Sep 3, 2007

The never ending novel!!

Have you guys ever heard that a guy has been reading one particular novel for past one and half years and he still has 100 more pages to finish that novel..??

Well, yeah, sadly that guy is "me". I have been reading "The Runaway Jury" since May 2006 and I'm still left with 1/4th of the book to finish. I have no idea why is it taking so much of time for me to finish a 400 plus pages novel. It's not that I'm a slow reader, hmm... I finished Harry potters in less than one day. Then what's wrong with me...God knows when am I gonna read the last page of that book and then sigh with relief!

1 comment:

  1. I love John Grisham, have not read "the runaway Jury" but watched the movie and just loved it.
