Jan 20, 2007

no turn back... :(

Wish I could go back to the beginning and start all over again and spend all those seconds which I wasted during my college and school days...

All my college mates parted away to different parts and I'm in touch with every few. Time is just running and running. Why doesn't it get fever, cold, body ace?? why can't it just take a vaction for itself??? why doesn't it has a girlfriend?? at least why can't it sit at one place and have a cuppa tea???

It's still afresh in my mind when my mom said, "work hard for this year(10th std), and you can enjoy after this year..." And that never happened. Plus one and two years raced off and within a blink span I was standing at the entrance of my Engg college.

To be frank I hated my college, but the only reason I look back at it is, it gave me some really beautiful people as my friends without whom 4 yrs of college could have been like jail.

Now after passing out of college after 4 yrs was never been easy. We hardly could meet each others, and came August most of them flew off to US for pursuing MS. Remaining ones after lot of struggle got jobs and now they are busy with their own office work.

Thanks to Graham bell for his telephone invention, without which I couldn't dare to imagine how todays world could have been and also thanks to the virtual world of today, the instant messengers. Orkut, yahoo, gtalk, meebo....

I know when am I gonna really take rest, this will only happen when I take my last breathe. And the time is rushing to wind up the things sooner ...... :)


  1. awww...avi..that was a very emotional post...this is the hardest part of our life to part our friends...but remember that no matter how far u guys r...u will always remain in everyone's heart :)

  2. yes,yes..life has to move on,but gud in a way! otherwise things get boring

  3. Hmm.. u got quite senti huh? never mind.. as u said, at least v have technology now to keep in touch wid the few frnds...

  4. Brute: Such a cute post about frindship like pot of gold. Hmm sunset and sunrise may differ when you watch from the shore and thaz how friendsdhip too change when we keep moving to balance our lives.

  5. oh man, such a sentimental post why why why? :)

    cool it man.

    Change doesn't come to destroy us. But it comes only to teach us something new.

    cheer up man! ;)

  6. Oh..maaaaaaaaaaaan.
    Thats very sentimental & makes me go Nostalgic!!
    Am in my final year & people here already make me go sad at times by being so very nice. 4 years had been absolute smooth a ride .... but we did have Difference of opinion. Arguements...but this semester, things are really making me feel" Its just another few more weeks & then they would all be gone" And i feel so lost like a little duckling swimming across tides! And worst is when am pulled back to the real world by them..with a joke! I simply had to smile & pretend i enjoy the joke while am actually still lost in thoughts...
    But i dnt miss out enjoying the (very little) present with them.
    Lovely post! :)

  7. Check out the new embedded version of Kool IM.


  8. I wish time would stop also.sometimes I feel it is moving too soon. But thank God we have memories that we can look back on, some nice and some not nice. I think with every new year comes something different in everyones life.Its what you do with it today that is important, otherwise we will look back at another year that went by and there was nothing done.

  9. Brutey all of u look good ;-) Some very sweet memories here!


  10. feeling nostalgic? Well can't do anything about time...

    Unless of course, you are einstein and discover a way to freeze time

  11. AAh!!Somebody feeling nostalgic...ma favourite word :)
    Well, i guess that happens with everyone with some point of time..don worry...technology hain na...it will only make the distances go shorter :)

  12. cute :)
    everyone hates that particular day when you're finally chucked out of college, and almost everyone promises to stay in touch....guess what, you dont hear from half of them the next year, the rest disappear the following year and the handful left might be gone in a few more years if we dont make it a point to stay in touch, which is the hardest part!...but it's fun so long as we do

  13. Dude
    i just can't express the way u've written it down....
    simply awesome

  14. @ mystery...

    "u will always remain in everyone's heart :) "

    I knw tht....:P


    boring! noway dear, yes life has to move, guess what once u pass out frm the college its very difficult to find ppl whom u can make as ur trustworthy frnds....


    yea yea with the tech cant even imagine how things could have been today... :)


    thnkxs for ur sweet words.. :)


    yea yea..dont worry, this happens to me once in a blue moon, thts y this post came up... :)

  15. @marutham...

    make the most of ur last days, u can nvr come back..:)


    such memories always bring a smile on ur face for sure.. :)


    TY ty..:D


    hmmm...yea, can do anything with time...:|

  16. @ neha...

    yea! tech is makng distnaces shorter..:)


    sigh!, I need tht ...thnksx :)


    bingo! u r damn rite, ppl say we'll b in touch, but very very few will b in touch...can't help it...:(

    @ ravi...
    ty boss, thnkxs for dropping by..:)

  17. All of 22yrs and what a depressing phase for you, eh?!:)

    At your age many yrs ago,I was married and went through hell for 2yrs!!I have survived that and happy now!
    you have just started your life,Cheer up and smile.It's not that bad compared to many Indians who have no hope at all, right?!

  18. Why so much sentiment buddy?? Donno wat to say... but we just need to keep moving... make new friends... and also cherish old memories thats all... so cheer up buddy :D

  19. true....once you start working hard, there is never an end... not until you drop dead....

  20. KK

    yeah I'm doing tht only ,cherishng not so old memories :D

    little one

    thnkxs for dropping by..
    yea thts rite.. :)
