards judgement for being most unpredictable and unexpected in nature, but for the first time it seemed predictable, in every category where slumdog millionaire was featured it won! except one.

And, on the finishing note, I thank Director Danny Boyle who won the best director award for opening the doors for India to win its share of Oscar awards...

Aug 14, 2008

Jai Hind!

On the eve of the Independence day of India I along with fellow Indians salute the Indian flag. And then we even salute Abhinav for winning the most craved gold medal at Beijing olympics after a wait of good 108 years. And for once all the Indians around the world have uploaded that historic event video in their fav. videos in orkut expressing their happiness.

I still hate that old man, Mr. Gandhi for what he has done in Bhagat singh's case. But then I'll admire him for one thing for sure, he was able to unite the people of India to stand together to kick the brit. asses out of our country.

Well, the other day when I was at the work place one of the white customers asked me which part of India I was from, I said south. He then said, "Oh, you guys don't go well along with North guys right?". I said to myself, "yes, it's there, isn't it?", I asked him who told him all that. He replied back, "My Indian colleague". "And where is he from?", I asked. He said, "Gujarat". That's it I guessed it right, whoelse in the world will say like that about our country.

I donno what's wrong with these gujju idiots. because they are the richie riches it doesn't mean that don't belong to India and just belong to Gujarat, and where the heck is Gujarat? isn't it supposed to be in India? I myself was in a such kinda scene once. In my first semester here in calif. on the day one one guy was introducing himself to everyone. And there was this guy from Pakistan, so when they both shook the hands, paki asked that Indian stud, "You from India?". He replied back, " No, I'm from GUJARAT!"

Nov 26, 2007

IDLy and Dosai!

Idly and Dosa never tasted so yummy when I gulped them down into my tummy at 2230 hrs at the roadside bandi.

My friend and I went out to grab a pizza after paying vodafone bill. As we were about to reach CCD near my house yummy steaming smell of idlies pulled us towards that bandi. Without any second thoughts in our minds we plunged to grab the idlies. Morsels of idly just melted in my mouth, and in this chilly weather outside those hot steaming idlies outscored to pizza. I can't tell you exactly how heaven like it tasted, the taste of any food can be relished very much only when you are damn hungry.

And the dosa was next after downing six idlies. It was overall a mouth watery session for us.

BOTTOMLINE: East or West Idly & Dosai are the best!

Mar 22, 2007

March 23, 1931

March 23, 1931, Bhagat Singh was hanged in Lahore with his fellow comrades Rajguru and Sukhdev. His supporters, who had been protesting against the hanging, immediately declared him as a shaheed or martyr.

"The aim of life is no more to control the mind, but to develop it harmoniously; not to achieve salvation here after, but to make the best use of it here below; and not to realise truth, beauty and good only in contemplation, but also in the actual experience of daily life; social progress depends not upon the ennoblement of the few but on the enrichment of democracy; universal brotherhood can be achieved only when there is an equality of opportunity - of opportunity in the social, political and individual life."from Bhagat Singh's prison diary

Feb 23, 2007

foray of retail stores in India

The world's largest retailer has teamed up with India's Bharti Enterprises Ltd. — a business conglomerate focused mostly on telecommunications — to set up hundreds of stores across the country, said Sunil Bharti Mittal, chairman and CEO of the Indian company. In recent years, several large Indian companies have diversified into retail business.

Reliance Industries Ltd., has already lined up billion of dollars to invest in a retail chain that would also showcase large superstores like Wal-Mart. The company opened its first retail outlet "FRESH" in the southern Indian city of Hyderabad in November 2006.

Rising middle class incomes and an increase in demand for branded products, however, make India a compelling destination for global retail companies.

What will happen to crores of small retailers in India? Has the government thought of this?

Danger for small retailers for sure.

Feb 18, 2007

Mr. President

Another five months are left for President A P J Abdul Kalam's term to end and already his successor is picked, Big B, Mr. Amitabh Bachchan (If sources are to be believed).

Samajwadi Party, Telugu Desam Party, AIADMK , and Asom Gana Parishad are allegedly supporting for his candidature.

I somehow feel that he's the wrong guy for the position. Mr. Kalam should continue with 2nd term in the office. He is the best president that we can have.

so what do you guys think, Who should be the next President of India ?