Jun 2, 2006

BAN !!!!

Taking the cue from Tamil nadu and four other states that have prevented the screening of controversial film ‘The Da Vinci code’, the Andhra Pradesh government too has decided to impose a ban on screening of the movie, much to the dismay of cinegoers.

The reason cited by the government for its action was the protests lodged by the minority community, particularly by Christian organization and also from others “including Muslims”.

“After taking into consideration the reports and complaints from the minority community regarding the “The Da Vinci code” and having come to the conclusion that exhibition of the film might hurt the religious sentiments of Muslims and Christians thus leading to law and order problems, the ban was promulgated” the order said.

Andhra Pradesh now followed in the footsteps of Punjab, Goa, Tamil Nadu and Nagaland in banning the film which is based on the international best-seller authored by Dan Brown.

Guess what, the original novel had already sold more than 60 million copies throughout the world and no Christian country had preferred the ban.

The government’s decision to suspend the screening of the movie was unfair. Particularly, when it has been released elsewhere in the country. Why should the people of some states alone be denied the privilege of seeing a much awaited movie? The argument that it might hurt the feeling of Christians (and Muslims) is unacceptable because ‘The Da Vinci code’ is being screened with a disclaimer that it’s a “work of fiction”.

P.S: While making the New Year resolutions one of my resolutions was not to see movies of pirated ones. But I think I should reconsider it.


  1. don watch it at home!!
    the movie is worth seeing at the theatres!!!

  2. @neha.... where shud i watch in my city.... and the sad part is my join date (of job) is 19th june.... so dont even hav chance to go outa state and watch the damn good movie :((

  3. balls to the ppl who have imposed the ban...
    The world's most christian populated country vatican city has it being screeend while the some selfish ass-l***** politicians have banned it for their own profit...
