Oct 20, 2008

My Happening Day!

WooHOO! I got a reason to shout that out. You might also shout out like me if what happened to me happens to you. So, why is Oct' 20, 2008 my happening day? well, couple of things happened today for me. Starting with, the research work which was assigned to me by my adviser got approved. My findings were accepted and got nod to go ahead and carry on the research and make it as my major project!

And, the other thing which happened was, I won $50 and a free goal setter savings account in the bank where I have my checking a/c.

It's just 12:15 PM now and still half-a-day to finish, let's see what else is left for me.


  1. fill me up tonight :D when ur whole day is done.

  2. Any more to add to this spl day before clock ticks 12?

  3. @raz, sravz... well, 5000 bonus points to the visa credit card been added... ;)

  4. and my boss offered beer at job!

  5. wow, you have inspired me to proceed with my thesis which is in slow progress.. , thanks

  6. congrats buddy.. :)
