Mar 22, 2007

March 23, 1931

March 23, 1931, Bhagat Singh was hanged in Lahore with his fellow comrades Rajguru and Sukhdev. His supporters, who had been protesting against the hanging, immediately declared him as a shaheed or martyr.

"The aim of life is no more to control the mind, but to develop it harmoniously; not to achieve salvation here after, but to make the best use of it here below; and not to realise truth, beauty and good only in contemplation, but also in the actual experience of daily life; social progress depends not upon the ennoblement of the few but on the enrichment of democracy; universal brotherhood can be achieved only when there is an equality of opportunity - of opportunity in the social, political and individual life."from Bhagat Singh's prison diary

Mar 13, 2007

mine is bigger than yours!

Everybody loves to say "mine is bigger than yours!" to others. Of course I too say that to all, but the other person doesn't agree with me, He feels his is bigger than mine. But no one in this world would accept or say, "yours is bigger than mine!". Problems yaar!

I'm tired of keeping a plastic smiling face in front of others trying to hide things. How long can I hold her, If she is yours, then she'll be yours. Ultimately its her decision to accept me or just leave me.

Mar 11, 2007

you are my angel - end part!

Vidya: marriage...
Raj: huh??
Vidya: hehehe.. you heard that right!
Raj: wonderful, who is that lucky guy??
Vidya: ok listen...
Raj: tell, I'm listening...
Vidya: well, I'm in love with you..
Raj: Oh! wonderful, when did you realise that? yesterday?
Vidya: well, yes!
Raj: and....
Vidya: and I want to marry you..
RAj: great! OK tell me one thing, how well you know me?
Vidya: hmmm... I'm not sure... just that I want to marry you!
Raj: well well, there we are...

My curiosity levels raised to peak when I saw them talking. They were talking very softly, even moved my chair little towards them and not a single word I could hear.....

Sameera: Abey Avi-dude! are you able to hear them?
Me: Nah! tough luck you see...
Rachana: why don't you guys just sit enjoy the delicious food?
Lucky: Told ya guys, Rachana loves to eat, eat and eat...look who is worried of food when someting serious is going.. (he winked at us!)
Rachana: Yes! I love to eat, and by the way did I stop you from eating. First thing is, they are talking so softly that none of us are able to at least decipher their lip moments. So, the only thing we can now do is EAT! got that Mr.Lucky?
Lucky: Yes ma'am! I hold my ears...


Vidya: ok leave it, you say, do you love me or not!
Raj: hmm... yes and no...
Vidya: Raj....???
Raj: Vidya, ok listen, just listen... Yes, I love you... but I guess we are not in so called true-love.... First of all, we know very little about each we may feel everything is perfect but I guess we need to spend sometime together, know each other well. Ok, I will marry you, but what if after couple of years you realise that we took the wrong decision. This may result in breaking up... yes or no??
Vidya: hmm.... but...well are right!
Raj: Vidya, I do love you, but I know every little about you, I know your slam book likes and dislikes, but those answers might have changed by now...
Vidya: Ok, so what you want me to do??
Raj: Now you are on the right track... well, we'll spend some time together, let's see how comfortable we are in each other's company... and then if everything goes fine, you'll know the right time when we can marry... is that fine?
Vidya: ok sir!

Raj got up from his chair and sat next to Vidya. we had no clue why he got up and sat next to her, by the time we could take our eyes off them, Raj put his hands over hers and smiled.... I started whistling, Rachana quickly took the pic with her mobile cam...

P.S: Ok, so that's the end of yet another series of Indian Pie... lemme know how was the story, good, Ok kind, could have been much better.... Well, I tried my level best U see!..... [ ;)]
And thanks to contended and goofy, who indirectly helped me in this story... :D