Oct 4, 2006

my IInd TAg....(WeIRd...)

I have been tagged by ganesh. I have to list 6 weird things about myself. Hehe... but I have more than 6 weird things about myself, anyways these are 6 things about me that I consider weirdest...

1. Opera's: I can imitate opera's as I have already said, so my friends used to request me to sing opera, after lot of persuasion I used to sing and used to become center of attraction for the weird looks. And how many in this world can imitate opera's just like that...

2. Attitude: I have a special attitude which I guess very few people will have this kind of attitude. I generally talk freely to all new guys whomever I meet and make them laugh like anything. But when I start observing things about them and if I don't like his attitude I ditch them without giving them any notice, now these guys become clueless about what happened, why did I stopped talking to them...

3. 6th sense: O Yes!! ... well everyone has this 6th sense or intution thing in them. But coming to my intution, its in its peak during exam times, particularly on the examination day. Whatever questions I read during the traveling time from my house to college they all appear in exams...

4. Guessing which experiment I'm gonna get for external exam:

during my entire engg college lab exams, I used to guess which expt is gonna come for my lab exam, before entering the lab I used to announce which expt am expecting and end up getting that exam. (Girija, hepsiba, Anu... they are all proof for this... in entire 4 yrs whatever experiments I expected I got that same experiment...hehe)

5. The innocent face of mine:

well generally I don't wanna reveal this but anyways you guys will never meet me so... well my innocent looks nullify my mass character. I wear specs, I pretend to be calm, studious etc etc so I generally escape from the situation when I get caught doing some mischive things. My mom feels I don't talk to girls (am a shy guy...lol) but my friends know my true character...

6. Movie buff:

Uh well, I know there are many like me who watch a movie more than once if they like. Anyways I saw Salaam Namaste for 7 times, Lage Raho Munnabhai - 4 times, Munnabhai MBBS - 5 times, etc etc I have a big list of movies which I watched them more than thrice in the theatres...

Hmm... I'm tagging



  1. Hey nice tag man! But I guess you have used Ganesh's wierd things, this tag is like you can list down all your own wierd behaviours :)
    Me tagged??? hmmm its seems a tough tag... will post it soon :)

  2. Hey 6'th sense and intuition are really useful even if they are uncannily wierd...especially the exam thingy

  3. heeheh nice one man...I saw very much me in your wierd character of 'Innocent face of mine'. I too have escaped so many times :) Its fun aint it?

  4. Haha!!! one day got 2 listen to u sing opera!!! LOL!!!

    Hmm..milli second concentration span???cool.. u beat me at that boy..mine is jus short of 1 min! :P

  5. kk.... yes it is :P

    ganesh... yoo dude.. :P

    preethi... anytime.. :))

  6. hey me taggeddd! :) i have the same tag from krit also i think.. or someone else.. hey u from mgit.. me a cbit alum.. so u've also ridden the road to gandipet every single day for 4 yrs..

  7. Soul...yeaa every single day :((

  8. coool tag!!:)just amazed at ur techniques..and tagged me!! ok will work on it:)

  9. Opera? I know of only Opera browser and Opera Winfrey! Is that they do in the concert and all? If so u wud have to sing it and post the link in ur blog! :)

  10. brute...I am yet to finish the first tag itself...And now one more. But, this seems to be tuff :-( :-(...Gotta think hard and bring out the rite words as you have done here!!

    neway, will post both the tags this week.

  11. vicky... don worry i'll wait:)

  12. see..when i was reading ganesh's tag...i was like this is not his writing...dint wanna tell u though...rem our last fight???
    Hey me good at understanding writing styles!Great!!! *neha is so self obsessed*
    rock on!!

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