May 15, 2008

My Angel

Ruchi got up early in the morning seeing Avinash left to office. It was 7 in the morning. Ruchi could feel some kind of happiness instigated in her today, she was missing Avinash for some reason, she picked her mobile to call Avinash; but drew back thinking he might be in the middle of traffic driving.

She rolled over the bed to the other side to reach the photo frame. She kept staring at her hubby's pic. "you are my angel, thanks for everything", she said with a peck. She got up from the bed, as she was making her bed her eyes fell on the envelope that was hiding under the pillow.

Ruchi tore the envelope to see what's there in that. She found a letter written by Avinash.

"Ruchi, good morning, thanks for that smile... :) ", Ruchi smiles reading that. "Hmm, I wanted you to know this that I fell in love with you yet again, now don't say..." , Ruchi says "not again..." with a smile and continues reading the letter; "not again... I know, well yea I fell in love with you yet again, one short of 50th time; couldn't wait for that 50 th time, donno when that might happen :P ..... Ruchi, I love you more than anything else in this world, you are the best thing to happen in my life.... HAPPY ANNIVERSARY SWEETHEART!"

Ruchi now came to know that unknown reason for the happiness. Ruchi picks her mobile to make a call to Avinash, while she was dialing the number she hears the doorbell.

She opens the door to see rose flowers all over the corridor. She slowly walks to the middle of the corridor moving the roses aside, she sensed someone behind her, she thought it was Avinash. She turns back and hugs him tightly. "I love you Avinash, thanks for the roses", She reached the lips to kiss them, she shouted in shock! he wasn't Avinash....

..... To be continued soon

Apr 30, 2008

A Void

It was like a flash for me...

I craved to see you...

you came...

heart skipped beats...


Clock ticked off at light speed,

leaving me indifferent till the time of departing arrived...

you smiled...

smile that I can ever forget ...

smile that I wanted to see all my life,

could last for couple of secs...

leaving a void inside me...