Feb 2, 2007

you are my angel - part 1

Lucky: chal katam hogaya documentation, here is the rough draft girls and the original copy and then here is the soft copy of the project. And where is Avi??
Sameera: he's in the hall, watching cricket match.
Lucky: what the heck?

Lucky made a breezy entry into the room and switched off the T.V, Raj and I protested.

Raj: oy! deh deh bey remote control! Dhoni is smashing baap, plzzzz!!
Lucky: project kaa documentation katam hogaya and we need to submit it by tomorrow evening, you guys know that right??
Me: Ha! Tho?? Project katam hogaya hai naa… what’s your problem?
Lucky: my problem is you people are enjoying and and only Sameera was helping….
Navya: Dude just chill! And thank you very much for completing the project, we are proud you Lucky.
Raj: Ok.. OK , sorry Lucky galthi hogaya . OK girl go to your homes and we’ll meet in the morning for the final discussion about the project.

Navya, Rachana and Sameera left and we went back to the room. Lucky brought sprite and gave it to me and Raj.

Me: Hey no! I don’t want sprite.
Lucky: are you sure dude! OK, your wish, at least take a sip….

I took the mug and had a sip..

Me: whoa! Can I have one more please??
Raj : hmmm…. Batti jalli saalekii..

And we laughed out loud… lucky mixed vodka in sprite…

Lucky: yaar Avi, you have a girlfriend, I also have but Raj is alone…
Me: no baap, he is senior most to us when it comes to girlfriend’s issue. Don’t you remember Vidya, our classmate in school??
Lucky : OH YEA!!! Hey Raj …. Aaj kal Vidya kya kar rahi hai??
Raj: I only know that she got seat in IIT , Mumbai, and that’s it.

Raj got up and brought his slam book. He was reading Vidya’s page in the slam book. I peeked into the page and saw Vidya’s contact number.

Me: dude! Why don’t you call her now, see she gave her contact number.
Raj: what shit…its 11 Pm now, and anyways we don’t even know if she still resides there or got shifted.
Lucky: dial tho karr pehle! Who knows vidya might only answer your call, if not just say some crap and then wrong number dialogue…that’s it, it’s so simple…

Raj dialed her number, and he started sweating….the phone was in speaker mode and we could hear dialer tone…….someone answered the call
aaaa… hello, hello…may I speak to vidya??”
“yea, it’s me, who is this??”
“I’m your schoolmate... vidya…”

Lucky & I puked out vodka on raj when we heard that........

…………………to b continued…..

P.S: click onto the tag : I.N.D.I.A.N pie series for previous parts :)

Jan 31, 2007

I.N.D.I.A.N pie..III (you are my angel)

its raj's turn now.....

coming up soon....

stay glued...........
P.S: click onto the tag : I.N.D.I.A.N pie series for previous parts :)

the day of good deeds!

That day in the morning, my mom was down with fever, so I got up washed dishes, made sandwiches. My mom felt really happy for that.

Then while going to college in bus I offered my seat to an old gentleman, he said, “thank you young man!”.

Then in the college, one of my juniors came up to me and asked me to help her. She was been ragged by one of my friends, and he is continuously persuading her to come for a date with him. I told her how to react when he asks something and what kind of responses she needs to give to him. Well, that evening everything came to an end and later she came to me and said “thanks for your help sir…”. And she boarded the bus happily.

And finally while crossing the road after getting down the bus, I helped and old lady to cross the busy road. She said, “thank you son, I was standing there for past 20 minutes, I wasn’t able to go forward….”

Hmm.. that one day I helped in all possible ways I can. And I was smiling all night after coming back home and recollecting what all happened that day…