Sep 11, 2015

I See U

girl walking

Heart drew the lines,
mind gave the shapes,
eyes filled the colors,
 and finally, I see you... 

Oct 10, 2014

This Day...

dreams have become colorful
the day i met you
sky was blushing, 
sun started winking at me,
I laughed back at him with shy
I will never forget
this day the day 
when i met you
all my life

Oct 6, 2014

The victim of (recycled) Telugu movies

Once upon a time as a kid just watching my favorite actors on screen was enough to make me feel good about a movie. Now, whether the movie had a story or not it didn't matter much back then. But as I was growing up I started watching international movies, thanks to english subtitles. At this juncture, user ratings, word of mouth reviews mattered a lot to me if I had to watch a movie. Sometimes these resources don't help you and you want to break those heads of your friends who have suggested to watch that movie. 

Appreciably, Tamil and Malayalam movie industries are making few good movies every year. Whereas, Hindi and Telugu movie industries are ridiculously recycling the same storylines again and again. Of course, here and there, now and then, we do get to watch few good movies, because of the new story writers and directors. 

Anyway, I'm here to review two Telugu movies which were supposedly most awaited movies of 2014, Aagadu and Govindhudu Andarivadu. Both movies had big names in the cast, so the expectations were sky high. 

At any given day, anyone would want to go to premiere show of Prince Mahesh Babu's movies, and I became a victim of this temptation. So here we go... movie starts, the hero makes the entry as a super cop with two-minute senseless punch dialogues which are funny of course. this two-minute scene was the first trailer for the movie and the only trailer which pulls you into the theater to watch this movie expecting the same kind of entertainment for full 120 minutes. Sigh.., everything blows off on your face after that scene. The hero intro song choreography was recycled from "Dookudu" and "Gabbar Singh". I did try not to compare with those movies. but I failed terribly in that. Then comes our heroine whose character is a copy-paste from "Gabbar Singh" and "Dabangg". Well, yeah, Gabbar Singh is Dabangg's remake. And therefore, the first half is half-boiled "Gabbar Singh" and "Dabangg". The first half is done. Second half starts, and I doze off. On our way back home I learned from friends that the second half is another half boil of "Dookudu". 

Now, let's postmortem GAV. First of all, I hate Ram Charan because he doesn't know acting, I hate his ridiculous face and his chimpanzee lips, and he carries a laugh which makes you wonder whether he is a man or a woman. Anyway, coming into the story. the whole story is about Prakash Raj and his son. His son ditches him to get a life in the US rather than die in the hospital which his dad builds for him so that he can provide service to the local village people and how Ram Charan unites his dad and dad's dad. The director comfortably picks the backdrop of Murari, one of his blockbuster movies. So again, I couldn't help compare this movie with Murari, Ram Charan's character is similar to Mahesh Babu's in Murari and Kajal's character is similar to Sonali Bendre's and the other supporting characters are more or less similar to the characters of Murari. But then there is one thing you will notice the total strength of this family is less compared to that of Murari.

Coming to the ridiculous things which I observed in the movie are:

  •  the hospital which was built by Prakash Raj was constructed in 1952, this can be clearly seen on top of the building. So let's say, his son would be around 25 years then, right? 
  • This is the year when his son becomes a doctor. so he must have done MBBS, so he should be about 27 years. 
  • The same year his son ditches and moves to the US, but he settles in the UK (did he had immigration issues? he didn't get US visa? why did he end up in the UK? why?). 
  • Now, Ram Charan comes to know about his grandfather, relatives and decides to reunite with them. He lands in India with iPad, Android phone, and many more other things. Seeing these gadgets in his kitty we can assume the year would be around 2010 since iPad was launched in 2010. 
  • So what should be the Ram Charan's age now? 25 and not married? or 55 years with 4 grandchildren? Since he is shown as a 25-year-old guy, then he must be werewolf!!
  • Prakash Raj must have been 45 years considering he got married when was a teenager (aka child marriage) when he builds the hospital, so his age should be 100 years. But he dances, fights, sprints and what not, you will end asking who is the hero here? Prakash Raj or Ram Charan? 
  • Kajal has put on a lot of weight. Ram Charan looks like a kiddo in front of her. 
And that's it, I don't have anything to write up as the story is same what you see in regular family Sagas just the hospital is different. I would suggest watching Murari again instead of going to this movie. Ram Charan's acting hasn't improved and I don't think it will improve ever. 

Finally, yesterday I saw a small snippet of Ram Charan's interview where he says "These were the kind of reactions I wanted when I signed the movie". (Seriously??? I hope he reads my reactions to reconsider)

Mar 14, 2014

The so called marriage...

Many of my friends got married, had children and are living happily (Bazzingaa!!). Here I am, where I'm still single and for real living happily, but all my friends, relatives have started envying my freedom and hence started hunting for future prospects.

I never understood why this so called brain drain happened for couple of my close friends while looking out for their matches until I experienced it. Phew! man it really is brain drain going thru' this phase, we have to think so-many-never-ending good-bad-ugly things we scrutinize on the person whom we want to finally end up marrying. 

It's really intriguing with the processes followed in arranged marriage, not all the processes but only the decision making process is really interesting. why so? because we have to make up our mind and decide whether this person is the one whom I can survive-share-cry-laugh for the rest of my life. but then this has to be done within a limited time. Well, one thing nobody understands is no matter what, how much more time you take, you will never discover the entire traits of the other person. Marriage is like an institution where you keep learning new things about each other and grow old with each other.

My profile:

I've so many 2 in 1 traits in me,

  • I love eating as well as cooking
  • I love listening to songs as well as sing 'em
  • I sleep in nights and be awake during daytime (I swear... ;)
  • I love exploring new places on foot as well as in cars :P

So many are there that the list will never end ;)

Anyway, this phase is really funny to cherish it until it lasts... 

Feb 14, 2014


you aren't made 
by the singular feeling...
if found, you are
the sweetest of the feeling...
also the worst nightmare...

Have a happywala valentine day everyone!!

Dec 15, 2011


Khaash tu idar hoti 
mast hota mausam, 
baiman hota sara jahan...

Mar 16, 2011

I hate "these" gals

Everyday when I log into facebook, most of the updates I see are the new photos uploaded by gals. Of course boys also do, but the number of photos uploaded is surpassed by gals. Oh Lord! tell these gals that they are not Miss World or Miss Universe and spare us from seeing those idiotic photos. There are always these jobless asses who go comment and click 'like' button to ugliest photos. There is always a limit for everything. I don't mind if a really gorgeous looking gal updates her profile pic, I will stare that pic all day long and show it to my fella profile stalking idiots.

And those status messages, good Lord! there are the most irritating in the world. Especially, those folks who land in the UK, US countries and post next day on their walls, "Oh my God (Gosh! or whatever) it is 0 degree C here"; There are always those outdated mahajans who post the videos or articles which are known to everyone and have become history. Finally, the ones who aren't creative do some googling and post those poetic  and philosophical nonsense lines.

But then, after venting out my frustration now I realise that these are the people who give me chance to laugh at them daily ;)

Mar 15, 2011

Random updates

Sachin... Sachin!!! man does anybody in this world of cricket don't know him? I doubt it! He's considered messiah of the cricket world. 98 centuries in both formats of the game and still going strong and I have no doubts he'll reach that coveted 100 centuries within couple of months or so. I like him but then he is not my favorite one in this game.

Of late, when this ICC world cup 2011 started naturally we will have the discussions post-match and there are always bunch of idiots who start commenting on the way Sachin batted. Don't they feel proud that we have 'GOD' playing in our team? And does real 'GOD' always came to your rescue when you are in deep shit? Here GOD is doing his part but what are the other team members doing to help him? can't they bowl perfect 10 wicket taking deliveries off 300 balls? If Sachin plays 120 balls and makes 130 or so runs can't the rest of the assholes make 200 off 180 balls?

But then I won't blame anyone who is playing. I know the conditions could go against you, no one wants to be on the losing side. This is what makes the Indian team most existing, every time they went down they came up from the ashes like a phoenix. GO INDIA! GO!

Jan 10, 2011

I Never felt

This is lyrics of a beautiful song (Ne thalachane ledu) from the Telugu movie "vareva"

ne thalachane ledu

ravi leni udayam

nuvvu leni hrudhayam

Translation: I never felt of the morning without sun, the heart without you...

ne chudaneledu

nuvvu leni satyam

nuvvu leni swapnam

Translation: I can't even see the truth in which you aren't there, the dream in which you aren't there...

ne palakaneledu ledu

nee peru thappa inke padam

Translation: I can't even speak a word other than your name...

ne adugane ledu

nee thodu thappa inke varam

Translation: I can't wish for anything other than you...

nee premaa naa jeevitham

naa jeevitham

Translation: your love is my life...

thana na thana na ta naa naa naam

thana na thana na ta naa naa naa

inta veganga maaripoyana

nee premadesam lo yedigipoyana

Translation: Have I changed so fast? in your love-land have I grown up?

sonta ballamedo marachipoyana

nee oohe pranamaga chesukunnanaaa

Translation: Have I forgotten my strength? did I make your thoughts as my life?

neeve naa navvulalo

cheliya naa kopaalu kariginnchanee

Translation: let me melt my anger in your sweet smile

ee vintaa moham lo

sakhiya ee jeevantaa jeevinchanee

Translation: my love let me live my life in this beautiful feeling

naa innti deepam ga

naa kannti roopam ga unnadi nuvvenani

Translation: you are the light in my house, you are the sight of my eye...

thana na thana na ta naa naa naam

thana na thana na ta naa naa naa

ne thalachane ledu

ravi leni hrudhayam

nuvvu leni udayam

ne chudaneledu

nuvvu leni satyam

nuvvu leni swapnam

ne palakaneledu ledu

nee peru thappa inke padam

ne adugane ledu

nee prema thappa inke varam

nee premaa naa jeevitham

naa jeevitham

thana na thana na ta naa naa naam

thana na thana na ta naa naa naa

Nov 23, 2010

Boy or girl who is innocent?

Neither of them are innocent. Gone are those days when girls used to be in a shell and boys on the streets. A new world got created with the advent of not one thing but many. First it was movies, then Internet, then mobiles and now social networks.

Anyways, this argument will never have a conclusion so I'll not add anything more. Right so, I observed few things in girls of late, time has come to build a new list of "what women want?" or rather it should be "how you should interpret a girl?"

* Should I commit to her after couple a dates and lot of phone calls?
@ I would say no, you shouldn't do that. Thing is a girl is never sure of what she wants.

* Why do you say that?
@well, let's say she will react according to the situation.

*Then, when should I propose her?

*you are nuts, why should I listen to you?
@See, I have a theory for this. You'll propose her, for a week or two you'll feel she is best thing to happen in her life. After a month, you will naturally tend to become possessive. Then, you end up asking things like who is he? where are you now? why didn't you ans my call?. You'll get the answers for those questions initially, as the time passes she'll stop answering or rather she will lie to you.

*I don't wanna miss her...
@my dearest dost, world is big pond which has many fishes. Go for fishing I say :D

Now, its girls turn, "how should you interpret a boy?"

* I love him, I wanna be with him...
@Are you sure? what about the other guys with you have soft corners?

* I'm not serious about them...
@So, you are damn sure of this guy. I would say think about it again (she will start getting confused now.. lol)

* I think I need some more time to think...
@ There you go...

* But I don't want him to talk to other female souls...
@huh, can you stay out from talking to you other male souls...

*No way! why should I stop talking to others. Doesn't he believe in me?
@haha... if you can't then you shouldn't ask him to stop talking to others.

Bottom-line: In this world, no one is innocent anymore :)

PS: just a pun intended post, hope no one is offended... peace :)

Oct 22, 2010


Last Movie You Saw In A Theater - Social Network

What Book Are You Reading - The Associate. I'm trying my level best to finish it, been reading it for past 10
Favorite Board Game - Carroms

Favorite Magazine - Used to be sportstar when I was a kid

Favorite Smells - Girls shampooed hair :D

Favorite Sound - No sound ;)

Worst Feeling In The World - jealousy

What Is The First Thing You Think Of When You Wake?
what I was dreaming about :P

Favorite Fast Food Place - Eat Street in Hyderabad

Favorite Child’s Name - chuttki (my cousin)

Finish This Statement. “If I Had A Lot Of Money I’d…”
open few food joints, buy shares, and world tour and then a Ferrari!

Do You Drive Fast?

Do You Sleep With A Stuffed Animal?

Storms-Cool Or Scary?

What Was Your First Car?
Toyota Corolla

Favorite Drink - scotch

Finish This Statement, “If I Had The Time I Would …..”
I will drive to India from US :D

Do You Eat The Stems On Broccoli?

If You Could Dye Your Hair Any Colour, What Would Be Your Choice?
dark brown

Name All The Different Cities/Towns You Have Lived In -
Kothagudam, Vijayawada, Hyderabad, Sunnyvale, Fremont, Terre Haute, Parsippany, Edison, Royersford, fairfax

Favorite Sports To Watch - Cricket, NFL

One Nice Thing About The Person Who Sent This To You - He is not a gay :D

What’s Under Your Bed ? - Carpet

Would You Like To Be Born As Yourself Again?
yes yes yes

Morning Person Or Night Owl?
night owl

Over Easy or Sunny Side Up?
Sunny side up.

Favorite Place To Relax - In my car

Favorite Pie - I hate pies

Favorite Ice Cream Flavor - Strawberry

You pass this tag to - Kittu, Nandini

Of All The People You Tagged This To, Who’s Most Likely To Respond First?
Both Kittu and Nandini

Sep 15, 2010

found you atlast!

those stars up in the sky smiled at me
when i was walking with you,
the cool breeze started singing
when i was kissing you...

my eyes stopped searching
after seeing you,
heart stopped skipping beats
after finding you...

Aug 27, 2010

the you...

Dream didn't want to continue
until you were in it,
Eyes didn't want to see anything
other than you,
my heart left me
to start beating for you...

Aug 3, 2010

The difference between a fruit and a root...

So, what comes to our mind when we think of a fruit and a root? I know you would say fruit which is sweet and which is not a vegetable ... DUH!!! and root is like legs for a tree without which it can't stand high. So far so good, now until one of my friends told me something really interesting about fruit and root I thought otherwise...

She told me this lovely quote,
Love is like a fruit,
Friend is like a root,
A tree can live without a fruit
but not without a root...

Well, that was some quotation you see. And then I donno if that holds firm in the meaning... hehe. See, if I go with examples now, for suppose, there's a boy and a girl, ok? and then they are jaan jigaris, thats also cool. Next, this girl feels his problems are hers and vice-versa, they buy costly gifts, they'll do anything to catch up with each other regularly if not daily. Then the magic piece which God gave us to talk to each other from any corner of the world, provided signals are available. This relation can be kinda puppy kind or matured one, depends on the maturity levels they have.

So, now my point, do you thing same kind of relation prevails among guys? I mean buying expensive gifts? catch up with each other? NO!!! Birthdays will be remembered, that's not an issue, we celebrate with beers that's for sure. Long weekend road trips, yes. Now, talking on magic piece is constrained to only 10-15 mins. Our conversation will start with, " yaar, I need some money", "arey did u hear this, raj ka naya gf, purane wali se bhag gayi, it seems she is gay... acha huva saale ko", "dude I saw Ferrari, I could tailgate it for only 2 miles, it was aaaaaawesomeee...!!!". And it all ends up, "Ok, I driving now, call me after 15 mins", "I'm in restroom, bas doo min main will call u back..." (literally saying, I'm done talking to you...)

Ok, so the major difference would be that, you tend to be mushy with opp. sex for sure. But then only your friend understands your feelings without saying... Now Now, my doubt, so lets say you fall in love with someone, and obviously you don't get time to spend time with your friends anymore. I here think your lover is your special friend so after writing this line a thought just striked me that a lover is your special friend even if guys feel that you can't be one at the end still you can end being the best friends forever... LOL , sorry I wasted time of you guys... thanks sweth for the enlightenment!

Jul 21, 2010

Everyone loves me!

You all know me, and love me. You all will do anything for me, so basically I'm being loved more than your girlfriends and boyfriends, wives and husbands. I'm so dear to you people that you hold me between your lips, some soft and some cracked, clutch me tight with your hands, this love shows how hygiene am I...

Anyways, my most favorite outing would be in strip clubs, Well, then I get to travel all over the world without any visa or passport, thanks to you guys for taking me along with you. I think everything is directly or indirectly related to me, it might be good and also bad.

Bottom-line: "Everyone loves me and wants me" (single finger to those who hate me and five fingers to those who love me!)

By the way my name is Bill, Dollar Bill!!

Apr 6, 2010

Youngistaan Ka WOW!

What was the question??, yeah, "If you were the game master, what challenge would you like to throw to Ranbir?

Challenge: He will have to hit a shot of Tequila and stand upside down for a minute!

Jan 17, 2010

random updates

Time is slipping really fast these days, hours have become days in no time. I'm little excited about that because the day of joining some company and waiting for weekends would always be fun. Waiting for weekends isn't new for me, back then when I was in my weekend used to start from Thursday evening itself. Those days were fun.

So, what's new in this year 2010, well I started tweeting again and added SRK, Jr AB, Saif, Genelia, Shahid, Farhan Akhtar etc etc... in my list. The list is little big to mention all the names here. Now these guys are tweeting like they are breathing, minute-to-minute update like I-am-stuck-in-the-traffic, good-mornings-evenings-nights, having tea-coffee-juice, wonder why don't they tweet about when they farted and how big the sound came off it and if their movie is gonna released then you can imagine their tweets: keeping-all-body-parts-cross, gave interviews-here-there-everywhere. And after release: thnkxs-for-dare-watching-the-movie.

This reminds of Uday Chopra's tweet after the release of Pyaar Impossible:

"Thanks everyone for your positive feedback on the movie, haven't been able to reply to all but been reading all the tweets" (bloody hell, if you have received positive response you would reply, why would you reply if you didn't get any... lol)

Can't handle this nuisance, let's see wt will pappu tweet if he becomes a hero

tweet 1: "Haa, birds get up so early and flying also, shit I'm late for jogging..."

"I'm going into restroom, censored ( lol...) attending nature's a days its always on engage don't have time for it only..."

"back from restroom, tying my shoe lace" (how are u tying while u r sending the tweet fag ass?)

"me jogging guys" (u r tweeting also Mr.pappu, forgot tht already?)

back from jogging, so tired couldn't jog for more than 5 mins, so much flab i have, got to do sth, this jogging will nt help"

"guys, no shooting today, so will watch a movie, suggest me some good movie. I'm waiting for ur reply..." (there's always some pappu who will reply to this tweet)

"Ok, I'm watching my own movie, pappu pass nahi huvaa..."

"eating channa, movie is so interesting"

"Guysssssss, I jus farted...., a silent one though..." (hold your noses, silent the fart deadlier it would smell... remember khanishtham thudthudiiy padam.... sursuria pran khatam!!!!)

guys guys, I was kidding in my prev tweet..." (who was eating channa, huh??)

I'm stopping here this post will nvr end if I also create imaginary tweets from bed to back to bed, now you can imagine the level of tweeting these days in the micro-blogsville, thanks to our actors.


Anyways, moving on from the annoying world, let's move into musical world. Gosh, a musical buff like me couldn't have asked more after listening to new releases: karthik calling karthik, striker, kedi (telugu), vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa (ar rahman's tamil album) and then ishqiya. All of 'em have really good tracks. One of the movies music cd's is yet to hit the stores but somehow I managed to find a way to download that album online... woohoo

These days "uff teri adaa" is in the loop followed by "dil tho baccha hai ji" (ishqiya), "hosanna" (ar rahman) and yun hua (striker).

And, then have been watching movies as if there's no tomorrow for me. Last night saw "Yes man" the closing scene of that movie was ultimate. Before starting this post finished watching "Star trek" (blu ray version). I have decided to say good bye to dvd version and welcome blu ray from here on, no compromise with the quality you see...

Signing off with a positive note for you n me: "Live life to the fullest"

Jan 14, 2010

cry n weep

i cry i cry
i cry till this world gets wet
i weep..i weep..
.den i get over it"

- cry by brute, weep by mytree

Jan 11, 2010

what's your bra color?

My friend Sai rushed to me day before night and asked, "dude, log into facebook right now." I logged in and waited for him to say what to do next. "Now, check the status mssg of the girls in your friends list." Ok, I did that too then what?? "Ok, now see if any girls status mssg is having a color." First I got confused, color? I thought status mssg will be in color so I casually looked over and said, "NO." As if he looked through my eyes he said, "no dude, status mssg will be a color, like see here her status mssg is blue, now check in your list." I still didn't understand what was he trying with those mssgs, anyways I looked over my list and found five colors and one said none??

I just got up from a good sleep, hardly opened my eyes properly and this ass was asking me to do this stupid job which I wasn't understanding why he wanted me to check. I asked him what's with color thing. "Dude, that's the bra color they are wearing today..." I just opened my mouth so big that with in secs it went dry. I asked him, "why would they do that?", he said, "some breast cancer awareness campaign it seems..." Out of curiosity I asked him with a wink, "what about your chicks, how many odd and even colors in your list?". He said, "black, white, pink and blue... just four dude, what about you?" , I told him black, white, red, blue and and none. The word none made us wink and laugh hard.

Anyways, jokes apart, is this a serious thing or a prank that kicked off like a wildfire. Well, whatever girls revealed the thing which had to be kept secret and yeah, you girls made us boys go drooling and made our eyes to wait for your status mssg.

PS: update for my previous post - "giri missed her bus to colg again..."

Jan 9, 2010

nasty ass

So, how nasty are you? I guess I'll easily beat most of the people out there. Fearing my mom I used to be neat and clean and tidy with myself and my stuff, but now no one to control I have become the nasty ass. How nasty? well, one day when I was in California I had class at 10am. For that class you have to catch bus at 9:10am, so I get up at 9am. Can't blame my alarm for that it did its job, but I had hangover, boozed all night and slept only at 6 am in the morning.

Anyways, so I get up at 9am rush into restroom gargled with warm water, applied hair gel, wore some deo and then was running towards bus stop on my flip-flops, on the way grabbed a chewing gum, my phone, my mp4 player, a pen, a book and a banana. Now the timing of reaching the bus stop is very vital, because my apt is at least 100 meters away from the bus stop, we calculated the time of when we have to start precisely from apt and start running (jogging will not help) so that we can reach the bus stop where the bus would have just reached the bus stop. So it has to be on or before 9:07am. Now there's a theory, if we didn't start running by 9:07am we used to stay back home, 'cus the ride to school takes 40 minutes and then we have the buses to my school every 40 mins so the next bus will be at 9:50am and by the time we reach school it would be 10:30 am. And, then attendance will be taken at 10:15am, so there's no point in going to school.

So, where was I, yeah, running. I managed to catch my bus just in time and then reached school with shabby look. Class just started by the time I entered the class, the entire length of the class was staring at me. I didn't bother, I just walked in and sat beside my friend Vishali. Vishali kept staring at me all the class. That day we had some role play, it was managerial economics class, so I put my hand up for taking part. I was standing right beside my crush, diana. This role play is how effectively we are able to communicate and send a word from one end to other end. Game was that the first person would say a word to his neighbor then that neighbor will whisper to next person and then finally it will be whispered to the end person. Now that person would tell loud the word he was communicated. basically the participants were from different countries.

Well, that day diana looked so beautiful that I wanted to touch her (pervert me ...chi chi :P). And the ghost inside me danced all the way when she stood beside in the role play, if she has to whisper she has to come close and whisper in my ear. Haha... She whispered once, then I whispered in her ears in my turn to communicate a word. Gosh, she smelled sweet.... I got lucky [:P]

After that I told Vishali, what I secretly wished and it was fulfilled right away. She was like yuck, you pervert!

At the end of the class, professor called me into his office and requested me to come in proper way and not like a shabby nasty ass...

P.S: this post is dedicated to girija, who missed her bus college today. She got up at 8:40 and her bus was at 8:45... [:P]