Feb 23, 2009

Jai Ho!

I didn't know how to express my happiness while watching the 81st Annual Academy awards show, each award given to slumdog millionaire made me clap and whistle hard. The words of Resul Pookutty "Thank you, Academy, this not just a sound award, this is history being handed over to me", who won Oscar for Sound mixing along with Ian Tapp and Richard Pryke, brought goosebumps to me. 

And then, Rahman bhai winning ek nahi balki dho' (2) Oscars was truly amazing. His performance on the stage was terrific and I didn't see any nervousness in him, all I could see is the confidence of taking home the Oscars in his eyes. He won two Oscar awards for Best Original score and Best OST (Jai Ho...)

Frankly speaking I always have hated Oscar awards judgement for being most unpredictable and unexpected in nature, but for the first time it seemed predictable, in every category where slumdog millionaire was featured it won! except one.

And, on the finishing note, I thank Director Danny Boyle who won the best director award for opening the doors for India to win its share of Oscar awards...

Feb 21, 2009

Delhi 6

Jiyo A R Rahman Jiyo, Yuraaj got its money because of you and I have no doubts that its gonna be the same with Delhi 6. Awesome background music which is actually a respite to these movies. Anyways, coming to Delhi 6, casting is very much apt and my favorite character was of Rishi Kapoor's.

I felt like Delhi 6 was Swades part 2, delhi wala thing is little boring here. Boring climax, there's nothing really exciting in this movie. Now, I don't wanna see anymore communal riots thing or untouchable thing in  movies, yaar cmon India has come long way now. Yeah, there are still such things happening but the intensity is pretty low compared to the early 80's and late 90's, got tired of the bhashans.  

I'm desperately waiting for munnabhai kinda flicks. Well, don't worry delhi 6 isn't that bad, we can watch once for sure. 

Feb 17, 2009


Long long ago when I was a toddler, I used to use my left-hand for everything. I always had a fascination to be a south-paw. But I donno when I became a right-hander, well I suppose my mom should have had played a major role in that, transforming me into a right-handed. It's considered that left-hand should be used for certain things only and my aunt used to specify it whenever I used to forward my left-hand for anything offered.

One day when I started playing cricket, I was very attracted to left-handed batsmen and bowlers. I tried my hand and was able to bowl and bat left-hand with ease and then I realised I have equal dominance with left-hand too. And, from there on I started enjoying playing both right and left-hand batting and bowling. In football I'm a leftie by default. This makes me unique in someway or another. Ambidexterity is a well known but amazingly rare variant of cross-dominance.

There are few famous Cross-dominant like me - Leonardo da Vinci, Einstein, Oscar Wilde, Michelangelo, Benjamin Franklin, Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and Shawn Michaels (WWE Superstar) and and most important live example my library sir at school, I saw him writing with both hands.

So, this makes obvious prediction that someone is due becoming famous pretty soon! [;)]

Feb 14, 2009

X O ...

Love at times is said to be very difficult thing to find. And, once you find the true and selfless love then it lasts forever, but not everyone is that lucky. This love is a fantabulous experience felt by a person for another person. Love isn't built by a singular feeling but it's built from more than one feeling. Love is the most sweetest thing and also worst nightmare that can hunt you entire life if you don't get accepted. 

Well, I don't advise not to look out for your love, who knows you might just get luckier. Anyways, I wish everyone a very happy valentine's day and pray that everyone finds their love and none with a "nightmare!". 

Mohabbat mohabbat milegi chal ke do kadam 
Saathi se mil jaayenge 
Baharein phir khil jaayenge 
Chal ke do kadam



Feb 11, 2009

Recession time!

Unemployment has been climbing from ages ago and now it reached its peak at this time. Stock markets have been jittery all over. And, then the official declaration of recession!

Every company is practicing cost cutting now, layoffs has became the favorite game of all the companies around the world (hey bud, we have fired 20k! what about you guys, huh? 5k? bullshit man!)

There is an old joke among economists that states:

A recession is when your neighbor loses his job.

A depression is when you lose your job.

Recession is like the period of depression when a guy gets rejected after proposing a girl. It takes time to overcome that. One needs to be in good spirits to survive this crisis period. A recession generally lasts from six to 18 months, lets wait then...

Feb 6, 2009

Older by one more year...

This day that year ('06) I had no idea that I would grow this old from the day I started scribbling, and gradually days passed and then weeks and now years! I'm 3 years old now!

Jan 19, 2009

Dad, I'm in love (The End)

Continued from here...

"Oh! and so the request for Goa..., " I sighed looking at him. I saw aditi and then my eyes traveled to the person who was setting the umbrella. He looked familiar, I walked closer towards him to have a good look. I then looked at the female who was helping him, it was Mayuri Ram's wife. So, this cutie pie is Ram's huh, good good.

"Ahem!" I stood behind them to surprise them. Mayuri looked back, "Avi... Kya baat hai! this is totally a big surprise, Harini, where's she?"
Ram, hugged me as soon as he saw me. "You haven't changed Avi, you look the same..." , Mayuri said with a smile. "Neither you have," I replied back to her. I gestured Harini and Rohan to come. "Ram, this is my wife Harini and my son Rohan. And, hari, this is Ram and his wife Mayuri, and aditi their daughter..." I said. "How do you know aditi?" Ram asked in surprise. "That's because these both are in the same class..."

And, so we got company to enjoy the remaining days in Goa. After a week full of enjoyment we headed back to Hyderabad. Ram was in US for 10 years and now he's returned back to India for good and he's staying in Hyderabad.

After returning back to home, I remembered that I totally forgot about Rohan's love story. I didn't want to waste any time now. I went to his room and took him on to my lap and said, "Rohan, I wanted to tell you something important. We met aditi's parents right? they are our relatives and Ram is my cousin, he's elder brother to me and so aditi will become..."

"Will become sister to me..." Rohan shot back to me...

Hmm... I never thought that my son's first crush would blow off in this manner...

Jan 14, 2009

Jiya Se Jiya

Check out the new AR Rahman's track jiya se jiya video where everything in this video is real with exception of AR Rahman frames which is staged. This beautiful track breaks the barriers laid by different religions and castes and preaches oneness among Indians!

Jan 1, 2009

it's all blind, isn't it?

Love is Blind


From Shakespeare's The Merchant Of Venice

Jessica: "Here, catch this casket; it is worth the pains.
                I am glad 'tis night, you do not look on me, 
                For I am much ashamed of my exchange:
                But love is blind and lovers cannot see
                The pretty follies that them selves commit;
                For if they could, Cupid himself would blush
                To see me thus transformed to a boy."

So love is blind? Are you serious? Well, I feel it's not the love which is blind, but it is made blind with lust towards the opposite sex. Don't you think so?

Love does overlook the flaws, but is this overlooking act called blind? Ok, we people whenever come across an odd couple like one is ugly other is much better than the former, blah blah ... we say  love is blind indeed and there you see the perfect example showing 'em. But excuse me, accepting someone is really such simple, no, it isn't simple, while accepting someone we tend to feel something special about that person. When your soft corner is touched and taken care of, that's the moment you fall in love with that person.

Anyways, these days love has made progress, it isn't blind anymore. It got operated and now its wearing contact lens for the clear vision. Clear vision means, if she finds her perfect match, next would be if parents don't accept then ditch that dumbo. Not only that, Okay, I love this person will I be taken care for sure? Has enough money? future plans? Job stability? Bullshit?

Boohoo! love has indeed made progress, it isn't blind anymore, whatsay? 

Or may be, love is still blind, it's just we started to open our eyes... [:O]

Dec 31, 2008

closing note - yr 2008...

Survived another year, with many many things to remember. To start with, my first-ever flight experience which was a mixture of excitement, adventurous and ending on the hating side of flying anymore. The take-off was filled with thrilling experience and the first landing was little frightening, thanks to Air-India for that experience. Then, nearly missed my connecting flight helping the old couple to catch their flight. And then the final connecting flight flew for direct 10hrs which made me hate the travelling thru flights anymore. Now I wish we had a rail or roadway to India from US having a big flyover bridge [:P]

Next noteworthy experience would be the learning phase, learning the American way of living, burgers-pizzas-beers-clubbing-touring-shopping-deals-so on. My first six months stay in Calif. would always be the closest to my heart. I never realised I can cook, and went on to become really good cook. The importance of Friday night parties, not that I didn't know about the importance, but after coming here I realised what is with the Friday-nights!

Parting never became adventurous until cops arrived to stop the parties. And after six glorious months, had to head towards East side, the colder regions of US. The first experience of snowfall was terrific, within an hour everything outside was filled with snow. But started hating the white stuff soon, which makes life difficult. To cross a 10 feet road how much time do you take? keep out from answering the stupid question, my answer would ridicule it. When the road is covered by ice sheet it takes 10 minutes, and you sure to slip while crossing, good lord I didn't slip yet, though couple of my friends have called me to tell their slipping experience (the devil in me kept laughing hearing that...)

Anyways, those were few delicious experiences of year '08 and no resolutions this year, and I wish everyone out there a very happy and fabulous year '09.

Dec 18, 2008

Rab ne nahi bana di yeh jodi?

Rab ne nahi tho aur kaun banaya ye jodiko? Rajiv boltha hai ki usne banaya woh jodi... I came across this blog with a story that has similar situations of that of RNBJ. Now, can that be sheer coincidence? or maybe the story writer of RNBJ got the story thru telepathy, where this writer's mind and Rajiv's mind got into resonance and then RNBJ story got filmed and Rajiv's one got a place in blogorama. Or maybe, Rajiv's story was manipulated from the original which he submitted to Mirchi Movies Ltd for the story hunt contest 'Pen Uthao Bollywood Hilao'. There can be many speculations, but then even if its true that RNBJ story was lifted from Rajiv's story, what will happen next? will Rajiv be given the credit for the story? or any compensation will be given? will someone help him sue Yash Raj films?

I don't support anyone but this was an interesting claim from a guy who says that the story was lifted from his work, so thought this can be some hot topic to see where it goes, not much distance though.

Anyways, RNBJ has no extraordinary story barring the surinder's character. And, no one knows who is the original creator of the story. Why don't you guys check out for yourself the story written by Rajiv? ( Kya tum mujhse pyaar karte ho)

Dec 15, 2008

Dad... I'm in love part #3

Continued from here...

I thought I was little overreacting to the situation on-hand. Well, that was so normal, I had my first crush in 2nd grade itself. Anyways, I decided to monitor Rohan's prep for the exams and then after his exams will take him to Goa, May be, then lots of games, movies and all possible things which will help him come out of it. 

Rohan came out of his room and asked, "Dad, if I do well in my exams shall we all go to Goa for vacation?" I felt confident listening to that, "haan, sure thing!" He went back in to his room and after a little while he shouts from his room, "I need your help for preparation"
I shouted back, "OK SIR, anything else?"
"No thanks!"


Exams thing never failed to make me nervous but Rohan seemed in good condition. I observed that he is good at grasping. I faced real pain while helping him understand few topics here and there, esply that history subject... Phew! I remembered the day of my brother's board exam when he asked my help and I totally scared him and left him nervous. And, then, Harini had to go out of town for 3 days to attend her friend's wedding, so cooking section was under my control.  

After a week, at the last day of the exams we caught flight to Goa wasting no time.


We reached Goa in the evening and we checked in into the hotel room which I booked. Harini was happy at the dinner and Rohan was beaming. After the dinner we went back to the room and slept. 

Harini slowly rolled over towards me and whispered, "thanks Avi, I wasn't prepared for this holiday and Rohan seems to have come over it..."

"Yeah... and you're looking amazingly sexy today..."

"Ssshh... Shut up! ...     I love you.."

"love you too my dear sexy wife..."

Next day morning, we all set to go to the beach. Rohan was very excited, it's going to be his first visit to the sea. 

We reached beach after 15 minutes drive. 

While I was fixing the Umbrella Rohan pulled me down and pointed towards next umbrella, " Dad... Aditi..."

"Oh... and who is she?"

"Dad... she's my...." He didn't finish the line and I had no difficulty in filling up myself.

...to be continued

Dec 7, 2008

Dad... I'm in love - part #2

Continued from here...

I choked at what he said. This didn't shock me a bit, but the guts to spill the beans about your crush, that too, to your dad, I never had guts to do that and I dare to say that no one did that with so much ease. Well, yeah, who is to be blamed, no one, the world is becoming confident day by day, that's the art of survival for you, be confident at any point.

"Ahem...Rohan, that's a good thing, I mean, to be in love. Well, I appreciate that you told me, and when's your exams coming up?" I asked him trying hard not to react at the situation. "In a month dad..." He replied. "Oh, and, how's your preparation going on?" I asked him as we walked back into the room. "Really bad dad.., " Rohan said while turning on the TV. Now, Now, did I ever told my dad that I was doing bad at preparation during exams time. The idea of cane at the corner of the kitchen room used to run a chill in my spine to say that I was reading for my exams.

I walked out of the room and settled down in the living room couch. Harini joined me, she rested herself on my shoulder and whispered. "What happened?", I brushed the hair aside and said, "Our son is in love, and that's the problem and he isn't doing good with his preparation for exams, and that's it..." she jumped in shock, "holy crap, I mean what the heck, I mean, at this age... GoSH@!". It took her couple of minutes to digest that. "What we gonna do now? how is he gonna come out of it?" are the questions which I read in her eyes when she was staring at me.

"Well, I think I know what to do, you jus relax, everything is gonna be ok...," I said.

Yes, I do have a plan and I know how to get Rohan out of this, I hope it works...

...to be continued

Nov 7, 2008

Dad... I'm in love! (prologue) part #1

It's eleven in the night, I was watching Harika rolling over the bed without trying to sleep for about 15 minutes. I asked, "Hari, what happened?" She rolled over and faced towards me. She said, "Rohan's turning 11 tomorrow, I asked him where shall we go tomorrow, he just walked away into his room and slammed the door. He's behaving like this for past one week, I tried asking what's wrong with him for which he always walks away. I don't know what to do..."
"Ok, I'll talk to him tomorrow, now you sleep honey", I said giving a peck on her lips.


I walked into Rohan's room in the morning to wish him on his b'day. As I entered the room I found him busy in the restroom, I slipped into the couch. Music system was playing everynight in my dreams, "do kids listen to that track, I mean at this age?" I quizzed myself.

Rohan came after five minutes. I took him into my arms and gave a peck on his forehead, "Happy B'day Rohan...", "Thanks Dad..." he said in lower tone. Hari was right, something is wrong with the kid. I took him to the balcony. Now, this is weird how should I ask him what's wrong with him. I know he has my genes, so it turns out to be obvious that he will never tell what's bothering him. I thought of giving it a shot.

"Rohan, how's is the school going on?"
"Well, not that great"
"Hmm, and what about cricket? mom was saying that you were skipping the coaching classes daily. Is everything fine with you?" I saw Rohan looking at his feet. That says that there is something which is really bothering him.

"Rohan, ok , leave all that, tell me about you friends. I mean girls (I winked at him, for which he smiled)"
"Not so lucky dad...", He said with a sigh.

What the heck, now that answers few questions for me.

"Ok, now tell me what's bothering you? I promise I would try to pull you out of that..."
"You can't dad..."
"Without telling me anything how can you judge that?"
"Hmmm... (he took a long pause) Dad I'm in love with a girl.."

...to be continued

Oct 26, 2008

The blonde Lady...

Why are Blondies' always on the receiving end now I know. This is an exclusive coverage of series of events that happened with me in the last 36 hrs.

On Saturday morning when I was at my work place I got a call from a lady to make a reservation for that evening.
"Days Inn, front desk"
"Hi, this is Melissa and I would like to make a reservation for tonight"
"uh-huh, and what kinda room would that be?"
"King Size non-smoking please"
"Ok, it's gonna be 75 plus taxes..."
"ok, fine with me..."
"Ok ma'am, your reservation is confirmed and your confirmation # is XXXXXXX"
"Ok hon, we'll be there by 9"
"Ok ma'am, you have a good day"
"you too..., aah wait what time zone you guys are in?"
"Ok, thanks"
"your welcome, bye"

And, that evening she checked-in at 8:45.
"Hi, I made a reservation this morning with the name Melissa"
"Yup, I was waiting for you..."
"I need you to sign this for me please...", I said.
"Ok..., hey do I need to write the car details" (This form asks about car model, license number and stuff...)
"Yes, if you have one.." (I couldn't hold my tongue)
"Well, Oh... you are so funny... hehehe, obviously I have one..."
I gave a toothy smile to her. All seemed fine till then.

Then after an hour she came down to vending machine for chips packet. My bad luck that chips selection had some problem, so when she inserted coins machine pushed those coins out. She comes to me for help, I went to check the machine. I asked her for the coins and inserted them for the chips. Machine puked out those coins. I told her, "might be some technical problem, I will get that fixed in the morning." That lays chip packet cost was 50 cents, so what this lady suggests me is, "I guess the chips cost is 60 cents, take this dime and see...". For her satisfaction I had to exercise that futile attempt for her. I then asked her to go for other chips which are there. She wanted only lays. Then she asked me for cereals, I ushered her to breakfast hall.

Next day morning I saw her standing outside under the canopy looking towards McDonald's. After ten minutes she comes in and asks me, "what are those bunch of birds on that tree?" (eh? what birds? )
I gestured that I didn't knew. She gets disappointed. She walks slowly into the breakfast hall and asks an old man who was having his breakfast, "Hey, you know what are those birds on that tree in front of McD?"
"No Idea honey..."
"Oh, you too don't know, they are so loud..."

Well, after having breakfast she checks out. She bid me bye and walked out. After 5 minutes she came in hurriedly and said, "Hon, I forgot my glasses in the room can I have the key for the room.
I said, "ma'am I guess are wearing them on your head"
"Oh, yeah, thanks again hon, ok then bye..."

Oct 20, 2008

My Happening Day!

WooHOO! I got a reason to shout that out. You might also shout out like me if what happened to me happens to you. So, why is Oct' 20, 2008 my happening day? well, couple of things happened today for me. Starting with, the research work which was assigned to me by my adviser got approved. My findings were accepted and got nod to go ahead and carry on the research and make it as my major project!

And, the other thing which happened was, I won $50 and a free goal setter savings account in the bank where I have my checking a/c.

It's just 12:15 PM now and still half-a-day to finish, let's see what else is left for me.

Oct 16, 2008

I was dancing with her shadow... #6 (the end...)

Continued from here...

Sameera left to Hyderabad next day morning. I started missing her badly, I was afraid of this feeling from the experiences I had in my life. I was not sure why this feeling popped out from nowhere, I got confused, I was feeling happy. In the meanwhile I realized that in my last forty eight hours I for once didn't think of Mayuri. There used to be hardly any day without thinking about her. This I thought was a good sign for me.

For once I felt like someone let me free from unseen clutches. I started seeing everything around me newly, felt like I got relieved after ages, I was breathing fresh air even in this warm climate. It felt nice to be back again after one full year of depression. That night Sameera called and we were on phone for almost whole night talking about our childhood days, college days. Before she hung up the phone she said, "Hmm, welcome back Avi... I missed this old Avi for one full year, and come back to Hyderabad... bye, sweet dreams..."

I didn't tell her that my project was finished and I got transferred back to Hyderabad. I wanted to give 'em all a surprise, I kept 'em waiting for long. I couldn't go to sleep after she hung up the phone, I wanted to talk to Lucky, I wanted to tell him about my feelings for Sameera. I always felt comfy talking such kinda things with him, as he always took my case seriously.

"Avinash... yaar, kaisa hai tu?" Lucky said.

"Lucky, sorry yaar, I'm so sorry for my attitude towards you guys, I donno why I was doing this, I started hating myself..."

"Chup saale, chal koyi baat nahi, abb tu teek hai naa, actually, we all thought of leaving you alone and give some time to come out of that depression, par tu kuch zyaada hi time leliya... we missed you saale... acha chod, ke haal chaal hai, aur tu call be karta hai theen bhaje raatko, kiski biwi margai? wait a sec, wait a sec, who is that girl?" Lucky said. I couldn't believe that, Lucky hasn't changed a bit. He never failed to read my feelings without being told...

"Woh kya hai ki..."

"Haan , haan , I'm listening..",
"I guess I'm in love with ...." I said, didn't know how will he recieve this

"Ladki hi hai naa... confirm?"

"abey bakwas bandh karr...."

"Phir tu phata phat bol..."

"Well, I'm love with a girl whom you know, shes from our gang..."

"Badiya, and lemme guess... Rachana?"

"Nahi abhi nahi, I'll tell you later...abhi mujhe needh aah rahi hai, will talk to you later...bye..." I said and hung up the phone.


Rachana's b'day is on coming Sunday, I booked my ticket for Saturday night and booked a cab to reach Rachana's house by 11:55 PM.


11:55PM, Rachana's Place.

I knew every corner of her home, so I jumped off the wall and sneaked into her room. I hid myself behind the curtains. I heard some noises from behind, it was Lucky followed by Raj, Sameera, and Uma. Lucky was holding a big cake in his hands, and Sameera was holding balloons in her hands. On the stroke of twelve in the clock all shouted "HAPPY B'DAY RACHANAA".

Lights were turned on, Rachana's parents didn't come as they knew what will happen at this time of every year. My eyes fell on the b'day girl, in her light pink night suit she looked so gorgeous. Rachana looked so cute and I just couldn't believe to what was happening to me.

"This is my first b'day without that idiot!" Rachana said cutting the cake. I came out of the hide and stood right next to her and signalled to be silent. She cut the cake and took a big chunk of it to hit it on the face of the Lucky as he was always the target for the hit at any of us b'day. She hit the cake on my face. She couldn't believe whom she was seeing. She jumped and screamed and hugged me tightly. She never was so loud as today, she is the most silent one in the gang.

I'm in love with Rachana now....

As the noise levels increased a girl entered the room, oh my gosh! she looked so perfect in every angle. Seeing the unseen drooling in my face Lucky pulled me back and said, "she's Rachana's cousin aur woh committed maal hai..."

"Puri, this is Avinash..." Rachana introduced me to her cousin.

"Oh! so you are that missing guy... glad to meet you finally..." she said giving me a hug.
I winked at Lucky while she gave me a hug...
the end...

you're the life to my soul,
you're the hope to my trust,
you're still in my heart when I run out of my breathe,
you're everything...

Oct 7, 2008

What If....

I always had this feeling since my teenage, what if I had a chance to go back to my school? Ok, lets say I had the chance, well, I would go back and blast bombs in the bathroom and then jump over the wall and go for trekking over the small mountain which is behind my school. And then what else would I wanna do? yes! we didn't had co-ed till my batch passed out, so, I would probably make hell lot of girlfriends and bully them around. And what next? well, then would finish off all the hardy boys books which I couldn't finish.

Ok next desire, what if I had a chance to act in movies? well well, that's one thing I always dreamt of, so, I would act with only specific heroines, list would have preity, deepthi padukone, amisha patel, mallaika arora, sonali bendre. and so on and will replace Emraan Hasmi in all of his movies!

And, what if had a chance to a kiss a girl?? .... ;)

Oct 2, 2008

Chess Titans...

Muhaha!! Computer is such a dumb thing to play with especially a game like chess. I lost first two games because of the complacence and then when I decided to stop the losing spree next game was a draw. Even though I defeated it with only King and Queen left from my side, it said taking the stats this game would be considered a draw... ( a what?? bullshit).

By now I understood the computers strategy and another game started. This time fulltoo concentration not one soldier to be lost. Well, the computers strategy was simple entice into a trap and then attack in the next second making you yell out "shit man! how didn't I notice that."

Anyways computer tried all its tricks on me but had to lose to me finally. I forgot something, I said computer was a dumb, now ask me why, why because when one of my soldiers reached other end I was offered a queen , a bishop, and a knight to choose. Even though my queen was still there I chose queen which I was offered instantly, hahaha... bloody hell!!! and the victory!!!