Showing posts with label general. Show all posts
Showing posts with label general. Show all posts

Nov 23, 2010

Boy or girl who is innocent?

Neither of them are innocent. Gone are those days when girls used to be in a shell and boys on the streets. A new world got created with the advent of not one thing but many. First it was movies, then Internet, then mobiles and now social networks.

Anyways, this argument will never have a conclusion so I'll not add anything more. Right so, I observed few things in girls of late, time has come to build a new list of "what women want?" or rather it should be "how you should interpret a girl?"

* Should I commit to her after couple a dates and lot of phone calls?
@ I would say no, you shouldn't do that. Thing is a girl is never sure of what she wants.

* Why do you say that?
@well, let's say she will react according to the situation.

*Then, when should I propose her?

*you are nuts, why should I listen to you?
@See, I have a theory for this. You'll propose her, for a week or two you'll feel she is best thing to happen in her life. After a month, you will naturally tend to become possessive. Then, you end up asking things like who is he? where are you now? why didn't you ans my call?. You'll get the answers for those questions initially, as the time passes she'll stop answering or rather she will lie to you.

*I don't wanna miss her...
@my dearest dost, world is big pond which has many fishes. Go for fishing I say :D

Now, its girls turn, "how should you interpret a boy?"

* I love him, I wanna be with him...
@Are you sure? what about the other guys with you have soft corners?

* I'm not serious about them...
@So, you are damn sure of this guy. I would say think about it again (she will start getting confused now.. lol)

* I think I need some more time to think...
@ There you go...

* But I don't want him to talk to other female souls...
@huh, can you stay out from talking to you other male souls...

*No way! why should I stop talking to others. Doesn't he believe in me?
@haha... if you can't then you shouldn't ask him to stop talking to others.

Bottom-line: In this world, no one is innocent anymore :)

PS: just a pun intended post, hope no one is offended... peace :)

Jan 17, 2010

random updates

Time is slipping really fast these days, hours have become days in no time. I'm little excited about that because the day of joining some company and waiting for weekends would always be fun. Waiting for weekends isn't new for me, back then when I was in my weekend used to start from Thursday evening itself. Those days were fun.

So, what's new in this year 2010, well I started tweeting again and added SRK, Jr AB, Saif, Genelia, Shahid, Farhan Akhtar etc etc... in my list. The list is little big to mention all the names here. Now these guys are tweeting like they are breathing, minute-to-minute update like I-am-stuck-in-the-traffic, good-mornings-evenings-nights, having tea-coffee-juice, wonder why don't they tweet about when they farted and how big the sound came off it and if their movie is gonna released then you can imagine their tweets: keeping-all-body-parts-cross, gave interviews-here-there-everywhere. And after release: thnkxs-for-dare-watching-the-movie.

This reminds of Uday Chopra's tweet after the release of Pyaar Impossible:

"Thanks everyone for your positive feedback on the movie, haven't been able to reply to all but been reading all the tweets" (bloody hell, if you have received positive response you would reply, why would you reply if you didn't get any... lol)

Can't handle this nuisance, let's see wt will pappu tweet if he becomes a hero

tweet 1: "Haa, birds get up so early and flying also, shit I'm late for jogging..."

"I'm going into restroom, censored ( lol...) attending nature's a days its always on engage don't have time for it only..."

"back from restroom, tying my shoe lace" (how are u tying while u r sending the tweet fag ass?)

"me jogging guys" (u r tweeting also Mr.pappu, forgot tht already?)

back from jogging, so tired couldn't jog for more than 5 mins, so much flab i have, got to do sth, this jogging will nt help"

"guys, no shooting today, so will watch a movie, suggest me some good movie. I'm waiting for ur reply..." (there's always some pappu who will reply to this tweet)

"Ok, I'm watching my own movie, pappu pass nahi huvaa..."

"eating channa, movie is so interesting"

"Guysssssss, I jus farted...., a silent one though..." (hold your noses, silent the fart deadlier it would smell... remember khanishtham thudthudiiy padam.... sursuria pran khatam!!!!)

guys guys, I was kidding in my prev tweet..." (who was eating channa, huh??)

I'm stopping here this post will nvr end if I also create imaginary tweets from bed to back to bed, now you can imagine the level of tweeting these days in the micro-blogsville, thanks to our actors.


Anyways, moving on from the annoying world, let's move into musical world. Gosh, a musical buff like me couldn't have asked more after listening to new releases: karthik calling karthik, striker, kedi (telugu), vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa (ar rahman's tamil album) and then ishqiya. All of 'em have really good tracks. One of the movies music cd's is yet to hit the stores but somehow I managed to find a way to download that album online... woohoo

These days "uff teri adaa" is in the loop followed by "dil tho baccha hai ji" (ishqiya), "hosanna" (ar rahman) and yun hua (striker).

And, then have been watching movies as if there's no tomorrow for me. Last night saw "Yes man" the closing scene of that movie was ultimate. Before starting this post finished watching "Star trek" (blu ray version). I have decided to say good bye to dvd version and welcome blu ray from here on, no compromise with the quality you see...

Signing off with a positive note for you n me: "Live life to the fullest"

Jan 11, 2010

what's your bra color?

My friend Sai rushed to me day before night and asked, "dude, log into facebook right now." I logged in and waited for him to say what to do next. "Now, check the status mssg of the girls in your friends list." Ok, I did that too then what?? "Ok, now see if any girls status mssg is having a color." First I got confused, color? I thought status mssg will be in color so I casually looked over and said, "NO." As if he looked through my eyes he said, "no dude, status mssg will be a color, like see here her status mssg is blue, now check in your list." I still didn't understand what was he trying with those mssgs, anyways I looked over my list and found five colors and one said none??

I just got up from a good sleep, hardly opened my eyes properly and this ass was asking me to do this stupid job which I wasn't understanding why he wanted me to check. I asked him what's with color thing. "Dude, that's the bra color they are wearing today..." I just opened my mouth so big that with in secs it went dry. I asked him, "why would they do that?", he said, "some breast cancer awareness campaign it seems..." Out of curiosity I asked him with a wink, "what about your chicks, how many odd and even colors in your list?". He said, "black, white, pink and blue... just four dude, what about you?" , I told him black, white, red, blue and and none. The word none made us wink and laugh hard.

Anyways, jokes apart, is this a serious thing or a prank that kicked off like a wildfire. Well, whatever girls revealed the thing which had to be kept secret and yeah, you girls made us boys go drooling and made our eyes to wait for your status mssg.

PS: update for my previous post - "giri missed her bus to colg again..."

Oct 15, 2009

the ville show on facebook!

Now it has become a part of life to allocate at least 2-3 hours for facebooking, not for keeping in touch with your friends but to take care of your virtual-farm, bakery, cafe, house, fishes so on... I'm talking about the games in the facebook that created by zynga, a company that specializes in social games for social networks including facebook, MySpace, iPhone, and Bebo.

Of all the games they developed farmville stands out the most addictive one in the whole lot. Farmville had just 354 users on June 20, the day after it launched. And today, it's widely believed to be the largest and fastest-growing social game ever. Farmville and Mafia Wars boasts more than 125 million monthly active users. Zynga Poker was their first social game, in July 2007. Its latest game, cafeworld, has zoomed to 10 million users in about a week.

My relation with Zynga started off with Poker, people accused me for jubilating on the virtual money I won. I remember playing that for one full semester before moving on to Mafia Wars, then Farmville, Yoville, and now cafeworld.

Feb 11, 2009

Recession time!

Unemployment has been climbing from ages ago and now it reached its peak at this time. Stock markets have been jittery all over. And, then the official declaration of recession!

Every company is practicing cost cutting now, layoffs has became the favorite game of all the companies around the world (hey bud, we have fired 20k! what about you guys, huh? 5k? bullshit man!)

There is an old joke among economists that states:

A recession is when your neighbor loses his job.

A depression is when you lose your job.

Recession is like the period of depression when a guy gets rejected after proposing a girl. It takes time to overcome that. One needs to be in good spirits to survive this crisis period. A recession generally lasts from six to 18 months, lets wait then...

Feb 26, 2008

missing the niche'

Couple of years ago what made me start a blog is missing these days. Or I should be saying that craze. passion and patience which were the niche for a blog has been in deficit levels of late.
The fraternity to which I belong in this blogsville has gone to sudden lull. The blog socialisation has come down drastically. Once it used be a carnival in the comment boxes, these days they are left dry with a random one or two comments here and there.
It's not the creativity that went down just that the time parameter has been main culprit here, was blogging just a fad?? I hope not....

Aug 25, 2007

Hyderabad BLasts!

WTF those cowards wanna show?? they have totally gone out of their senses. It was just three months back people 16 died and several were injured in a blast at the city’s Mecca Masjid mosque on May 18. And today 42 persons (confirmed death toll at 8:00am, Aug 26, 2007) were killed and about 65 injured in two powerful near-simultaneous blasts at a crowded park, Lumbini park, during the laser show, India's biggest laser show arena which is just a stone throw away from the Andhra Pradesh secretariat, and a popular eating joint, Gokul Chat, on Saturday evening. Venues are just 5 Kms apart.

A bomb was defused at Dilsukhnagar footover bridge which was timed to blast at 9:30 pm, which is just 4 kms away from my locality. One more defused at Venkataramana theatre, Narayanaguda...

Thank God it rained heavily in the evening else the death toll could have been frightening--the usual weekend count here at Lumbini park is around 1,500 visitors during weekends...

Hyderabad is a city of 7 million people, about 40-45 percent of them Muslim, you know now why Hyderabad is slowly becoming a soft target for such terror attacks. Hyderabad has shown so much of maturity during Mecca Masjid blast, I hope this continues... Please pray for those dead ones and for those who are fighting with death in the hospitals...

May their souls rest in peace...

Video: Hyderabad blasts

Help line numbers for victims: 040-23202833, 09440815858, 09440815456

(pics courtesy:,
(video courtesy:

Nov 30, 2006

Let's talk AIDS!

AIDS is acquired immune deficiency syndrome and HIV is Human Immumodeficiency Virus. AIDS is the last stage of the HIV disease. There are only a few ways of getting infected - exchange of blood, semen, or vaginal secretions. The most likely ways are having unprotected sexual intercourse, sharing needles and other drug equipment. HIV can also be passed to an infant through breast milk. You can't identify a HIV person by looking at his or her face. Most often people with HIV don't know they have it as it can take more than 10 years for symptoms to develop. And finally, at present there is no cure for AIDS.


Jun 2, 2006

BAN !!!!

Taking the cue from Tamil nadu and four other states that have prevented the screening of controversial film ‘The Da Vinci code’, the Andhra Pradesh government too has decided to impose a ban on screening of the movie, much to the dismay of cinegoers.

The reason cited by the government for its action was the protests lodged by the minority community, particularly by Christian organization and also from others “including Muslims”.

“After taking into consideration the reports and complaints from the minority community regarding the “The Da Vinci code” and having come to the conclusion that exhibition of the film might hurt the religious sentiments of Muslims and Christians thus leading to law and order problems, the ban was promulgated” the order said.

Andhra Pradesh now followed in the footsteps of Punjab, Goa, Tamil Nadu and Nagaland in banning the film which is based on the international best-seller authored by Dan Brown.

Guess what, the original novel had already sold more than 60 million copies throughout the world and no Christian country had preferred the ban.

The government’s decision to suspend the screening of the movie was unfair. Particularly, when it has been released elsewhere in the country. Why should the people of some states alone be denied the privilege of seeing a much awaited movie? The argument that it might hurt the feeling of Christians (and Muslims) is unacceptable because ‘The Da Vinci code’ is being screened with a disclaimer that it’s a “work of fiction”.

P.S: While making the New Year resolutions one of my resolutions was not to see movies of pirated ones. But I think I should reconsider it.