Aug 14, 2008

Jai Hind!

On the eve of the Independence day of India I along with fellow Indians salute the Indian flag. And then we even salute Abhinav for winning the most craved gold medal at Beijing olympics after a wait of good 108 years. And for once all the Indians around the world have uploaded that historic event video in their fav. videos in orkut expressing their happiness.

I still hate that old man, Mr. Gandhi for what he has done in Bhagat singh's case. But then I'll admire him for one thing for sure, he was able to unite the people of India to stand together to kick the brit. asses out of our country.

Well, the other day when I was at the work place one of the white customers asked me which part of India I was from, I said south. He then said, "Oh, you guys don't go well along with North guys right?". I said to myself, "yes, it's there, isn't it?", I asked him who told him all that. He replied back, "My Indian colleague". "And where is he from?", I asked. He said, "Gujarat". That's it I guessed it right, whoelse in the world will say like that about our country.

I donno what's wrong with these gujju idiots. because they are the richie riches it doesn't mean that don't belong to India and just belong to Gujarat, and where the heck is Gujarat? isn't it supposed to be in India? I myself was in a such kinda scene once. In my first semester here in calif. on the day one one guy was introducing himself to everyone. And there was this guy from Pakistan, so when they both shook the hands, paki asked that Indian stud, "You from India?". He replied back, " No, I'm from GUJARAT!"


  1. Though there are some people who think nothing beyond the state i fail to understand the anti-gujju stand. Its a biased stand to say "whoelse in the world will say like that about our country". There are some assholes from each part of our country. To point out only gujjus is really bringing in another kind of divide. We indians have a inborn talent of abusing people who don't speak our tounge. we should better not confuse stupidity with their mothertounge.

  2. @saj... agreed, well, all the gujjus i met were of this attitude...

  3. Brute,

    Its not just gujjus'. Take for eg., Kerala/ West Bengal. When we had a get together inf rnakfurt hotel, Germans did ask where we where from. When we said we are frm such n such place, the guy nest to me siad Kerala.

    I wonder what he was thinking more than being an Indian. Then all states becomme a different country with this kind of attitude and thaz why rivers are not nationalised too.

    Indians divide and do join their own community than welcoming another Indian. It all goes with caste, religion and wat not stupiditity.

  4. well... its ok. we will try changing in this generation!

    Jai Hind!

  5. Wat the heck is rong with these gujjus
    it is a pity Gandhi came from here!
    anyways to me all are Indians and you can take and Indian out of India but not the India out of an Indian!

  6. wat is rong with these gujjus!
    and i am sad tht Gandhi was from there
    well I firmly believe that you can take an Indian out of India, but not India out of an Indian!

  7. Bruti...I completely agree with Priya.....gujjus...keralis...benaglis....ask them where they are from....West BengAl, Kerela..Gujurat...Delhi...etc etc....

    India seems to have been lost in these states...
