Feb 18, 2007

Mr. President

Another five months are left for President A P J Abdul Kalam's term to end and already his successor is picked, Big B, Mr. Amitabh Bachchan (If sources are to be believed).

Samajwadi Party, Telugu Desam Party, AIADMK , and Asom Gana Parishad are allegedly supporting for his candidature.

I somehow feel that he's the wrong guy for the position. Mr. Kalam should continue with 2nd term in the office. He is the best president that we can have.

so what do you guys think, Who should be the next President of India ?

Feb 16, 2007

Munna bhai chale amerika!

Third movie in the Munna-Circuit series has been announced. It’s called Munna bhai chale amerika. Script isn’t finalized yet but it’s evident from the title that Munna and Circuit will start on their journey to America and movie is expected to release in 2008 (2008 nahi....plz yaar rajkumar thoda jald karnaa, emergency hai... I can't wait for long.. [:( ]). And of course this one will be definitely worth waiting for.

And and guess what???? I saw the first promo of the latest part (gawd!!! the promo was damn hilarious one, I was laughing out loud in the theatre..) which was shot at Karjat, near Mumbai recently, in the interval break (went to watch Eklavya today). Since Munnabhai and Circuit are going to America, they have been shown as they started learning English.

And the shooting for the film will begin from October this year.

Feb 12, 2007

you are my angel - part 2

Raj dialed her number, and he started sweating….the phone was in speaker mode and we could hear dialer tone…….someone answered the call


“aaaa… hello, hello…may I speak to vidya??”

“yea, it’s me, who is this??”

“I’m your schoolmate... vidya…”


Lucky & I puked out vodka on raj when we heard that........

Raj gulped and said, “Yea! Raj here…and how did u recognize me??”
Vidya laughed out loud and said, “Dude I just went through my slam book and saw your contact number, I thought of calling you and the next moment I got your call…and I saw your number in the caller ID ...hehehe”

Lucky and I winked at each other and kicked Raj’s ass! Raj shouted out loud..

Vidya: Hey! What happened?? You Ok?
Raj: nothing I...I just fell off my chair …yea...I’m fine.
Vidya: Ok, hmm…so what ya doing these days?
Raj: Job in a software firm, what about ya?
Vidya: got placed in sun technologies a week back.
Raj: cool..
Vidya: and how about your gang?
Raj : all of us are in one company and in same team,,
Vidya: Cool man...and what else??
Raj: aaaa I guess I have to hit the pillows now. I have a presentation tomorrow, so need to get up early..
Vidya: Oh Ok…chal then bye, and thanks for calling Raj, felt happy to talk to you after many days…
Raj: me too! Ok bye. Goodnight!
Vidya: Good night!

Raj got up and went straight to his bed and crashed down….and we finished the left over vodka and joined Raj…

Tme : 1300hrs..
Location: office cafeteria..
Navya: hey what’s up for today, any plans for tonight?
Me: hey! Raj will be busy, so only we guys will be going...
Sameera: going out for a date with Vidya or what??

Raj turned red blushing trying hard not to show any kind of emotions... Raj’s mobile started ringing restlessly…

“Yea! vidya here! How are you doing?”
“I’m doing fine, thanks for asking, and how do you know my mobile number?”
“Avi dude gave me your number yesterday night, I called up again to ask your mobile number, and you were in the process of sound sleep. So asked Avi who received the call…”
“Oh great! And what else?”
“hmm..nothing, ok then bye..”
“Actually wanted to ask you something, it’s ok, will ask you sometime later..bye”, vidya said and ended the call…

After sometime, Raj's mobile rang again..

"Yea vidya, tell.."

"hey are you free tomorrow?"

"yes, why?"

"I don't know how to ask; aaaaa... will you be my valentine tomorrow....???"

"excuse me??"

"you heard that right, yes or no??"


"Oh thanks! we'll meet tomorrow at ohri's at sharp 4pm..bye take care..."

......stay glued!...

PS: Happy valentine's day!