May 19, 2006

i.n.d.i.a.n. - 2


LUCKY: where's the scooty gal....huh?
ME: went for rounds.....
LUCKY: Chal phir...what are we waiting for....???
RAJ: chal chal Avi.... varna gaadhi choot jayegee....(Raj said winking at me)

we started jogging, and we couldn't find the scooty girl anywhere around....Lucky's
radar eyes started the search already, it was a rigorous scan for the girl.......
.and there she was some 400m away on the other side of the track...........

ME: guys....lets race for the kudi....whoever reaches her first they can ask her for date.
........what say ???
"OK!!" , Lucky and Raj shouted in unison.
ME: on ur marks..3..2...GO!!

Raj & I stopped running.....and started laughing out loud

RAJ: why does this imbecile take crap things so seriously....huh??
ME: at least he's taking something really serious in this world....(winkin at raj)

we went near a tree to have clear view of lucky. Raj fished out a cigarette from
his pocket....

RAJ: machis...bey..
ME: fuck u this the time to fag........... anyways ask that uncle who's
coming this side..
RAJ: uncle good lighter?
UNCLE: don't u guys hav enuf brains...huh??? smoking
in the public place...
RAJ: well, u have match box are not?
UNCLE: no...
RAJ: then why don't you mind own business....
UNCLE : mind ur words young fellow!
ME: hey sorry uncle.... plzz excuse him.... plzzz
UNCLE: tell him to be in his limits...ok
ME: OK.....bye uncle
UNCLE: what does he think of himself...
ME: Uncle!... enuf...please get going........NOW!!


UMA: hey! look out girls.....Lucky over there talking to some girl....
NAVYA: this idiot will never change...
SAMEERA: And where are the other two idiots?

UMA: they are other side of the track ...lets go..

Lucky was panting heavily...

LUCKY: ahem!!....excuse me..
LUCKY: hi.....whats the time?
SCOOTY : hmm ...excuse me ....u r wearing a watch!!
LUCKY: shit yaar (under his breathe)....oh ..well my watch is running few
mins late....
so asked you for exact time...
SCOOTY: hmm....six fifteen...
LUCKY: the way am Laxman...
SCOOTY: nice name...bye..
LUCKY: bye......???? (whats ur name...??)


UMA: GOOD morning guys.....
ME: very good morning my dear girls... I'm really surprised to see u guys here....
SAMEERA: so are we very much surprised to see u guys becoming fitness conscious
 all of a sudden...(she said teasingly)
NAVYA: and may i ask ....y is tht only lucky is jogging and u guys aren't???
RAJ: we lost the race.......(he said winkin at me......and we startd laughing)
NAVYA: didn't get u Raj....
RAJ: never mind.....we were waiting for you guys ...
UMA: cho chweet of lets go for rounds....
ME: hey wait Lucky is comin.....
SAMEERA: so u guys are hitting on that girl...
ME: thats u too know ....good

RAJ: kya huvaa baap...y are u upset???
LUCKY: she din't tell her name....
ME: Cheer up.....don't worry i'll dig her info. very soon...
RAJ: girls ..anyone of u know that girl???
UMA: even if we know her....we'll never tell u guys...
ME: HEHE... that means you donno her......

after jogging for four rounds on the track, we headed to our homes...... b continued.........plzz stay glued..............


  1. Welcome bk after really long time...

    hmm... nadakattum nadakattum...

    post the next one soon... (*eager*)

  2. @vicky....thnxs for droppin by dono tamil....can u come back n explain wats nadakattum....pllzzz

  3. Ooopss!!! Sorry Buddy!!! Didint realize it...

    nadakattum means... let it happen... Hone dhe...

  4. cool stuff good ...develop the speed somewhat..(screenplay)

  5. @neha....welcome ...don worry will b updatin in a couple of days

  6. Where did you find it? Interesting read » » »
