Nov 4, 2006

hows life??....

good tht u asked me hows life??? life is always on its way till the last breathe ..its only we who wanna stop it thru our emotions.....for the sake of not being able to njaii or utilise tht sec properly........

. ....... by brute (:P)


  1. a new blog? Hmm... contains some video link.. i will check it out later.. becoz the net connection is damn slow here... :(

  2. Its true brute.. its upto us to control the way our life... after all only we have the license to drive our car... :)
    Congrats on your new blog... Will check it tomm :)

  3. Previous comment I swallowed many words...heres the corrected one :)
    Its true brute.. its up to us to control the way our life goes... after all only we have the license to drive our life... :)
    Congrats on your new blog... Will check it tomm :)

  4. Very true avinash..

    We try to hide our emotions and end up being some one else..rather than not being wat we are..

    kinda creative stuff to come..kewl!!!!

  5. Karthik... :)

    very true bro!!

    sravanthi.... yes :)

  6. human is emotional and rational! Most of the times affected by the culture and socitey that has brought him up or living in! Its just the way it is!
    There are no hard and simple rules for anyone's life! Its just how you behave by being and doing what you like and liking what you do! Being yourself all the time! I being more philosophical here????

  7. contended...

    // I being more philosophical here????//

    no not at all :P

  8. New blog :(
    Just for uploading it with ur fav videos!
    Ur wish..
    WIll check it out later..

    U seem to have a lot of time for all this in the office...good for u :)
