Jul 23, 2008

another star added to our shoulder tabs!

Yeah, then cop issued us a ticket of severe warning, and now a notice being served for quitting the apartment or permanently perform covenant.

Covenants violated: resident has received numerous complaints regarding loud noise after quiet hours. Security has responded on several occasions. (Big Fat Lie... he just came once! and said start leaving else 911 will come...)

Reporting Party Name : Jennifer of apt #265

Nature of call: Jennifer complaining about "some party at apt #264, loud stumping, yelling"

What was more disgusting was Jennifer's neighbor some chinkky also could hear noises... I swear we tried our level best not to cause any kinda of disturbances...

And then after this drama we had another party to attend that night, so we were partying whole night came back to our aprt at 5:30 in the morning.

Anyways that was fun and I'm waiting for more stars to be added!

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