Aug 22, 2006

DEAth beD..... 2

And in the morning I got up at 7am. Raghu, Aadi, Jeevan, and Sahan very busy taking photos. Their eyes were red. I asked them why is that you guys eyes are red, didnt you guys sleep in the night?. I heard someone laughing from behind. It was our Jeep driver Lingam, he said those guys didnt sleep in the night fearing tiger would come. Then later he revealed that the guard tried to play prank.

That day till 4 pm the remaining guys played badminton and those four of them bed ridden..(LOL). Later in the evening our jeep driver said that we'll be going into the forest early in the morning by 6am. Well that night all we ten guys slept together tight...(those four guys slept in between us... ).

Next day, guard woke us at 5 am and we packed our bags to leave. At 5:15 am we started towards the forest. On the way we saw BlackBucks, peacocks. Ok then here it was our destination, an undiscovered waterfall. This waterfall was only known to forest department and no one else knew about this, Lingam told us. And this was deep in the forest.

We all got into our shorts and jumped into the water. The pond was 20 ft deep and didnt knew that. I dont know swimming, but love to be in water for hours. I was taking dips and enjoying. Then Jeevan came from behind and showed a rock which was in the middle of the pond. He was dragging me near that, I didnt resist because I was able to grip the slippery stones in the pond I was putting each and every step firmly. But suddenly the depth increased and I was not able to land my feet properly, I was literally reaching out for the grip my landing in the water. And thats it Jeevan in his joy of reaching the rock left me, and I was literally drowing. I tried to float keep the things in control not to panic. But no, I was drowning and thats it into the water. For a moment my mind started rewinding all the incidents happy, sad. I saw those twinkling stars, it was as if I just wanted to sleep and nothing else. And I saw death so closely I lost my hope to be able to see all my friends, my mom again. Suddenly someone pushed me to light and I was back, back to life. Suman pushed me from below. This all happened in a span of one full minute.

This particular scene still shivers me......... plzz click onto the site for the foto.....


  1. hey am commenting aftr such a lonnnnnngggggggg time on this site........anyway u know ur narration of the plc is so real it reminded me of the movie kaal, the forests n tigers n all.......u r becoming gr8 wid all this story telling stuff......keep the gud work coming.

  2. I have always had this fear of drowning....

    Thank god you escaped....

  3. Hey that was one moment of life and death. You are brave and strong.

  4. Hey!!!!! That was sooo damn scarrrrryyyyy!!!! OMG.. u managed to really gather ur courage and get on top yaar!!!!

    So, now, have u learnt swimming????

  5. @vicky...preethi........ i still donno swimming.. :P

    @girija........... thnks for droppin by.....and thnks for compliment

    @Ganesh.... yeh i need to thnk him up....

    @Priya... me strong and brave...yeah i am... :)

  6. Hey Man! Nice to see a "gulty" (telugu)...stumbled through prithz

    Nicely narrated breath taking incident...I should seriouly consider about my swimming classes now..:D

  7. @contended....hi and warm welcome to u........plzzzzzzzz do learn swimming.. :P

  8. The last few lines (last seven precisely) added the narration its spices. You showed your poetic narration there. I loved it.
    Good one Avinash. Short and well narrated.

  9. came back to read the ending of your experience....that one minute must have been really long and painfull...i bet from now on you will not go in deep water...and even if u do...hold on to the person firmly...if u drown,you can bring down that person along with u :P

  10. Man!I must say u r bloody courageous!
    I would not have dared to step in that deep water without ma life jacket on!
    Is there another episode of this story?Let us know!
    Rock on!
    U seem to have stopped coming on YM..miss that at times when I am free...

  11. oh man!!!
    That was close!!!
    Pls be careful the next time u get into water!!
    Thank god ur safe and sound...hope u thanked ur friends...touchwood!:-)

  12. @yogeesh.... thnks for droppin by and also posting the comment :)

    @random... thnks for coming back and hope see ya regularly.. :)

    @neha... nope no more episodes of this incident.....

    @ekta... hey warm welcome to u... and the beautty of this incident is only suman and jeevan knew abt this and remaining guys didnt knew wat happnd as they were enjaying .... :)
