Showing posts with label nostalgic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nostalgic. Show all posts

Jan 20, 2007

no turn back... :(

Wish I could go back to the beginning and start all over again and spend all those seconds which I wasted during my college and school days...

All my college mates parted away to different parts and I'm in touch with every few. Time is just running and running. Why doesn't it get fever, cold, body ace?? why can't it just take a vaction for itself??? why doesn't it has a girlfriend?? at least why can't it sit at one place and have a cuppa tea???

It's still afresh in my mind when my mom said, "work hard for this year(10th std), and you can enjoy after this year..." And that never happened. Plus one and two years raced off and within a blink span I was standing at the entrance of my Engg college.

To be frank I hated my college, but the only reason I look back at it is, it gave me some really beautiful people as my friends without whom 4 yrs of college could have been like jail.

Now after passing out of college after 4 yrs was never been easy. We hardly could meet each others, and came August most of them flew off to US for pursuing MS. Remaining ones after lot of struggle got jobs and now they are busy with their own office work.

Thanks to Graham bell for his telephone invention, without which I couldn't dare to imagine how todays world could have been and also thanks to the virtual world of today, the instant messengers. Orkut, yahoo, gtalk, meebo....

I know when am I gonna really take rest, this will only happen when I take my last breathe. And the time is rushing to wind up the things sooner ...... :)

Oct 29, 2006

avi-giri series - Incident #1

I am typing the whole thing for the second time, damn the power cut!!!!!! (grrrrrrrr).

Some of my most memorable hilarious incidents in my campus life which I wanna share... with lots of spices...
A series of damn cool guys hilarious, adventurous incidents.... here we go....

Incident #1 (the hot seat) :

For 1st 2 weeks in my first yr we weren't assigned roll nos', so in labs we were asked to form groups among ourselves and do expts. After 2 weeks we got our roll nos'.

That day it was Monday and first session was of C-lab, I was late by 20mins. (I missed my college had to come by 7 seater (no its nt 7 seater , its 11 seater 10+1 )) OK so when I entered the lab, everyone were busy doing programs. I got worried , if I missed any thing important...(first-days-to-college enthu in me :P)

I saw karthik (my first college friend and also in class, also my benchmate ) sitting between divya (232) and giri(234)...

He saw me entering the lab. he took me aside and said, "If anyone asks you whats your roll no. just say 252, ok na??"
"why should I say that, and hey whats my roll no.???" I asked karthik.
"Yours is 233, hey you dont talk to divya and giri rite? anyways giri has some doubt she asked me to help her, so I'm sitting there"

I was like WTF???

"Accha bhacchu!! see what am gonna do now", I said to myself and went straight to my Lab-assistant...

"Good morning ma'am, I just came to know that we were given roll nos' so could you tell me whats my roll no and where should I sit?" I asked lab-assistant.
"What's your name?"
"Avinashhh.....aaaaa.... yes ,...Avinash C 233, go and sit beside that girl"

"Where ma'am? that place is already been occupied, someone is sitting in there"
"How can that be?" she got up from her seat and walked straight to Karthik

"What's you roll no mister??"
"233 ma'am" karthik answered n confident voice..
"What's your name?"

I was like WTF?

Then she points at me and asks, "then who is this guy?"
"Oh, sorry I thought you were absent, that's why I sat here..." Karthik said.
"Now go to your place and Avinash sit here.."ma'am said.
"ma'am if he doesn't have any problem can I sit here..??" Karthik asks with little hope.
"No you can't sit"
"And next yr will our roll nos change??"
"No my dear, you have to bear this roll no for entire 4 yrs, you have to sit according to your roll nos not only in labs but also in externals..." ma'am says this and goes.

I saw building collapsing in Karhik's face,,..(poor felllA)

So finally I sit in my official seat. day when I was coming back from my college, my bus mate asked me,"Dude I heard that you are sitting between two gorgeous gals, so damn lucky you are"
"shut up, those gals are not that great, not worth mentioning.." ( to be frank I haven't seen them properly, even though I was sitting between them in labs..."Mr. shy guy"
In the next lab I ensured that I see their faces properly and Yes ....Oh yeah!!!....I'm damn lucky!!... I 'm sitting in the HOT

from there starts avi-giri series...the bindaas gang 233-234 (heavy breeze blows in the

Sep 9, 2006

Cricket bAt...........

Hmm... cricket bat, it meant a lot to me in my school days. Well one fine day I gathered my guts and asked my dad to get me a bat. For that he gave me forget-it kinda look and told me to go and study... and finally after my half yearly exams, he bought me a bat.. it was made of cheap quality wood. But then I adjusted to that...

The very next week my bat broke into two pieces (I dont remember how did it break)... hmm.., that day afternoon I joined the both bat pieces with FEVICOL, left it in a corner and waited till its gets fixed... And in the evening exactly at 7 pm, the time by which my dad returns from office, I took a look at my broken bat which was now one piece.

Now it looked in good shape, so I jumped into my imaginations. Imagining as if am in Indian cricket team, and India requires 4 runs to win in the last ball. And the bowler starts his runup and I took my stance, here he bowls and I swing my bat with full grudge to hit a 6.... oyeee wheres my bat ,,,,,,,,,, hmm bat handle was in my hands and bat went straight onto the window for a six... that happened just when my dad entered the room... ...well my dad didnt say anything that time (as far as I remember...)..

Well I was left with no bat now, and summer was approaching besides the peer pressure. So I started saving 1, 2, 5 rupee coins and finally one day, it all added up to 360bucks. I went to buy a new oil bat. But the shop keeper said it was 450 bucks and no oil bat for 300 bucks.. This disappointed me very much. I got fever because of that, that day my granny came from the village to visit us. She used to get me comics every time wherever she came. But this time she forgot, so she gave me 100 rupee note... It brought a smile on my face. That day my mom was going out for shopping, so I gave her my 450 bucks to buy an oil bat for me and gave her the sports shop address, then I went to sleep. When I got up I saw no bat, nowhere. I shouted at my mom, wheres my bat, and I started throwing all my books my stuff on the floor and was crying like anything... my granny woke me up from my dream and showed me my new bat.... wow new bat it has WILLS sticker on it.... hahaha I still have that bat..........

May 23, 2006


.....farewell ! ! (first part)

Anu said she would rather cut her hair than cut her finger.....(intelligent gal). Next came wrinkle haired boy Karthik (212) (thats what one of the junior judge was calling him.... curly hair ??? wrinkle hair???.... guyz its really high time that we update our vocab!!)

That judge asked Karthik, for the secret of his beautiful wrinke hair??(what a thought provoking question....I guess the judge was in love with Karthik!!!). Karthik before gettin' down the stage said he enjoyed the college life.

Next came Bharathi (class gal-representative!! ....), she said she'll be trying for job in some IT company...and in November she may get married (man I was eagerly waiting for someone to disclose that they are going to marry in near future).

Karthik (252) came next (tell u my class there are 3 karthiks, 3 nareshs and 2 Bharaths) well this guy was asked why is he more often seen in the company of girls than with the boys (jattkaa!!!) ...he said, "well I have done my schooling in a boys school and done my inter in a namesake co-educated junior college but no time then to talk to girls and therefore thats the reason may be I'm seen more with the girls than boys..(dumbo!!!!) and this dude said some emotional line (and we shouted in the background "karthik...night out aa ...crammed hard man to say that line")

Ramya came next...she stayed on the stage for very brief period and vanished (which was unexpected). Karthik (227), this dude gave a philosophical statements and left the stage....wait he shared an incident with us..."guys, HOD recognises me!! ?? yup this makes me proud thats because he never invites you into his room calling your name...on one fine day after our project got first prize in SPANDANA JNTU technical fest, yogesh and I went to meet him... and guess what...he called me inside taking my name...(ecstasy!!!) Yogeesh (class-represtative) comes onto the dais next...he was asked some stupid question regarding Mallaika again which i don't remember properly...(with that question it became clear to us that this imbecile judge was greatest fan ever of Mallaika and may be he watched that stupid movie MURDER 1000 times....) well Yogesh said he wanna do MS in US and enter into research field (all the very best dude) and regarding HOD he said, "well he's like foreign publication book which we can't use it that better...we din't utilise him properly but the fact is he din't want us to utilize him properly.."(the big factor!!!)....

Rajeshwari came next she said she's gonna join the job which she got in the campus recruitments... Sravani came after... she was asked if she had any boyfriend...for which she said "yes" (I heard many hearts shattering!!!) then she was asked the name of her boyfriend...she revealed it...then there comes agnipariksha!! ( she was asked..."well your boyfriend has crush with one of your classmate(gal ofcourse) what will you do??" her answer was " is that a crime are what?"....then if we are more specific then...he has crush with Girija then...for that she said," hmm..well he may have crush with girija...but he'll never leave me. ".....

Priyanka came after ... well this was like a celebrity interview for you... she was asked questions which were very straight forward...and this girl was answering as if she was facing some job interview... she was answering without any expressions on her face, she kept pretty straight face... Sourab, he was next, he was asked "how many girlfriends he had in and around the college??" , he said," I hav 18 girlfriends in my class" (abboo... dude what happened to the 19th gal...u ditched her or its the other way round...huh??)..Sandeep followed next... he was behaving differently on the dais...("we want real sandeep" thats what people were shoutin' in the background.) ... his opinion on our HOD was " he sucks!!"... He was asked what u wanna take from the college before leaving it?? .... he readily agreed my request of takin' away HOD'S life...( I hope that budda salla isn't gonna read this

Divya... came next...she was asked .."why is that you gals (priyanka, ramya and divya) are more often seen without any boy in your gang??...she said, "may be our mentallity din't match with boys" ...then the other judge asked, "what about Avinash?"....... she said ," he was my friend in the first year but donno y he stopped talkin' to me..." ..(thats it everybody who were sapped out got recharged all of a sudden .....and everyone started staring at me and were desperate to know what happened between us?? .... the most baffled soul was girija who was sittin' beside me...she asked me, "ooyee whats she sayin' ...i can't believe, a guy like you ..stopped talkin' to someone...thats really amazin' and i din't even observed any time in these three years sittin' beside each other in the labs that you guys arent talkin' to each other..." .........

Then Bharath and after him Aradhana came onto stage.... well by now all of was got bored and were waitin' for lunch... and so i din't hear to them what they said on stage... sorry for that...

Well before lunch there was a special round "TAG " round, in which we were given small paper chits to jot down the name of your best friend and why do like him/her... after this round we had kinda Photo session... which was followed by lunch...

At quarter to three, music started.... all of us got disoppointed as the so-called DJ was playin' some crap tracks...(i'll call them as pole-dance tracks.....) anyways we tried to enjoy very second out there...

And finally prize distribution round arrived at quarter to six.... Mr.TAG was YOGESH. ...Ms.TAG was GIRIJA PRIYA RAJAN..... here Yogi bear got bit emotional and said, " FRAAANDSSSSSSS!!! well, no matter how successful i become in life...i'm always there for you guys...i'm always there to help you out guys..." to this BHARATH got emotional now (not really tho') he went onto give bear hug to yogesh and said," mama...don worry raa we'll make sure that we utilize you fullest..."..........and after that when everyone thought the prize distribution was over there was another announcement...and Mr.FAREWELL was Avinash.. Ms.FAREWELL is Priyanka... then there was cake cutting session ... it hardly took a second after we cut the cake instead of downing the cake into my mouth it went to hit my face... and then all over... i guess no-one tasted the cake....

SPECIAL NOTE: OF all the guys out there...only BHARATH enjoyed this farewell party.........bugged every girl out there... not only girls but also guys....

Apr 14, 2006

Apr 11, 2006

.....farewell ! !

Farewell party was given to us last Sunday (April 9, 2006). Hmm… farewell party the indication of completion of 4 years of engineering. Our juniors had lab exam on Monday, but so called toppers of their class went to request lab in-charge to postpone the exam to Wednesday, and she agreed to postpone the exam.

Okay… but they had other problem also, collecting money from all the classmates, this ‘cus many of the students had there bank accounts in SBI (SBI strike hit ‘em hard). However, they managed to collect the amount required for the party.

Farewell party was scheduled to start at nine on dot (that’s what we were told by our juniors while giving invitation cards). But, my lazy classmates managed to reach the venue only after11:00am. Finally, the hall got filled up by 12:00pm. The fun events started around 11:30 ish. The juniors have announced who will be the judges for the first interactive round.. Now my dear juniors didn’t want to be stereotype by calling us onto the stage roll no. wise, so they decided to call a girl first after finishing her turn she got pick up a chit from the urn which has boys name in it and likewise boys will pick up a name from the urn which had girls name.

The first lucky girl who had to go on to the stage was Girija. As usual Giri was in her boisterous mood. This girl was found exulting for leaving the damn college. When asked about our HOD, she had only one thing to say, “he’s pain in the wrong place”. She was asked one other question regarding boyfriend approval at home… for which she said, "my mom is cool so it’s not at all a problem", and when asked whom from the class you want to be your boyfriend… she chose Sourabh.

Next came Suraj, he was asked, "if you were the Bhatt movie director whom would you like to select the girl from your class for the Mallaika’s role in the sequel of murder?" …. This dumbo misinterpreted the question and said, “I would choose SOURABH” (hey Suraj, did you really mean that?... and so Sourabh’s name was once again taken. Hehe.. He became hot guy of the class and Emraan Hashmi). Anyway, after he understood the actual question properly he chose to shut his mouth.

Okay now please forgive me as I don’t remember the correct sequence of who came onto the stage one by one…. Then, let me guess…. I think Preeti was next.

She turned out to be secret admirer of our HOD (for the apparent reason being… HOD was her internal guide for the final year project)… and she mentioned that she loved playing dumbcher arts with Avinash.

Next was Yogeesh, the yogi bear… as usual he talks in his highly philosophical way… and again I beg your pardon I don’t remember what did he say on the stage…. I remember bits and pieces of what he said… “I was introvert when I joined the college, but girija made me come out of the shell… and made many friends blah..Blah…. I wanna become world’s famous person (all the best Mr. Yogi bear).

Then came Hepsi, hmm… btw what did you say Hepsi?  let me put her what I remember… “I made many friends here, will do a job and… Sorry Hepsi I was on phone when you were on stage… then came my name…Avinash …. Boos and aaahhss started.

One of the judges invited me saying, “aa salle teri tho hai aaj !!”.  I said, “I was lucky to get that hot seat 233 in my classbetween two beautiful girls 232 and 234… Divya and Girija… then about hod… man he SUCKS!" …. One of my junior judges asked me to compare between my school (The Hyderabad Public School) and MGIT. I had only answer…” plz z don’t even try to compare … ‘cus MGIT sucks” …. Finally, I was asked, “any suggestion for your juniors”…. I gave a most powerful suggestion I guess, “Guys plz don’t select VLSI, FUZZY LOGIC, ANN and ACS as your electives…

Next came Anu… even she turned out to be the fan of hod (well Anu and Preeti were doing same project…) she was asked,”If you were asked to cut either your long hair or the finger … what would you choose?” (i guess i typed the question right... don't worry 'll ask her later)

( b continued)

Feb 28, 2006


Teenage is the juncture where we stand at the brink of maturity. (Well I’m no longer in my teens, it’s been two yrs, but still I feel no changes in me except for bodily changes). This is the time when we start learning the essentials of becoming a matured tomorrow.

This is the phase where everything seems to be cozy. During this period, we launch ourselves into so called to be audacious in whatever brainless stuff we do, persuade towards bad habits (you-know-what), enjoy every tad of the life (care-free temperament). We turn out to be very watchful concerning the dressing, the shoes we put on, hairdo, pimples, bikes, & newest fads n fashions. (And whatnots!)

In other words, I’ll sum up this phase in a poem,

Studies become secondary
Movies become primary
Exams become customary
Bunking becomes necessary
Girlfriends become compulsory
Parties become mandatory

And our theme song after joining an engg college will be

“hum honge all clear, hum honge all clear, ek din ooh hoo Mann main hay vishwas , pura hay viswas hum honge all clear ek din…………”

Hey, whatever man this is the phase that we all attach importance to. I’m gonna miss every one of my friends, left with barely couple of months after which we all part to our fresh paths.
I din’t yet realize how fast we completed 4 yrs, the stupid lecturers we had in our dept. and the budda our HOD (headache of the dept.) who thinks every engg student must be an IEEE member, else he is unfit to be a EEE student.

The first day of my college is still afresh in my mind. The most preferred classes were labs for lone apparent reason being sandwiched between two beauties of the class (& dept.), yup my roll no. is 233 and 234 is girija (the livewire of the class after me), 232 is Divya, hehehe…, every guy of my class envies me for this only reason. And one more girl of my batch (she will boot my ass if I don’t talk about) is hepsi no.231; she is the only one in my batch who strives hard to complete the expt in every lab. Tell you what our batch has a peculiar record, we never used to obtain results for the majority of the expts we did. Yogeesh (235) Mr. intellectual, he not only completes his expt but also helps other batches to get the results and kabhi kabhi tho lab in charges sort for his help in understanding certain expts. And you know what, he’s already completed his final year project (won first prize in paper presentation for this project and he’s is applying for patent ship) and now he’s helping two other batches in their respective projects. (Giri & I don’t understand how he manages all that).

Regarding my batch mate for the final year project is karthik (252), cartoonist & always-love-sick weirdo. He has a bizarre record in the college, four different girls in four yrs, and of which three ditched him and currently steady with a girl from second year (god should offer her with immeasurable power for tolerating him!)
Now about Preeti (221), been my partner in balloon dance at fresher’s party which we won, and we form a great team in whatever we do (esp. dumbcher arts), she is doing her project with Anu(210) under HOD (budda salla!).

The three musketeers of our class, disk (205, his actual name is DSK chaitanya, but I changed him into disk), sommu (208), shashi (213), scholarly sallies constantly discussing about books, technology. These people never bunked the classes when the entire class is geared up for mass bunk. The other one is suraj (211, there is song we composed for him  ‘suraj huva matham, ganddh jalnne laggaa………’) well he’s a Xerox engine in our class, whatever lecturer talks or writes on board can be seen in his notes. He never lends his notes to anybody in the class. (Don’t know what happened but he has altered a lot, yes, he’s actually started lending his notes to others).

Well, we do have Charles angels in our class Divya (232), Ramya (224), Priyanka (228). Deadly group since plus one (11th standard) and they move together, do things together, hmm…

And dudes of the class karthik (212), sandeep (255), saurab (218), Ramakrishna (203), Bharath (251), Hanumanth (258), along with suraj & me, well I’ll enlighten you with one of the stupid things we carry out when we go to canteen…

We take only one plate chapatti and half a dozen spoons, now guess y, (u can’t) we all love the curry which is served along with chapatti and we go for turns to get curry as it gets over, this is at least for one full round (everyone should get their share, I mean turns). And the Chapattis,(katham honeka naam hi nahi letha) one or two pieces per turn……………hehehe!

I don’t remember doing great things at college (except masti ), but I did only one good thing twice in my college………hmm.. U read that correctly, I donated blood twice(2 consecutive years) during blood donation camp organized by NSS along with Lion’s club. (sare paap ekhi jaatkhemey dhullgayee….!!!).

The final countdown, which started at 100, is now left with 14, 14 authorized days as students. Then there would be all nos’- no college, no classes (none to bunk), no canteen, no sitting in the retreat(college parking lot) and reading for internals. Friends we are gonna miss the endless travel in buses, the one-day batting during exams…

It's like we had fresher’s party yesterday and today is the occasion for farewell. After four yrs we are at the doorsteps of the college yet again, all set to conquer the thick and untamed world around us. Little did we realize that we would be a part of the world within no time. Amusingly enough, we are coming to the fag end of it all.