Jul 13, 2008

My angel - 4

Continues from here...

Ruchi pulls back her hand and goes inside the bedroom to get a band-aid. Abhi was still standing there and staring at her. Ruchi started feeling uncomfortable with his presence now. Abhi tries to break the silence by asking if anything else is left for chopping. Ruchi nods her head giving a no sign. After sometime she starts cooking. Ruchi requests Abhi to go and sit in the living room as she can't cook in someones presence. Abhi gives a smile and leaves the kitchen.


After Deepthi left the office Avinash suddenly remembers that he had make a call to Ruchi. He reaches for his mobile and his boss knocks the door. Avinash goes and receives him. His boss wanted some information regarding the project they were planning for the next quarter. The meeting starts getting draggy.


Ruchi finished cooking. She served lunch on the dining table. She called abhi, but abhi wasn't answering. Ruchi turned to get her mobile, abhi was standing right behind her. Ruchi started feeling nervous with his actions. She reached her mobile and dialed Avinash.

"Hello Avi..."
"Hmm... you woke up now?"
"how busy are you?"
"why? what happened ruchi?"
"Abhi is here to meet us, and I would like you to be here as soon as possible.."
"Abhi? Who's abhi?"
Deepthi just then enters the cabin.

"Avinash, I have served lunch and we are waiting for you. Please try to understand your presence is required... please.."
"Ok, Ok I'm starting ... "

After hunging the phone Avinash logs off the system and packs his belongings to go back to home.

"What's abhi doing there?", Deepthi asked.
"Who's abhi? your boyfriend right??"...

... to be continued

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