Mar 7, 2006

whodunit..sequel - end

'Bad news sir, kapoor is killed, he was shot down’
'That's bad Ali, get the bomb squad to trace the bombs that are deployed in the college’
‘Ali it’s already 12:30pm, ok now listen if we can’t trace the bombs by 1:30pm we need to abort the trip of the president and vacate the campus ok’
‘Yes sir’

‘Sir, principal of the college’
‘Good afternoon officer’
‘Good afternoon sir’
‘Y u people are creating panic in the campus; there are no bombs in the college’
‘Don’t worry it’s just the security measures ok’
‘But it doesn’t seems like that sir’
‘We know what we r doing, so let us do our work sir’

‘Sir Watchman of the college says he was with the electrician of the college before the explosion’
‘Tho watchmanji, aap jaara Hume bathayenge aaj subah kya huvva tha?
‘Ji Saab, subah mikes lane keliye electrician storeroom gayatha, subhah 6 bhaje vande mataram ka ganna lagayatha, uskhi thodihi dheer mein ye dhamaka huvva sabjii’
‘Ok thank u’

‘Sir another interesting information, both Kapoors are lecturers in this college”
‘Wow! And which dept.”
‘Shalini was computer science branch lecturer & sanjay electronics branch’
‘Ali, ask the electricity dept to shut off the power supply to the college’

‘Sir any progress’
‘Yeah sindhu...’
‘So u traced the bomb sites sir’
‘I’m just guessing, let me check that out’
‘Ali isolate the speakers get one them here’

After removing the upper cover, I was stunned to notice the bomb in it. It was interfaced to the speaker. That was sophisticated one.

‘Now anybody who can help in removing this from speaker’
‘Yes sir, I can help u out’
‘Yeah come on’

Ramya, wow today everyone is showing his or her true colors. Morning Ricky, Sajesh and Pranky showed they are pro hackers and now Ramya.

‘Sir it is a speech signal processor, it is initialized such that if particular amplitude is given, this triggers the bomb interfaced to the speaker. Suppose say “namaste” if this processor is defined for the amplitude equivalent to “namaste”, if u say “namaste” through the mike this particular amplitude is matched with the amplitude which is defined already to it. If the match happens then the processor releases a signal which in turn triggers the bomb’
‘Ali how many speakers are there in and around the campus’
’34 sir’
‘Isolate each every speaker available in this college and swap them with new ones, we have only an hr and 10 mins’
‘Ok sir’
‘Ramya thank u very much’
‘It’s my pleasure sir’

Then President arrived at 2:45pm. He gave away prizes for the paper presentation event, and we were placed 4th position. And, we came back home safe and sound.


Mar 4, 2006

Last night!!

A: ‘Prashanth, let’s go for a movie’

P: ‘not today, we’ll go tomorrow’

A: ‘FU, may I know y’

P: ‘it’s none of your business’

A: ‘OH!.. Then lemme guess y’

P: ‘don’t even bother to’

A: ‘hehe…. Then tell me y’

P: ‘I have to go out’

A: ‘where?’

P: ‘to hell…!!’

A: ‘good place for u’

P: ‘ok I give up, can’t go on arguing with u…’

A: ‘that’s better… So where r u going to?’

P: ‘Coffee day, to meet sameera’

A: ‘so u r going for a date…..’

P: ‘Nope, just to meet’

A: ‘where did u meet her?’

P: ‘Avinash! I am meeting sameera’

A: ‘Oh! So u r meeting sameera’

P: ‘very funny’

A: ‘whatever.. What about her?’

P: ‘don’t u remember her’

A: ‘aaaaaa… well I presume… 10th class crush!’

P: ‘Dude, till now u were feigning of not knowing her’

A: ‘whatever, how did she come to know about u?’

P: ‘She is my cousin’s classmate; she saw our school photo at my cousin’s house. She took my cell no. from my cousin called me yesterday and said she wanted to meet me today… that’s it I am gonna meet her today’

A: ‘aaa…. Prashanth, did she asked about me??’

P: ‘No Avinash’

A: ‘Anyways, when r u people meeting?’

P: ‘At 11:30am’

A: ‘Ok then, I’ll meet u in the evening… and tell sameera that I asked for her’

P: ‘yo dude, bye see ya!’

At 1:00 pm
Pick up the fone sucker…. Pick up the fone sucker…

A: ‘hello, prashanth ‘’sup raa’

P: ‘where r u?’

A: ‘At home’

P: ‘Come to multiplex, we’ll go for movie’

A: ‘Which show?’

P: ‘aaa…. 2:15 show for TAXI 9 2 11’

A: ‘ok , I am coming wait for me at the entrance’

P: ‘yeah ok, see u soon’

A: ‘bye’

P: ‘hey, Avinash!!’

A: ‘hi raa, what’s this sudden program huh?’

P: ‘nothing, just like that’

A: ‘hey, by the way how was ur meeting with sameera?’

P: ‘Fine…..lets talk about it later man’

Inside the hall..

A: ‘so, what did she say?’

P: ‘plz , we’ll talk about that later just see the movie yaar’

“Hi Avinash….”


‘Get up u lazy bones, its 8:30am’

‘hhuuuuuuuh … What mom I have nowhere to go today’

‘So what, get UP… Will u get up r not, I’m coming with the broomstick!!’

PS: I always wished that I could remember my dreams but could not. But today, as soon as I woke up I jotted down whatever I remembered about my dream. GEE! I captured my dream…

So, what did u dream last night…? J

Feb 28, 2006


Teenage is the juncture where we stand at the brink of maturity. (Well I’m no longer in my teens, it’s been two yrs, but still I feel no changes in me except for bodily changes). This is the time when we start learning the essentials of becoming a matured tomorrow.

This is the phase where everything seems to be cozy. During this period, we launch ourselves into so called to be audacious in whatever brainless stuff we do, persuade towards bad habits (you-know-what), enjoy every tad of the life (care-free temperament). We turn out to be very watchful concerning the dressing, the shoes we put on, hairdo, pimples, bikes, & newest fads n fashions. (And whatnots!)

In other words, I’ll sum up this phase in a poem,

Studies become secondary
Movies become primary
Exams become customary
Bunking becomes necessary
Girlfriends become compulsory
Parties become mandatory

And our theme song after joining an engg college will be

“hum honge all clear, hum honge all clear, ek din ooh hoo Mann main hay vishwas , pura hay viswas hum honge all clear ek din…………”

Hey, whatever man this is the phase that we all attach importance to. I’m gonna miss every one of my friends, left with barely couple of months after which we all part to our fresh paths.
I din’t yet realize how fast we completed 4 yrs, the stupid lecturers we had in our dept. and the budda our HOD (headache of the dept.) who thinks every engg student must be an IEEE member, else he is unfit to be a EEE student.

The first day of my college is still afresh in my mind. The most preferred classes were labs for lone apparent reason being sandwiched between two beauties of the class (& dept.), yup my roll no. is 233 and 234 is girija (the livewire of the class after me), 232 is Divya, hehehe…, every guy of my class envies me for this only reason. And one more girl of my batch (she will boot my ass if I don’t talk about) is hepsi no.231; she is the only one in my batch who strives hard to complete the expt in every lab. Tell you what our batch has a peculiar record, we never used to obtain results for the majority of the expts we did. Yogeesh (235) Mr. intellectual, he not only completes his expt but also helps other batches to get the results and kabhi kabhi tho lab in charges sort for his help in understanding certain expts. And you know what, he’s already completed his final year project (won first prize in paper presentation for this project and he’s is applying for patent ship) and now he’s helping two other batches in their respective projects. (Giri & I don’t understand how he manages all that).

Regarding my batch mate for the final year project is karthik (252), cartoonist & always-love-sick weirdo. He has a bizarre record in the college, four different girls in four yrs, and of which three ditched him and currently steady with a girl from second year (god should offer her with immeasurable power for tolerating him!)
Now about Preeti (221), been my partner in balloon dance at fresher’s party which we won, and we form a great team in whatever we do (esp. dumbcher arts), she is doing her project with Anu(210) under HOD (budda salla!).

The three musketeers of our class, disk (205, his actual name is DSK chaitanya, but I changed him into disk), sommu (208), shashi (213), scholarly sallies constantly discussing about books, technology. These people never bunked the classes when the entire class is geared up for mass bunk. The other one is suraj (211, there is song we composed for him  ‘suraj huva matham, ganddh jalnne laggaa………’) well he’s a Xerox engine in our class, whatever lecturer talks or writes on board can be seen in his notes. He never lends his notes to anybody in the class. (Don’t know what happened but he has altered a lot, yes, he’s actually started lending his notes to others).

Well, we do have Charles angels in our class Divya (232), Ramya (224), Priyanka (228). Deadly group since plus one (11th standard) and they move together, do things together, hmm…

And dudes of the class karthik (212), sandeep (255), saurab (218), Ramakrishna (203), Bharath (251), Hanumanth (258), along with suraj & me, well I’ll enlighten you with one of the stupid things we carry out when we go to canteen…

We take only one plate chapatti and half a dozen spoons, now guess y, (u can’t) we all love the curry which is served along with chapatti and we go for turns to get curry as it gets over, this is at least for one full round (everyone should get their share, I mean turns). And the Chapattis,(katham honeka naam hi nahi letha) one or two pieces per turn……………hehehe!

I don’t remember doing great things at college (except masti ), but I did only one good thing twice in my college………hmm.. U read that correctly, I donated blood twice(2 consecutive years) during blood donation camp organized by NSS along with Lion’s club. (sare paap ekhi jaatkhemey dhullgayee….!!!).

The final countdown, which started at 100, is now left with 14, 14 authorized days as students. Then there would be all nos’- no college, no classes (none to bunk), no canteen, no sitting in the retreat(college parking lot) and reading for internals. Friends we are gonna miss the endless travel in buses, the one-day batting during exams…

It's like we had fresher’s party yesterday and today is the occasion for farewell. After four yrs we are at the doorsteps of the college yet again, all set to conquer the thick and untamed world around us. Little did we realize that we would be a part of the world within no time. Amusingly enough, we are coming to the fag end of it all.