Mar 16, 2006

ek chotisi crush!!

It was four o’clock in the morning. Today was the first day of my plus one (11) board examination. It was English paper today. I revised the subject till 6 am. I had to reach examination center by 7:30am, as the examination starts at 8am.

After having breakfast, I rushed to examination center at 7am. I reached the center at 7:25am. The center entrance was filled with parents and students. Everywhere the students were discussing, some were cramming the last minute topics. I didn’t wanted to revise now, but the environment instigated me to open my book.

There rung a bell to invite the students into their respective halls. As I was entering the into the college main entrance gate I saw a girl (damn cute she was). And I just thought,”If ever she sits beside me….”
After checking the room no., which I was allotted, I kept my bag in the room allotted for the bags.

As I entered the hall, I was shocked to see the girl there. And I searched for the desk where my hall ticket number was inscribed on. Leaving the desk where the girl was sitting I checked all the desk numbers and my number was missing. I went to invigilator to ask where my number was, he took my hall ticket checked for my number in the seats allotment data sheet. He pointed towards the desk where the girl was sitting. My heart started pumping 100 beats per minute.

It was 8 am, we were given the question paper and the examination started. Paper was damn simple. I started answering the questions. By ten o’clock, I completed essay questions and short answer questions; I was left with grammar and comprehension sections. Now we were left with fifteen more minutes to end the examination.

The girl next to me jabbed me with her pen. Without turning my head, I whispered to her. “What happened?”
She pointed towards the filling the blanks section. I smiled and said, “give me two minutes, I’ll be completing my paper.”

Then after completing my paper, I showed my answer script to her. She copied the answers. The final rang and the invigilators collected our answer scripts.
She again jabbed me with her pen and said, “thank you!”
“hmm… that’s ok,….. by the way what’s your name?”
She gave a mesmerizing smile. “Rachana”
Then she asked me, “What’s your name?”
I said with a sarcastic smile, “you already know my name, I saw you peeking into the details on my hall ticket!”
She couldn’t resist from laughing. “Hmm.. So Avinash how was the paper?”
“Well Rachana, paper was damn simple.”
The invigilators allowed us to leave the hall.

Then Rachana and I collected our bags, later on our way to bus stop we discussed about the most probable topics that we could expect in the next topic.

After reaching the bus stop, she got into her colony bus, which already was ready to leave. She bided my goodbye and I waited for my colony bus to arrive.

PS: this was my most memorable crush I had up to date.