Sep 3, 2007

The never ending novel!!

Have you guys ever heard that a guy has been reading one particular novel for past one and half years and he still has 100 more pages to finish that novel..??

Well, yeah, sadly that guy is "me". I have been reading "The Runaway Jury" since May 2006 and I'm still left with 1/4th of the book to finish. I have no idea why is it taking so much of time for me to finish a 400 plus pages novel. It's not that I'm a slow reader, hmm... I finished Harry potters in less than one day. Then what's wrong with me...God knows when am I gonna read the last page of that book and then sigh with relief!

Aug 31, 2007


Association for India's Development (AID) was established in early 1990's with a group of 5 or odd...slowly it grew into more than 1000+ volunteers. The main aim of this NGO is to " spread the word and fund the need ". On this note myself and Sravanthi started off with a blog which is exclusively dedicated to AID.

Visit this for futher information...

Aug 25, 2007

Hyderabad BLasts!

WTF those cowards wanna show?? they have totally gone out of their senses. It was just three months back people 16 died and several were injured in a blast at the city’s Mecca Masjid mosque on May 18. And today 42 persons (confirmed death toll at 8:00am, Aug 26, 2007) were killed and about 65 injured in two powerful near-simultaneous blasts at a crowded park, Lumbini park, during the laser show, India's biggest laser show arena which is just a stone throw away from the Andhra Pradesh secretariat, and a popular eating joint, Gokul Chat, on Saturday evening. Venues are just 5 Kms apart.

A bomb was defused at Dilsukhnagar footover bridge which was timed to blast at 9:30 pm, which is just 4 kms away from my locality. One more defused at Venkataramana theatre, Narayanaguda...

Thank God it rained heavily in the evening else the death toll could have been frightening--the usual weekend count here at Lumbini park is around 1,500 visitors during weekends...

Hyderabad is a city of 7 million people, about 40-45 percent of them Muslim, you know now why Hyderabad is slowly becoming a soft target for such terror attacks. Hyderabad has shown so much of maturity during Mecca Masjid blast, I hope this continues... Please pray for those dead ones and for those who are fighting with death in the hospitals...

May their souls rest in peace...

Video: Hyderabad blasts

Help line numbers for victims: 040-23202833, 09440815858, 09440815456

(pics courtesy:,
(video courtesy: