Jan 12, 2007

the last exam...

Today my little bro’s results came out and he scored good grades. Well, he is doing engg and he is in 3 rd year. This took me back to my 3 rd year when he was in 1st year. My 3rd year 1st sem exams got over and my little bro still had one more exam.

So for that exam he had only 1 day for preparation. And he wasted it by just exploring the previous year’s exam papers; he wasn’t able to decide what all units he wanted to read.

He tried to get started and read something in the night after dinner, well I was observing this. I thought of asking him what the problem is, why he is feeling so tensed.

That night he didn’t sleep, I got up in regular intervals from my bed to check whether is sleeping or not.

Next day morning when got up I heard my mom saying, “don’t write exam if you are not confident, write supplementary exam”. I went into kitchen and shouted at my mom and bro, took him into my room and asked him what the problem is, he said he knew nothing about the subject and he didn’t like the subject and so he was unable to read anything. And then he requested me to help him out in anyway.

I asked him to get all the study material he had with him and also the previous years question papers. I went through few previous years’ papers, for 15 minutes I scanned through topics which are very important. At 0630 hours I called my bro and gave a brief summary on all the topics I scanned and gave him a general idea. By 7 pm I covered up 3 units and by 0730hrs he finished cramming all the topics I explained him. At 8 am he left for writing exam. In the evening he came into my room and showed the question paper. 90 percent of paper had the topics which all I covered. And then the results came out, guess what he scored 75 out of 75 in that subject. I could score only 64 out of 80 in that subject….. [; )]

Dec 31, 2006

Year 2007!

New year eve is a time for changes we want or we need to make.

Many of us make New Year's resolutions, few of us keep them...

My resolutions would be:

1. Enjoy LIFE more (come what may..)
2. Little more focus on things which I'm planning for my career.
3. Having appropriate expectations.
4. Try to reduce few pounds..(which I summoned after getting job..[:P])
5. Try to have less crushes! [:D]
6. Break as many rules as possible!.
Make this the year most memorable one. Have a great New Year ahead!