Jul 5, 2006


It’s twelve in the night my mobile was ringing. It’s an anonymous number.
“Hello, who is this?” I asked yawningly.
“Ooyyee Hero…. Happy birthday yaar” said a Sweet voice from the other side.
“Hmmm…. Girija… thanks a lot. Hey whose number is this?”
“My little brother’s!” she said.
“Oh! Ok… yaar goodnight we’ll meet tomorrow… “I said.
Girija said, “Yeah … good night birthday boy”

At one in the night again my mobile started ringing. This one is also from an anonymous number. I didn’t want to attend the call.
“Haaallooo….” I said yawningly.
“Sorry to disturb you Cavin, there’s an operation assigned to you. And it is needed to accomplish by six in the morning.” Said the voice. I recognized that voice. It’s my chief’s voice.
“Who is with me?” I asked.
“Girija and you will accomplish the task. And listen carefully; you have to come down to my place by one thirty five, there in the parking lot you have to get into black maruthi car. You will find a dossier; it contains all the necessary info related to the operations. You will have to pick up Girija at Paradise. And this is the number to which you need to report me about the progress. All the best!” said the chief and hung the phone.

Ok let me introduce myself to you guys. I’m ACP Avinash a.k.a Cavin an undercover agent and my team partner Girija a.k.a Charu. We both have been friends since our B.Tech days.

P.S: very very small episode… sorry guys…
interesting bit :
Today's fortune(orkut): You are the master of every situation (thats about me!)

Jul 3, 2006

FASTRACK (thriller)

Hi friends, it was really good to know that you people liked I.N.D.I.A.N pie. What's most satisfying was Sindhu's comment (a good one finally), that's because she never praises you until its worth it. When she read the first episode of I.N.D.I.A.N pie she said "crap story". Not only Sindhu's comment but also each and everyones comments were like energy boosters for me.

Coming to the title of this blog "FASTRACK". Well my grandpa gifted me Fastrack watch last month for passing out B.Tech in May. And am in love with my watch. Ok, well, my next story title is "FASTRACK". Story is yet to be penned. But penning down first episode is not difficult so will publish first episode within two days i guess. For now bye and take care.

Jun 26, 2006

I.N.D.I.A.N pie...(dating) - final part

“So Laxman, Harry Potter….”
“Oh…Yeah… here ...” Lucky gave the book to Sheetal.
Sheetal asked for the menu, ordered two strawberry puddings and looked at Lucky if he wanted anything else. He said no. It can be noticeably seen on his face that he was really in shock as he had no idea how to react.

“Hey Lucky, guess what, we have already confronted each other before. Do you remember?” Sheetal asked teasingly.
“WHAT? WHERE??” Lucky cried out yet again for a second time.
“Yesterday morning at Victoria grounds… remember” Sheetal said.
“Oh! That was you …” Lucky said.

Hearing this I puked out the coke which was in my mouth and spilled on the table, everyone of us started laughing out loud. Sheetal saw this and asked Lucky if he knew us. Lucky said no, he was in a kind of mess now, clearly out of resources. It can be seen that he really wanted to move away from this place as soon as possible.

After few minutes strawberry puddings arrived, Sheetal offered a pudding to Lucky. Lucky downed his pudding hurriedly. He was feeling restless now, and waited patiently for Sheetal to finish her pudding. Later lucky said something to her which we people could not hear and they both stood up started to leave the place. Sheetal paid the bill and checked out, and then we paid our bill and came out of that place.

Lucky started his bike and zoomed off from the place. We started our bikes and followed him. But girls didn’t start their two-wheelers’ and just stood over there. I don’t remember anyone of the girls saying that they had any work there. Lucky stopped at ‘Love Bird cafĂ©’, we parked our bikes and went near the table where lucky sat. Lucky was really upset of what happened today.

‘I made fool out of myself guys, I’m a loser’, Lucky said this lighting his cigarette.
“Hmm… thank god you are back…” Raj said smiling at Lucky.
“Ha baap, we are glad that you didn’t panic over there. Its ok baap, it was good experience to you I must say”, I said to Lucky giving a high-5.
Raj said, “Actually it was good experience for all of us”.

But I felt it was a dumb experience full of unexpected shocks. Anyway I was glad that Lucky was back to normal.

Suddenly Lucky asked, “Hey where did our girls go?”
“I don’t know, they didn’t even come with us. They just stood at that place.” Raj said

Lucky’s mobile started ringing.
“Hello Lucky, this is Neha”
“Hi Neha, why didn’t you come to U-Kop today…huh?” Lucky asked.
“Hey dumbo, with whom did you sit in U-Kop today?”
“Sheetal, your twin sister…”
“Sorry man that was me, not Sheetal”
“Whatever, return back Harry Potter within three days…OK” Lucky said furiously.
“Ok Baba… why are you so angry with me?”
“Bye Neha…”
“Ok bye Lucky”

“What happened bey? Why were so angry in the phone?” Raj asked
“Guess what, the girl who sat with me was Neha it seems and not Sheetal”
“WHAT??” Raj and I Cried out in unison.

In the meanwhile my mobile was ringing. It was Uma’s call.
“Avi, where are you guys now?”
“We are at ice-cream parlor, why?”
“Why don’t you guys come to my place?”
“Why madam?”
“Just come don’t ask questions, please”
“Ok, we’ll be there”
“Ok bye...”

“What happened? Where are we going? Huh?” Raj asked.
“Don’t know anything, Uma just asked us to come over to her place. Let’s go”

We reached Uma’s place by twelve five. When we reached there, we saw the same scooty, 8103. When we were near the door we could hear girls laughing out loud. I just peeked into the window to see who all are there in the house. Surprise…surprise… Neha was also was there. Lucky and Raj opened there mouths in shock.
“What’s happening?” Raj whispered.

Without giving any notice Lucky opened the door. After seeing him, girls started laughing even louder.

Sameera said,” Hi guys”
Lucky turned towards Neha. “Neha! You here???”
Uma said pointing towards us, “Well this is Neha guys, my cousin. And Neha this Avi, Raj and Lucky”
“Boy oh boy! So you girls played pranks with us. Hmm… good”, lucky said.

And then we went to ‘Bawarchi’ for lunch. Later we went back to our homes.
When we reached Lucky’s house his mobile started ringing. It was Neha’s call.
“Lucky, ah … I was wondering if you want to come with me to Da vinci code tomorrow” Neha asked.
Lucky gave beaming toothy smile and said, “Yeah sure”

............THE END>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>