Sep 26, 2006

I.N.D.I.A.N pie....(she's beautiful - 4) episode tEASEr [:P]

I got so frustrated that I couldn't control myself and shouted at Preeti, "Preeti listen what... I HATE YOU, I never told you I love you. But now I hate you, did you get that?"..........

Sep 24, 2006

I.N.D.I.A.N pie....(she's beautiful - 3)

Life has become hectic for us these days, be in time to the office, then after office hours wanting to just go to home and crash onto the bed. And we hardly had time to talk to each other properly. Then finally the most wanted weekend arrived and Rachana's B'day was on Sunday and also it was Friendship day. Rachana planned to throw a party to all the colleagues of our batch.

On Saturday, Raj and Lucky booked a banquet hall in Shilpi restaurant . Girls took the responsibility of inviting all the colleagues. Rachana and I took the responsibility of shopping.

At1200 am in the night we all sneaked into Rachana's room as we planned with her mom. We all shouted at once"HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHANA!!!", she jumped out in shock and surprise. Then after cake cutting we went back to our houses.


Time: 600pm...

By 7pm everyone arrived and got settled, there was a small welcome speech by Sameera, followed by cake cutting. Well guess what ... party was boring. We didn't expect this.

I came out for a smoke. Someone jabbed me from behind, it was preeti.

"Hi, Avi!" she said excitedly. I said," hey preeti!" She said, "happy friendship day Avi!" and gave me a Rose. "Wow! thank you very much" I said smiling at her in surprise. "What's happening?" I said to myself. I started feeling uncomfortable and weird. Then she said, "What's up with you, huh? you don't even give me a handshake???" . And I didn't want to give her a handshake, I don't why, but I just didn't want to give., the way she was behaving.

To my rescue Rachana came and I thanked God for that. Rachana said, "Its OK Preeti, he told you thanks and that's enough." Preeti left the place from where we were standing. I just gave Rachana a worried smile and gave her the rose that preeti gave. I caught Preeti seeing this. Preeti was looking very cool in her long skirt, but she was behaving weirdly.

I didn't tell about this incident to Raj and Lucky. Finally at 10pm everybody started leaving. Later at 1030 we guys bid the girls good night and we stayed back for a round of beer...

After couple of beers we were about to go to our houses my mobile started buzzing. It was an anonymous number.

"Hello, who is this?" I asked.
"Hi Avinash, Preeti"
"Hey hi, what's up why did you call?"
"Today is my b'day, and I thought you know that"
"Oh really! many many happy returns of the day" I said and looked into my watch its 1025pm.
"Preethi, can you come to coffee day near your house for just 5 minutes?"
"Yeah no problem, but why?"
"hmm...nothing just want to meet you that's it. Ok then I'll be there by 1040pm"
"OK I'll come" .

I told Raj and Lucky that I had some work and left them guessing. On the way, I bought a small bouquet and zoomed my way to coffee day. I reached there by 1035pm. She came at 1045pm. I gave her the bouquet and said "Happy b'day preeti. And I'm really sorry, I didn't know that it was your b'day too". She gave smile and said, "thank you very much Avi... thanks a lot".
Then I bought ice creams, which we ate while talking some pointless topic. At 1100pm I told preeti its already late we have to head back. I was about to start my bike, preeti came near and said "Good night and thanks a lot" and planted a peck on my cheek....

********** to be continued ***************
Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional...any resemblance or inspiration from any individual living or dead is purely unintentional! (hope u guys got that)....

Sep 21, 2006

THe GirL PoWEr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmm... girl, woman, mother, wife, girlfriend. These all words actually sounded so sweet when I started thinking about a new topic. And this thought striked me when I was getting ready to go to office, and the main inspiration came after reading this status message of preethi "When women are depressed, they either eat or go shoppin. I'm still a girl - no reason not to shop or eat!!!"....

How should I start???? thats the big Question. I was unable to find the sweetest adjectives to describe the most beautiful species on the Earth.

GIRL the sweetest word in the dictionary according to me, sweeter than the word "Sugar", sweetest than the word "sweet" itself. The most beautiful species on the Earth, not only the Earth but the entire galaxy. Thank you lord for creating such a wonderful species.

You know what guys, why a girl shouts at you? thats because she loves you, cares about you.

She enjoys music and DVDs.
She likes trendy, affordable designer clothing.
She wants cool furniture and home décor.
She is redecorating her home, gardening and entertaining.

she is actually beautifying the world for us. She shares her joys and happiness and never her pains. But she is ready to shares your pains, the burden of your shoulders when required. Then why do some people degrade women.

What does a girl want?????????????????

She wants nothing but love, care, and love. She just wants someone to listen her when she is depressed not the suggestion for the problem or the solution for it.

Hey gurls thanks for bringing light to this world. you are the perfect synonym for the word "love"....

Gods knows how this world would have been without a girl....