Jun 20, 2006

I.N.D.I.A.N pie - 5 (dating)

It was twelve-thirty by the time I leaned on my door bell, as there was no door lock. After a moment my mom's voice came tinny. "Who is it?"
"Pechann kaun?"
"Where you been to, huh? Door is locked."
“Went out for fresh air mom." I said getting into the house.
"Hmm... go and wash your hands, we'll have lunch."
"Hey mom, why did you come back so early from the office?"
"Just like that"

After lunch I had a little nap. I was really into sleeping. I was in deep black nothing kind of sleep that is forever and only happens when you've vaporized your so-called brain out the head. I didn't hear my mobile ringing. But my mom did. She shook me awake and put the phone on the pillow next to my ear. "Uma", she said.
"Hello, Uma", I mumbled.
"What’s up dude?” she asked in her sweet voice.
"Err... I was in the process of sleeping and you disturbed", I said lazily.
"Bye then have your sweet nap. Really sorry to disturb you idiot"
"Hey don't get offended Uma, err... tell me, what are you doing?"
“Kuch nahi, was feeling bored so called you”
“Accha tho tujhe meri yaad sirf bore hoone peh aathi hai…huh?
“You got that right Mr.Avinash, ok leave it. Lucky is really thrilled about tomorrow’s meeting with Neha. He called me to ask what he has to talk over there and all the things.”
“Uma just forget about it. Jo hoga so hoga, aur bataa ki haal chaal hai?”
“Nothing much da, may be I’ll go for shopping in the evening with mom.”
“Okay… Uma, well, I have some work to attend… catch you later, bye”
“Okay bye…”

Later in the evening we all met. Lucky asked us to accompany him tomorrow that too we have to be in the background. We said we would come. Then at eight in the evening we dispersed to our homes.

Lucky sat in the right most corner seat, and then we made our entry and took the table right next to the table at which Lucky was sitting. He gave a nervous smile to us. We ordered two pizzas and looked at Lucky mockingly if he wanted to join us. After fifteen minutes our order was served. We started our process off downing the pizzas into our watery mouths. Lucky was peeking at our pizza. Exactly at 11:20, Neha arrived, Lucky gave a nervous smile to her and offered seat to her.
“Hi Neha, how are you doing?”, Lucky asked in chocking voice.
“Hi Lucky, I’m doing fine. And let me correct you, I’m Sheetal not Neha, twin sister of Neha.”
“WHAT!!!”, Lucky exclaimed.
We also heard that and couldn’t stop shouting, “WHOA!!!”

.....to b continued


  1. Ah!!! Shock of the day.... kya ho raha hai yahan pe??? The story has taken a wonderous turn... :) but avinash u r testing my patience... give the story its pace.... next update soon plz... anyways.. very well writtenand welcome bk after ur reallly looooong break... :)

  2. @prithz .....plzzz pray for me so tht i get an idea of a good climax.......i'm very nervous now.....

  3. WAT???YOU DONT THE CLIMAX OF YOUR OWN STORY???? ;( Plz dont tell me that... anyways.. shall pray for one soon... i have something in mind.. let's see wat comes outta yours...

  4. hmmm prithz thnxs for ur prayers...lets see if i stand upto ur expectations.. :P

  5. What is this? Looks like a bollywood storyline...very filmy...

  6. hey people..look wats written onn his blog??scribbling ma way...so let him take time!
    n he has said that this a real life love story in the making..will take time people..samjha karo!

  7. @ganesh.... i cant help it if moi story looks like a bollywood storyline..... ;)

    @neha... thnxs :P
