Feb 26, 2008

missing the niche'

Couple of years ago what made me start a blog is missing these days. Or I should be saying that craze. passion and patience which were the niche for a blog has been in deficit levels of late.
The fraternity to which I belong in this blogsville has gone to sudden lull. The blog socialisation has come down drastically. Once it used be a carnival in the comment boxes, these days they are left dry with a random one or two comments here and there.
It's not the creativity that went down just that the time parameter has been main culprit here, was blogging just a fad?? I hope not....

1 comment:

  1. When u talk about comments expectations are ther from both sides isn't it.

    Blogging in the beginning is all about energy and enthu', later it becomes time consciousnes and things to write.
