Showing posts with label my creations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label my creations. Show all posts

Sep 10, 2008

My angel - the end

continued from here...
Avinash without saying any word paces to home.

Ruchi was feeling nervous and peeping into the window to see if Avinash has arrived from office or not. Abhi started lunching and was staring at Ruchi in a very uncomfortable manner. Even the maid didn't come today. Ruchi pretended to be busy checking some old mails.
"Ruchi..." Abhi called. A sudden chill ran through her spine hearing that.
"Yeah? you need anything?"
"Nope, but I feel odd eating alone. Why don't you join me?"
"No, that's alright, Avi has started from the office he might be here in any moment..."
Avinash was stuck in the traffic and was very worried about Ruchi. He didn't wanna press the panic button calling her. He tried to calm down and figure what he should do. He reached for his pistol in his briefcase, loaded it and just waited to reach home as soon as possible.
Ruchi was dusting the mail shelf, she finds her slam-book there. She sits back in the sofa and starts reading the pages. Her mind got deviated from the present situation. She was busy reading the pages and Abhi drops into the sofa beside. He grabs her finger to check the cut, Ruchi shouts at that. Just then Avinash comes in with his pistol. Ruchi runs to Avinash and hugs him tightly.
"Whoah!!..hang on, .... let me explain...", Abhi said with his hands up.
"What you wanna explain..huh..??"
"That I'm Abhiram...and..."
"And... and what, he was staring at me in an uncomfortable manner avi... " Ruchi said trembling.
Avinash gets fumed up listening to that and he punches Abhi's cheek. Abhi drops to the floor. Just then Ruchi's sight falls on the slam-book beside Abhi. She picks the slam-book and reads the page which was half open.
"Shit! you bloody bugger!! why do have to do all this...see now what happened." Ruchi lends her hand to Abhi to get up from the floor.
"Sorry yaar, I didn't know that this prank would go this far..." Abhi said falling into the sofa.
Avinash got confused about what was happening.
"Hi, I guess I'm missing something here..." Avinash asked Ruchi looking at her in confused manner.
Ruchi chuckles and says, "Well, Avinash this Abhiram and Abhi this is Avi, my sweet hubby. And Avinash this dumbo was my classmate back in school days and then after our 12th class this idiot got vanished and we met only this day. I guess Abhi would have died in your hands if I didn't see Abhi's page in that slam-book."
"Wonderful, and you made me hit him hard..."
"That's alright bro, it was my fault here. I got transferred to Hyderabad RadioMirchi from Mumbai. I got promoted as Station manager. I saw this devils pic and then came to know that you guys wedding anniversary and also her b'day was today, so I thought of giving a surprise with a prank. Anyways, I'm sorry for all the things happened."
"Beware of my hubby abhi..." Ruchi smiles and hugs Avinash.
"Yeah ..yeah..."


The End

Jul 13, 2008

My angel - 4

Continues from here...

Ruchi pulls back her hand and goes inside the bedroom to get a band-aid. Abhi was still standing there and staring at her. Ruchi started feeling uncomfortable with his presence now. Abhi tries to break the silence by asking if anything else is left for chopping. Ruchi nods her head giving a no sign. After sometime she starts cooking. Ruchi requests Abhi to go and sit in the living room as she can't cook in someones presence. Abhi gives a smile and leaves the kitchen.


After Deepthi left the office Avinash suddenly remembers that he had make a call to Ruchi. He reaches for his mobile and his boss knocks the door. Avinash goes and receives him. His boss wanted some information regarding the project they were planning for the next quarter. The meeting starts getting draggy.


Ruchi finished cooking. She served lunch on the dining table. She called abhi, but abhi wasn't answering. Ruchi turned to get her mobile, abhi was standing right behind her. Ruchi started feeling nervous with his actions. She reached her mobile and dialed Avinash.

"Hello Avi..."
"Hmm... you woke up now?"
"how busy are you?"
"why? what happened ruchi?"
"Abhi is here to meet us, and I would like you to be here as soon as possible.."
"Abhi? Who's abhi?"
Deepthi just then enters the cabin.

"Avinash, I have served lunch and we are waiting for you. Please try to understand your presence is required... please.."
"Ok, Ok I'm starting ... "

After hunging the phone Avinash logs off the system and packs his belongings to go back to home.

"What's abhi doing there?", Deepthi asked.
"Who's abhi? your boyfriend right??"...

... to be continued

May 27, 2008

Milestone #200

A small interview with Mr.Brute, the author of brute's column! on the occasion of 200 posts feat.

Interviewer: So, big feat Mr. Brute...
Brute: Hey 200, thanks thanks, happy happy...
Interpreter: Hi everyone, this is Avinash, assistant of Mr. Brute. Author is very excited about his achievement and would like to thank one and all who have dropped by.

Brute: Right...
Interviewer: Oh.. ok

Brute: My name brute, ha ha ha...
In: Author is trying to say that he forgot whats his real name is...
Interview: what??

Brute: No... my name brute... forgot name
In: Oh, I beg your pardon, Author feels he forgot that he's called brute...
Interviewer: ohoo, ok

Brute: NO....
In: Again no, hey what the heck you want to say...

Brute: My name forgot..
In: OK , one last try... here author is trying to say that people have forgot his real name, all call him brute...
Interviewer: Hmm... go on

Brute: yes, yes, good...
Interpreter: Phew! thank god! ok I'm vanishing...
Interviewer: what's going on?

Brute: wait... no,
Interpreter: Sorry, I'm in invisible mode now...
Interviewer: in what?

Interpreter: Good lord, would anyone believe that he wrote 200 posts after that interview, how should I shout out that those 200 posts are mine!

May 23, 2008

My angel - 3

...continued from here

It was 9 in the clock and no phone call from Ruchi, Avinash got worried about her now. He was about to call Ruchi his assistant knocked the door.

"Yeah, come on in Deepthi..."

"Good morning sir, delivery is done sir and client will be submitting their view by tomorrow afternoon, and you looking sexy sir today..."

"Thanks ma'am, it's Ruchi's b'day and our wedding anniversary too..."

"Oh, that's cool, happy anniversary sir..." Deepu said giving a mischief smile. Deepthi has a big crush on him. Avinash knew this and that's reason he stopped her transfer to other dept. twice in the year.

"Anything else?"

"No sir, no meetings today and new project will be vested on Thursday that's day after tomorrow...."

"Great, and... anything else?" Avinash asked looking at her glossy lips, he just loved her lips and always had his concentration on them whenever she was with him.

"Nothing else sir..." Deepu said and started walking off the office, she walks to the door and bolts it. Avinash rushes to her and starts wetting her lips.


"Sorry, I came for water...", Abhi said looking into Ruchi's eyes.

"Ok, what do you like to have for lunch Abhi?", Ruchi asked still lost in her thoughts thinking about what to cook.

"Why don't you prepare your husband's fav. dishes... " Abhi said in notorious tone.

"Yeah, let me make a call to him and ask him to come for lunch..." Ruchi said reaching for her mobile.

"Yeah, why not, but don't you think he might be busy at office. I don't think that's a good idea."

"Oh yeah, he was worried about some project module and all, anyways will start cooking then."

"Shall I help in something?"

"Yeah, sure..." Ruchi said taking chicken from the fridge.


"Avinash, I love you..." Deepthi said panting, Avinash drew back.

"Huh? you know I'm married, and it's not a good idea to have a relation..." Avinash said grabbing her close.

"I know, what should I do with Abhi, I'm no more interested in him..." Deepthi said.

"No, don't do that, this will ruin you badly. I mean letting this relation to be a secret would be better than go and announce outside. At the bottom of my heart it's still Ruchi. I'm sorry but thats the fact and come what may I'll love her till my last breathe" Avinash said opening the door.

"Shes a lucky bitch! isn't she..," Deepthi said walking out of the office.


"Why hasn't Avinash called me yet?" Ruchi asked herself while cutting the onions, lost in her thoughts she cut her finger. Abhi Rushes and puts her finger into his mouth...

... to be continued

May 18, 2008

My Angel - 2

... continued from here

Avinash was hating it today going to office, he too was missing Ruchi like hell. Clock was ticking at its own sweet pace irritating Avinash. He was waiting for a call from Ruchi, the acknowledgment call for the letter he left for her under the pillow. It was 7:10 in the morning, Avinash had to go to office in the early hours to make the delivery of the project modules to the client.


"Who the heck are you?", Ruchi screamed in shock.

"Hey, cool down, I'm Abhi.. Abhiram, don't worry you don't know me..."

"What are these roses for , eh? May be I should call police," Ruchi said dialing 100 in her mobile.
Abhi snatched the mobile from her hand and said, "Ma'am will you ever let me talk, tell you why am I here, what for .."

"Go ahead," Ruchi said grabbing her mobile back from Abhi.

"Ok, I'm Abhiram, I'm RJ in RadioMirchi, and today is you birthday and also wedding anniversary. Last year your husband called up to our radio station and yeah, you also spoke right?"

"yeah, so?"

"So, that day we promised to celebrate your birthday and wedding anniversary with you guys and now will you please call Avinash..."

"No, he isn't there, he left to office an hour ago... and by the way where's your mics and other things, how should I believe you, show me your I.D."

Abhi gives his business card. Ruchi takes a look of it and dials radio station number, after confirming that abhi was indeed RJ she got some respite, "well I'm really sorry for what happened, I just didn't knew how to react when I saw it's not my husband but somebody else, anyways come on in, I'll prepare some breakfast for you."


Avinash reached office by eight. He was worried that Ruchi didn't call him yet, but then thought why disturb her sleep by making a call to her.


"So Ruchiji, hows your marriage life so far?" Abhi asked Ruchi.

"First of all, no ji's to my name please, and about our marriage life, we didn't realize that its our 3rd anniversary, I mean 3 yrs just flew away, yeah we do have few altercations here and there but that's because Avinash gets hyper when he has a bad day at office. He comes home with the same mood and tends to vent frustration on me, that time we do have few arguments. Well, the very next morning he wakes up early in the morning and prepares breakfast. And that act is sorry act for me..." Ruchi smiles while saying that.

"Interesting and also romantic. And I guess I should approach Avinash whenever I get married for suggestions on how to impress your wife..." both Abhi and Ruchi giggled on that.

Ruchi made french toasts and coffee for the breakfast, after serving breakfast to abhi she asked, "So Mr. Abhiram, you must be having girlfriend, sorry sorry it should have been girlfriends, tell about them..."

"hahaha... I'm not a nova Ruchi, well I have a girlfriend and I do love her, and we are the process of knowing each other much better before we commit to each other."

"Ohh, that's a good thing you guys are doing, well Avinash wooed me for like more than 4 yrs before he got an yes from me."

"Oh boy, so he had to struggle hard to get his worth prize of life..."

"Yeah... hey be right back", Ruchi said while clearing the table.

Ruchi went inside kitchen thinking of what to cook for the lunch. She turned towards the fridge for some water, she found Abhi standing right behind her.

... to b continued

May 15, 2008

My Angel

Ruchi got up early in the morning seeing Avinash left to office. It was 7 in the morning. Ruchi could feel some kind of happiness instigated in her today, she was missing Avinash for some reason, she picked her mobile to call Avinash; but drew back thinking he might be in the middle of traffic driving.

She rolled over the bed to the other side to reach the photo frame. She kept staring at her hubby's pic. "you are my angel, thanks for everything", she said with a peck. She got up from the bed, as she was making her bed her eyes fell on the envelope that was hiding under the pillow.

Ruchi tore the envelope to see what's there in that. She found a letter written by Avinash.

"Ruchi, good morning, thanks for that smile... :) ", Ruchi smiles reading that. "Hmm, I wanted you to know this that I fell in love with you yet again, now don't say..." , Ruchi says "not again..." with a smile and continues reading the letter; "not again... I know, well yea I fell in love with you yet again, one short of 50th time; couldn't wait for that 50 th time, donno when that might happen :P ..... Ruchi, I love you more than anything else in this world, you are the best thing to happen in my life.... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY SWEETHEART!"

Ruchi now came to know that unknown reason for the happiness. Ruchi picks her mobile to make a call to Avinash, while she was dialing the number she hears the doorbell.

She opens the door to see rose flowers all over the corridor. She slowly walks to the middle of the corridor moving the roses aside, she sensed someone behind her, she thought it was Avinash. She turns back and hugs him tightly. "I love you Avinash, thanks for the roses", She reached the lips to kiss them, she shouted in shock! he wasn't Avinash....

..... To be continued soon