Nov 6, 2007

The patch up...

Finally after four years we talked openly last night. I stopped talking to her when I was in engg first year and then I broke the ice on the farewell day. But then we didn't patch up properly.

She is my classmate and at one juncture my the best friend. I still count on her given any day. She is very cribbing kind and then tad bit sensitive. We used to wait for the labs cus' my roll number is after her and we always been in one team in all four years, the fun we had in labs, the never ending gossips, the comments. She wrote lab notes and assignments for me while I was busy having masti. And on my b'day she told she'll call at 12 in the night to wish and when she couldn't make the call she had watery eyes next day. All went fine until one day where I stopped talking to her. I can't reveal the reasons. She tried to talk to me but I walked away ignoring her. And when I started feeling guilty and started thinking how to patch up with her our engg finished. Thanks to Karthik, our classmate who played the cupid in breaking the ice between us.

Even though we said sorry to each other we didn't patch up. She caught me online one day and vent all her frustration, I couldn't console her. I couldn't tell her the exact reasons for not talking to her after first year.

I hurt her badly and I felt guilty for that. When I was going through rough phase she was there for me keeping all the bitterness aside. And after that we talked to each other last night whole heartedly, told each other how badly we missed each other.

I deserved to be slapped!

Hey bud, I'm really sorry for whatever I did to you. And thank you so much for forgiving me. Missed you like hell all these years.

Oct 29, 2007

No commitments please! part 3

Continued from here...

"There... there's the bag, dad said you would come", she said looking worriedly.

"Oh, yeah... ok", I succumbed sufficient energy to mutter that.

I took the bag and came off from there without saying another word. Beeds of Sweat rolled of my face. I didn't dare to look her back. And that was our only talking since our childhood. At the first sight of her after so many years was amazing, even though I didn't knew the girl I was seeing during Dussera festival every year at the temple is going to be Neelima.

And then I never met her after that. I got admission in National University of S'pore for pursing MS in Biotechnology. Well, I couldn't not meet her in person for two years but then I found her in orkut I should thank Orkut Buyukkokten for providing such a wonderful tool to us. From there to gtalk and Yahoo Messenger, couldn't imagine how this world could have been without these virtual social networks. And then these networks have spread so fast like a wildfire that it shouldn't be shocking if you come to know that there was an e-wedding happening online, bride is sitting in front her system in Sri-Lanka and groom somewhere in US, Pandit somewhere in Banaras and the guests would be you and me blessing the new couple sitting in our sweet-homes.

Anyways, we became very close online and we started knowing each other better. There wasn't a single day without chatting with her. If couldn't meet online we ensured that we shot a mail to each other. One fine day she asked my mobile number in S'pore. It was on my birthday. I took her mobile number instead and called her.

".....Hi..... Neelima..."
"....Ha a ai, happ haappy b'day Prasad"
"Thank you.."

And to our respite her mom called her the next second, Phew! after hunging up the phone I badly wanted to talk back to her. All our the possible meetings through all the source which were the means for the first time turned out to be very nervous thingy. The first time confrontation was nervous one and now the phone thing too.

Well, all this happened for only couple of months. We couldn't meet online anymore after the first two months there in S'pore. Assignments kept me busy and then the part time job. Just the occasional e-mails continued thankfully.

... to be continued.//

Oct 22, 2007

No commitments please! part 2

Continued from here...

As I turned around to start my bike, she gave a cute smile, the killer one. I started my bike and headed back to my home. As her image became smaller and smaller I felt weaker, I started missing from the very next second, I wanted to see her, I wanted to talk to her, I wanted to stay with her. I turned the bike and accelerated towards her. I stopped the bike near her and lied it on ground not bothering to put the stand. She held my hand and took me to the back side lane of the spencer's. I could not control the rush of the feelings for her any more, at least at this moment. Before I could react she hugged me tightly.

"Prasad, that's ok, I understand, but you got something more important than me. Your Ph.D, get settled soon, even I'll do some job here. Yes , I'll also miss you."

I couldn't speak anything, she gave answers to my feelings. She wiped the small tears that tore out of my eyes. I took her face into my hands and kissed on her cheeks. We drew back from the hug and walked towards my bike. As I was about to start my bike my mobile started buzzing, it was dad.

"Where are you beta? cab has come"
"oh, I'm nearby only, just two minutes"
"Ok, make it fast"
"Ok", I said and hung up the mobile.

I started my bike and zoomed off to home biding bye to her. Cab was waiting in front of the gate, I parked the bike in the shed and took a last look at it, as my dad is gonna sell it off as no one is going to use it.

All were waiting for me, I went into my room and changed into into another dress. I checked under the bed and shelves for any porn CD or any cigarette which I mite have hid in a hurry. I locked my wardrobe and gave keys to Puja.

"Oi Puja, here's the keys of my wardrobe. You can open it and hide anything or use anything from it. And I have kept ten thousand bucks for you, you can use it for whatever you want to do or buy. And sweetheart at least once a day scold me in your mind..."

Puja dropped in the bed and started crying, I took her into my arms and said, "hey Poo, come on, stop crying, ok I will not go. No Germany nothing..."

She stopped crying and wiped her tears. She gave a small gift box to me. I opened it and saw a cool black leather wallet....

"Thanks poo! shit sorry yaar, couldn't get a gift for ya..."
"That's ok bro..., I bought that wallet from those ten thousand bucks in your wardrobe", she said and winked at me... i couldn't stop laughing at that.

At 2055hrs we reached airport. I just had five minutes. I took blessings of my parents and relatives and gave a high - five to puja and went inside.

After the checking at 2250 hrs I boarded the plane. Phew! it was a window seat. Plane took off at 2300hrs.

After couple of hours I got settled down and sailed to the day when I first saw Neelima...

"Prasad, are you doing anything?", dad asked me entering the house. He went to market to buy vegetables.
"No", I replied back.
"Then go to Rao Uncle's house and bring the mangoes, he's already kept a bag full of mangoes aside in his house. Your mom wants to make mango pickle."
"Ok, I'll go in ten minutes"
"Go now Prasad, switch off the system first, it's been running since morning", my mom shouted from the kitchen room.
"OKKKKKKKKK!!", I shouted and headed to Rao uncle's house. Mohan Rao uncle and my dad were childhood friends, they knew each other since school days. He and my dad both are professors in the State University. He has a daughter of same age of mine. But the interesting thing is I never met her in person in so many years, She done her schooling in a boarding school and finished her engg as a boarder. And when she used to come back to home for vacation I used to go to grandma's hometown. As I stepped out of the house I saw Rao uncle coming.

"Prasad go and bring the mangoes from my house", uncle said.
"Yea, I'm going there only"
"Ok, and tell Neelima that i would be late to home, might not come by lunch time"
"huh? Neelima is at home?"
"yes, now that she has finished her Engg she's back to home now, no more hostels anymore"
"ok, bye uncle"
"bye prasad"...

I wanted to see Neelima now at any cost, how she looks, does she know who I'm, what's her height would be? so many questions pondered till I reached her house in the next lane.

I knocked the door seeing the doorbell wasn't working. I heard someone opening the door. As soon as the door opened I was shocked to see the girl who opened the door. Every year on the dussera day I saw her with Puja, I never bothered to ask who she was. And I started seeing her regularly these days. A sudden chill ran through my spine...

"Hi prasad.."

...stay glued for next part