Nov 7, 2008

Dad... I'm in love! (prologue) part #1

It's eleven in the night, I was watching Harika rolling over the bed without trying to sleep for about 15 minutes. I asked, "Hari, what happened?" She rolled over and faced towards me. She said, "Rohan's turning 11 tomorrow, I asked him where shall we go tomorrow, he just walked away into his room and slammed the door. He's behaving like this for past one week, I tried asking what's wrong with him for which he always walks away. I don't know what to do..."
"Ok, I'll talk to him tomorrow, now you sleep honey", I said giving a peck on her lips.


I walked into Rohan's room in the morning to wish him on his b'day. As I entered the room I found him busy in the restroom, I slipped into the couch. Music system was playing everynight in my dreams, "do kids listen to that track, I mean at this age?" I quizzed myself.

Rohan came after five minutes. I took him into my arms and gave a peck on his forehead, "Happy B'day Rohan...", "Thanks Dad..." he said in lower tone. Hari was right, something is wrong with the kid. I took him to the balcony. Now, this is weird how should I ask him what's wrong with him. I know he has my genes, so it turns out to be obvious that he will never tell what's bothering him. I thought of giving it a shot.

"Rohan, how's is the school going on?"
"Well, not that great"
"Hmm, and what about cricket? mom was saying that you were skipping the coaching classes daily. Is everything fine with you?" I saw Rohan looking at his feet. That says that there is something which is really bothering him.

"Rohan, ok , leave all that, tell me about you friends. I mean girls (I winked at him, for which he smiled)"
"Not so lucky dad...", He said with a sigh.

What the heck, now that answers few questions for me.

"Ok, now tell me what's bothering you? I promise I would try to pull you out of that..."
"You can't dad..."
"Without telling me anything how can you judge that?"
"Hmmm... (he took a long pause) Dad I'm in love with a girl.." be continued

Oct 26, 2008

The blonde Lady...

Why are Blondies' always on the receiving end now I know. This is an exclusive coverage of series of events that happened with me in the last 36 hrs.

On Saturday morning when I was at my work place I got a call from a lady to make a reservation for that evening.
"Days Inn, front desk"
"Hi, this is Melissa and I would like to make a reservation for tonight"
"uh-huh, and what kinda room would that be?"
"King Size non-smoking please"
"Ok, it's gonna be 75 plus taxes..."
"ok, fine with me..."
"Ok ma'am, your reservation is confirmed and your confirmation # is XXXXXXX"
"Ok hon, we'll be there by 9"
"Ok ma'am, you have a good day"
"you too..., aah wait what time zone you guys are in?"
"Ok, thanks"
"your welcome, bye"

And, that evening she checked-in at 8:45.
"Hi, I made a reservation this morning with the name Melissa"
"Yup, I was waiting for you..."
"I need you to sign this for me please...", I said.
"Ok..., hey do I need to write the car details" (This form asks about car model, license number and stuff...)
"Yes, if you have one.." (I couldn't hold my tongue)
"Well, Oh... you are so funny... hehehe, obviously I have one..."
I gave a toothy smile to her. All seemed fine till then.

Then after an hour she came down to vending machine for chips packet. My bad luck that chips selection had some problem, so when she inserted coins machine pushed those coins out. She comes to me for help, I went to check the machine. I asked her for the coins and inserted them for the chips. Machine puked out those coins. I told her, "might be some technical problem, I will get that fixed in the morning." That lays chip packet cost was 50 cents, so what this lady suggests me is, "I guess the chips cost is 60 cents, take this dime and see...". For her satisfaction I had to exercise that futile attempt for her. I then asked her to go for other chips which are there. She wanted only lays. Then she asked me for cereals, I ushered her to breakfast hall.

Next day morning I saw her standing outside under the canopy looking towards McDonald's. After ten minutes she comes in and asks me, "what are those bunch of birds on that tree?" (eh? what birds? )
I gestured that I didn't knew. She gets disappointed. She walks slowly into the breakfast hall and asks an old man who was having his breakfast, "Hey, you know what are those birds on that tree in front of McD?"
"No Idea honey..."
"Oh, you too don't know, they are so loud..."

Well, after having breakfast she checks out. She bid me bye and walked out. After 5 minutes she came in hurriedly and said, "Hon, I forgot my glasses in the room can I have the key for the room.
I said, "ma'am I guess are wearing them on your head"
"Oh, yeah, thanks again hon, ok then bye..."