Jul 5, 2006


It’s twelve in the night my mobile was ringing. It’s an anonymous number.
“Hello, who is this?” I asked yawningly.
“Ooyyee Hero…. Happy birthday yaar” said a Sweet voice from the other side.
“Hmmm…. Girija… thanks a lot. Hey whose number is this?”
“My little brother’s!” she said.
“Oh! Ok… yaar goodnight we’ll meet tomorrow… “I said.
Girija said, “Yeah … good night birthday boy”

At one in the night again my mobile started ringing. This one is also from an anonymous number. I didn’t want to attend the call.
“Haaallooo….” I said yawningly.
“Sorry to disturb you Cavin, there’s an operation assigned to you. And it is needed to accomplish by six in the morning.” Said the voice. I recognized that voice. It’s my chief’s voice.
“Who is with me?” I asked.
“Girija and you will accomplish the task. And listen carefully; you have to come down to my place by one thirty five, there in the parking lot you have to get into black maruthi car. You will find a dossier; it contains all the necessary info related to the operations. You will have to pick up Girija at Paradise. And this is the number to which you need to report me about the progress. All the best!” said the chief and hung the phone.

Ok let me introduce myself to you guys. I’m ACP Avinash a.k.a Cavin an undercover agent and my team partner Girija a.k.a Charu. We both have been friends since our B.Tech days.

P.S: very very small episode… sorry guys…
interesting bit :
Today's fortune(orkut): You are the master of every situation (thats about me!)


  1. starting was good...generated curiosity...keep it up!

  2. Hmm... Keep the tempo going mate... good luck.... :)

  3. **I’m ACP Avinash a.k.a Cavin an undercover agent



  4. sounds like a desi version of Mr. And Mrs Smith to me...

  5. @neha... thnk u

    @preeti... yeah don worry abt tht

    @keshi... :P

    @ganesh... if u say so :)

  6. Given the name Fastrack...I thought it would be more racy.

  7. @sindhu.... let the story begin yaar

  8. best regards, nice info »
