Showing posts with label I.N.D.I.A.N pie series. Show all posts
Showing posts with label I.N.D.I.A.N pie series. Show all posts

Jun 20, 2006

I.N.D.I.A.N pie - 5 (dating)

It was twelve-thirty by the time I leaned on my door bell, as there was no door lock. After a moment my mom's voice came tinny. "Who is it?"
"Pechann kaun?"
"Where you been to, huh? Door is locked."
“Went out for fresh air mom." I said getting into the house.
"Hmm... go and wash your hands, we'll have lunch."
"Hey mom, why did you come back so early from the office?"
"Just like that"

After lunch I had a little nap. I was really into sleeping. I was in deep black nothing kind of sleep that is forever and only happens when you've vaporized your so-called brain out the head. I didn't hear my mobile ringing. But my mom did. She shook me awake and put the phone on the pillow next to my ear. "Uma", she said.
"Hello, Uma", I mumbled.
"What’s up dude?” she asked in her sweet voice.
"Err... I was in the process of sleeping and you disturbed", I said lazily.
"Bye then have your sweet nap. Really sorry to disturb you idiot"
"Hey don't get offended Uma, err... tell me, what are you doing?"
“Kuch nahi, was feeling bored so called you”
“Accha tho tujhe meri yaad sirf bore hoone peh aathi hai…huh?
“You got that right Mr.Avinash, ok leave it. Lucky is really thrilled about tomorrow’s meeting with Neha. He called me to ask what he has to talk over there and all the things.”
“Uma just forget about it. Jo hoga so hoga, aur bataa ki haal chaal hai?”
“Nothing much da, may be I’ll go for shopping in the evening with mom.”
“Okay… Uma, well, I have some work to attend… catch you later, bye”
“Okay bye…”

Later in the evening we all met. Lucky asked us to accompany him tomorrow that too we have to be in the background. We said we would come. Then at eight in the evening we dispersed to our homes.

Lucky sat in the right most corner seat, and then we made our entry and took the table right next to the table at which Lucky was sitting. He gave a nervous smile to us. We ordered two pizzas and looked at Lucky mockingly if he wanted to join us. After fifteen minutes our order was served. We started our process off downing the pizzas into our watery mouths. Lucky was peeking at our pizza. Exactly at 11:20, Neha arrived, Lucky gave a nervous smile to her and offered seat to her.
“Hi Neha, how are you doing?”, Lucky asked in chocking voice.
“Hi Lucky, I’m doing fine. And let me correct you, I’m Sheetal not Neha, twin sister of Neha.”
“WHAT!!!”, Lucky exclaimed.
We also heard that and couldn’t stop shouting, “WHOA!!!” b continued

Jun 2, 2006

i.n.d.i.a.n pie......(dating) -4

“Ahem, this is Laxman, Neha. Well, I have the book which you want, Harry Potter. Actually, I went to British library today, librarian recognizes me. He called me and asked if I was planning to return the book early, before the returning date. When I asked why he wanted so early, then he told about you. So, I took your details. Now I called you to say that I’m going to complete the reading of the book by tonight so I can give you the book for three days. Where will you meet me to take the book?”
“Why don’t you return the book, if you are going to complete it today?”
“Well, I’m going to complete but my sister is yet to start. The thing is she is out of town and she’s going to return after three days, so I thought of giving you for three days”.
“Oh, ok, well, then where should I come?”
“Where do you stay?”
“Ok, come to U-Kop, we’ll meet there at eleven in the morning. Is that ok?”
“Yeah, it is ok”
“Ok Neha, see you tomorrow, bye”
“See you, bye”
We all felt a rush of adrenaline.
“How was it?” lucky asked excitedly as we sat down. “It was fine dude, good going”, I said. Lucky looked pleased, like a little boy.
“Ok, should I ask her for date tomorrow?” Lucky asked, suddenly worried.
“NO! you would not”, Raj said. Everyone nodded in agreement.
I smiled at Lucky. “Well”, I said,”I did something positive for you today so party tonight dude”.
“Yes, thank you Avi”.
I sat back, sighed and looked around at the faces of my buddies’ excited faces.
“So are we going to accompany Lucky tomorrow?” Uma’s voice sounded full of energy, almost flying. I was not surprised to see her excitement.
I told her we would go.
“Let’s hope Lucky doesn’t panic tomorrow”
Uma gave a strange smile. She had always known for how to enhance her somewhat plain looks.
“Where’s Raj?”, I looked around the room, searching for Raj, but I didn’t see him.
“He’s outside”, Navya said.
“Thanks for playing cupid, not literally though,” Sameera said, she gave my arm a squeeze. Lucky was silent, his eyes looking out the window. I gave him a hug and took him outside.
“Meow!” shouted Raj, and he jumped up onto us.
We headed out the gate, started our bikes and headed to Love Bird café for hot cup of irani chai.

At the café, lighting the cigarette, I suddenly thought about the scooty girl and the phone call, all happened in less than twelve hrs, and told Raj and Lucky about this.
“I know,” Raj answered. “I wondered when we’ll see that girl again,” Lucky said, smiling.
“Let’s get back to home,” I said, looking at my watch. “It’s already pretty late. I’ll call you guys in the evening,” I said, looking at Raj and Lucky.
“Do you think she might accept to come for date with me?” lucky asked in a hopeful tone.
I felt lucky’s eyes looking deeply into mine. “I wouldn’t want to bet on it”, I said.

(to be continued..)

May 31, 2006

i.n.d.i.a.n. pie ........(dating) -3

I decided to go to British library to return the book which I took last week. I called Lucky to ask him to come along with me.
‘Lucky library chalegaa,? I got some work over there’
‘Sorry baap, I have to go to super market to get groceries. And that’s my mom’s order’
Hmm… okay yaar, akele chalajavungaa don’t worry’
‘Anyways call me when you return back home’
‘Yeah fine… bye’
‘Bye… take care’

Well I thought of asking Raj, but I felt his answer is most likely to be “NO”. It was nine in the morning, I bathed and had breakfast. I started to British library at fifteen minutes past nine. On my way to library I had to face heavy traffic, and finally reached my destination at nine fifty five. I entered the library returned the book and started browsing for a good novel. I was about to budge, I heard a beautiful voice from the counter.
‘Excuse me sir, I can't find Harry Potter’s latest book anywhere. Can you please help me out?’
Betaa this is vacation time and it’s most apparent that such kind of books are most wanted among you youngsters. Well let me check out if its there in list of issued ones. After checking the entries in his log he said, 'And I was right, it’s under issue.’
‘when is it’s returning date?’
‘It’s on ninth of this month. Well, don’t worry give me your details so that I can contact you if the book is returned before 9th. Tell me your name, phone no.’
‘My name is Neha, my cell no. is 9393934939.’

That girl was none other than the scooty girl whom we saw this morning at Victoria grounds. While she was giving her contact details to librarian I took out my pen and wrote the phone number on the fifty rupees currency note. I felt elated at this moment and was desperate to share this with my buddies.

I took out my mobile and dialed Raj’s no.
‘Hello, bolre Avi
tu kaha peh hein?’
ghar pehkyu ? tu kaha peh hai?’
Ok, do one thing call Lucky and tell him to come to your place. I’ll be there within an hour’
kyu bhai… what’s the matter?’
‘You’ll come to know in the next hour’
‘Okay baap, tu udhar se nikhal pehle. I’ll tell everyone to come to my home by eleven. Ok then see ya’
‘Yeah bye’

At eleven five I reached Raj’s home. Everyone were busy watching seniors farewell party’s cd which we gave them last week. As I entered the room everyone’s attention fell on me.
Uma was first to ask me. ‘Kya bey, what’s the matter, why did you ask us to come here?’. I said in most dramatic way, “well guys, guess what??? I saw Neha in British library”. I saw no amazement in anyone’s face; at least no one kept the puzzled face.
Sameera said uninterestedly,” so what dude?”. “well, she’s the scooty girl”, I said.
Uma said, “Avi dude, guess what? we knew her name much before you”. I was taken aback by what Uma said. “But nobody knew her right. Then how cum you people all of a sudden know her name?”. Sameera said, “we also know her cell no.!!”. Now that was too much. “What the heck? Okay I'm late to the party. Now will someone will tell me how you guys came to know all the details of that scooty chick.”

Navya came out from the other room laughing and said, “I was in the British library dude much before you came. I didn’t want to disturb you. I was right behind you when Neha was telling her details to librarian. I also jotted down sneaked out and started to Raj’s place as I heard you telling Raj to call everyone to his place. And I was three minutes early here before you came. I leaked the details.”
“Oh wow! That was really cool.”
“Well I’ll tell you most shocking piece of news”
“Please go on”
Neha asked for Harry Potter’s latest book right”
“Guess what?”
“Don’t tell me one amongst you guys are having the book with you”
“You got that right dude. Intelligent guess, well to everyone’s surprise Lucky’s having the book”
“WHAT?”, I shouted out loud in joy. I turned to Lucky, who was sitting silently on the sofa. “mayeebaap ye kab se, huh? Aap library bhi jaatey hai… yeah tho kamaal hogaya.
Chal chal ley apna mobile and dial Neha’s no. tell her you are having the book, ask her to come to some place to take the book.”
nahi yaar I can’t do this please”
Raj asked lucky, “why can’t you ?”
“that’s because she knows my name”
“so what? Yeh aur bhi achi baat hai … now she‘ll definitely become your friend then it depends on your ability to ask her for date.”

Uma dialed Neha’s no. and gave it to Lucky. It was kept in speaker mode...
“Hello, may I speak to Neha?
“Yeah speaking, may I know who is this?”

(To be continued)

May 19, 2006

i.n.d.i.a.n. - 2


LUCKY: where's the scooty gal....huh?
ME: went for rounds.....
LUCKY: Chal phir...what are we waiting for....???
RAJ: chal chal Avi.... varna gaadhi choot jayegee....(Raj said winking at me)

we started jogging, and we couldn't find the scooty girl anywhere around....Lucky's
radar eyes started the search already, it was a rigorous scan for the girl.......
.and there she was some 400m away on the other side of the track...........

ME: guys....lets race for the kudi....whoever reaches her first they can ask her for date.
........what say ???
"OK!!" , Lucky and Raj shouted in unison.
ME: on ur marks..3..2...GO!!

Raj & I stopped running.....and started laughing out loud

RAJ: why does this imbecile take crap things so seriously....huh??
ME: at least he's taking something really serious in this world....(winkin at raj)

we went near a tree to have clear view of lucky. Raj fished out a cigarette from
his pocket....

RAJ: machis...bey..
ME: fuck u this the time to fag........... anyways ask that uncle who's
coming this side..
RAJ: uncle good lighter?
UNCLE: don't u guys hav enuf brains...huh??? smoking
in the public place...
RAJ: well, u have match box are not?
UNCLE: no...
RAJ: then why don't you mind own business....
UNCLE : mind ur words young fellow!
ME: hey sorry uncle.... plzz excuse him.... plzzz
UNCLE: tell him to be in his limits...ok
ME: OK.....bye uncle
UNCLE: what does he think of himself...
ME: Uncle!... enuf...please get going........NOW!!


UMA: hey! look out girls.....Lucky over there talking to some girl....
NAVYA: this idiot will never change...
SAMEERA: And where are the other two idiots?

UMA: they are other side of the track ...lets go..

Lucky was panting heavily...

LUCKY: ahem!!....excuse me..
LUCKY: hi.....whats the time?
SCOOTY : hmm ...excuse me ....u r wearing a watch!!
LUCKY: shit yaar (under his breathe)....oh ..well my watch is running few
mins late....
so asked you for exact time...
SCOOTY: hmm....six fifteen...
LUCKY: the way am Laxman...
SCOOTY: nice name...bye..
LUCKY: bye......???? (whats ur name...??)


UMA: GOOD morning guys.....
ME: very good morning my dear girls... I'm really surprised to see u guys here....
SAMEERA: so are we very much surprised to see u guys becoming fitness conscious
 all of a sudden...(she said teasingly)
NAVYA: and may i ask ....y is tht only lucky is jogging and u guys aren't???
RAJ: we lost the race.......(he said winkin at me......and we startd laughing)
NAVYA: didn't get u Raj....
RAJ: never mind.....we were waiting for you guys ...
UMA: cho chweet of lets go for rounds....
ME: hey wait Lucky is comin.....
SAMEERA: so u guys are hitting on that girl...
ME: thats u too know ....good

RAJ: kya huvaa baap...y are u upset???
LUCKY: she din't tell her name....
ME: Cheer up.....don't worry i'll dig her info. very soon...
RAJ: girls ..anyone of u know that girl???
UMA: even if we know her....we'll never tell u guys...
ME: HEHE... that means you donno her......

after jogging for four rounds on the track, we headed to our homes...... b continued.........plzz stay glued..............

Apr 3, 2006

i.n.d.i.a.n pie (dating) - 1

“CHEERS!!” shouted everyone raising the bottles.
‘Oy yaar, finally externals are over,’ Lucky said. (Hmm… lucky a.k.a Laxman, the scapegoat of the group… iska usse koyi gham nahi… well, he’s the intellectual of our gang, loves to enjoy life to its fullest. His only complain is that he has no girlfriend.)
‘Ya bro! We should enjoy this summer the fullest. I don’t know how, but we need to rock this summer,’ Raj said. (Raj… bike enthusiast, computer geek, minds his own business… macho man of our gang)
‘So what’s we gonna do this summer my dear gays,’ I asked mischievously.


Lucky: Avinash … he’s encyclopedia…. That’s ‘cus usske pass har cheess ki kabar rahithi hai… ladkhiya, movies, music are his fields of interest.

Raj: that is true lucky…. And he’s live wire of our gang.


Lucky’s parents went to Chennai to attend a marriage, and so we decided to party at his house on the occasion of completion  of our 3rd year second semeter externals.

Raj: lucky kuch picture victure laga dekenge.

Lucky: konsi picture dekhega?

Raj: hmm… body of evidence!

Lucky: chupkar saale.. kitnibar dekhega bey?

Raj: then… basic instinct!!

Lucky: Oy sharan stone ki phankke buss kar baap…. kitnibar dekheyega…

Me: cut the crap guys… who’s gonna tell me what we guys wanna do this summer?

Lucky: we are going for jogging from tomorrow onwards… look at our bellies trying to come out…

Raj and I looked at our bellies lifting our shirts and started laughing.

Raj: that’s true guys… we should join gym.

Lucky: not to gym, my dear gym boy … we are going to Victoria grounds… Sunna hai ki soni kudhiya udder jogging karne roz subhah aathehai … what do you want, eh?

Me: uh-huh… gotcha..Saale … that’s what I was thinking …what made you think about jogging? tho ye baat hai ….

Raj: let’s get some sleep guys... We need to get up early tomorrow…. Lucky alarm laga


Alarm started dancing.....

‘Mayeebaap raham kar, koyi to bandh kar baap!!’ Lucky was crying in his sleep. I got up and put off the alarm. It was five o’clock in the morning. Raj woke up after me. We pushed lucky off his bed.
‘Mummy…. tum loghoka kya bighada saalee!! ‘
‘utt saale… jogging keliye nahi janaa hai kya?’
‘Nahi … mujhe sona hai… tum logonko jaana hai tho jao…’

Lucky slowly slipped into in his tracks, and we set to Victoria grounds.

‘Oy yaar!! Kinni soni kudi yaar…. Boy… she is H O T,’ lucky was shouting in the ears of Raj who was riding the bike.
‘Lucky, how many times I said don't say such kinda things when I’m riding... Why don’t you ride and I enjoy the nature!’
‘Sorry baap! Anyways where’s Avi…. Oy udar dekh … Avi uss scooty pep walli, hamarii soni kudhi ke peche kaise dhumm hillathey huvve jaraa dekh!’
'then that girl must be really hot… lets go lucky!’


‘Uma… why this all of a sudden jogging program?’ Navya asked.
‘Raj, called me yesterday night… I asked him what have they planned for the summer… he said jogging… so we are here…’
‘And we are very early madam… no sign of those idiots yet,’ Sameera said boringly.
‘What do I know? May be those lazy bones didn’t get up at all,’ Uma said.


Uma… miss attitude!... she’s like Priety zinta in kal ho na ho (only the part in which she was wearing spex)

Navya… miss sensitive!... she’s like Amrita Rao in ishq vishq!

Sameera… miss know-all! Hmm… she’s like kareena kapoor in k3g!

hmm… these six guys have been friends right from first class and they have been in same school, same class and now in engineering they opted for same college and same branch. And they stay in same locality.

(..................stay glued, tuned .... whatever!)