And then He never got any sms again. After a week again he gets a message from that number, “Hello, I’m back, sorry was feeling bored so messaged you…”. He recognized that number and started fuming when he read that, he replied back saying, “What do u think abt me, huh? If u r feeling bored, go to hell then, I’m not an entertainer…”. No reply came for that message.
And after initial heated arguments, they started chatting through messages, and came to know about each other. The anonymous person was Pooja. Sandy and Pooja kept in touch with each other through sms for around 1 year and then one day they decided to meet.
Sandy and Pooja have decided to meet up on Sunday 11pm, at Pizza Corner. The girl came twenty minutes later. They said “hi” to each other, and
Well, they were messaging each other, sitting in front of each other.
Hmm… that’s when they kind of discovered each other and they became best friends…
ME first...
ReplyDeleteso, nice story, didnt have any idea that girls sent anonymous messages to guys too....thought only guys did that kind of stuff :-)
fantacy?? or this happened in real???
ReplyDeletesome people i say....are crazy :D
ReplyDeleteis that "sandy" by any chance Avinash? ;)
ReplyDeleteheight of imagination...can't believe this...
sleep well...