Feb 26, 2006


“What? A blast in the college… GOD!”
‘Hey no need to panic, we’ll see through this Sindhu’
‘Sir, I have something to say regarding this incident’
‘Yeah... What’s that Charu?’
‘Er… actually Avi saw an e-mail which was for college, saying, “Bombs r planted in the College, BEWARE!”.
‘Avinash, is that true?’
‘Yes sir! I have seen that from college’s e-mail account’
‘college authority didn’t even mentioned about receiving any such kinda mails, well anyways that’s a start for I haven’t got any clues till now’
‘Ali... jaldi I need reinforcements and tell principal to meet me’

what’s happening, having witnessed a murder the other night now I gonna get involved in this case also. I didn’t even inform my parents about the murder and now this…

‘Shit man! I forgot to tell Ali to get Software techies for tracing the id’
‘Sir don’t worry about that my friend is expert in these things, for the time being y don’t we try him out may be he can trace the id’
‘Hmm… yeah that’ll be fine’

I didn’t even know we had a hacker in our college, y don’t Avi mind his own business and let police do their work.

‘Sir this is Sajesh my friend, I explained him all the things’.
‘Hi Sajesh, let’s go to computer lab where there is net connection.’
‘Ok sir’

‘Hey guys, ‘’sup, where are u people going?’
‘Hi kavita, to computer lab’
‘And what’s Avi & Sajesh doing with the police officer?’
‘Nothing, he wants to use internet so they are ushering towards lab that’s it’
‘And y u people r following them’
‘Kavi we came very early to the college so just for time pass, OK!, now stop bugging us, if u wanna join us u r welcome’.

We went into CAD-CAM lab, Ricky was there checking his mails.

‘Hey there! Hi everyone’
‘Hi Ricky’
‘’sup entire gang into lab’
‘We came for u, this is what u wanna listen rite, but sorry to say we r here for other work’
‘Whatever! Sindhu’
‘Hey Avi, Sajesh, oops good morning sir’
‘Good morning!’
‘Sir, Ricky is also good at this thing which we require’
‘Ok explain him about the thing and guys make it fast’


Geez.. I should stop using my e-mail id & messenger, what should I say now? these guys actually traced the email id from where the e-mail came, the three hackers.

‘Sir, I’m sure this mail came from this city only, and we need to call Sify people to enquire about this account no., they’ll definitely help us in getting the address of this anonymous sender, as this fella has Sify connection’.
‘Great going, guys!’
‘Ali, do what is required, do it fast man we have only 3 hrs time’
‘Yes sir’

‘Sir! Interesting bit of news, the mail came from Shalini kapoor’s residence’
‘Yes sir, that’s right & I think Sanjay kapoor is involved in this case also’
‘Yeah yeah I too think so, get him here and how many of our people are here?’
’24 constables’
‘Now listen, deploy few of our men in civil dress..'
‘Ok sir’

That’s great once again confrontation with kapoor

‘ok guys thanks for your help, now I think it’s time for your seminar as ur names are being announced and don’t worry about this I’ll see through this case’
‘Oh! We forgot about our seminar, Avi where’s Charu? It’s our turn’
‘Chill sindhu! Charu has already headed to the hall’
‘Guys wait, we r also coming’
‘Come fast then’

Our paper presentation went on well and I was feeling hungry. Avinash, sajesh, Ricky have already vanished to canteen.

‘Charu, kavi come let’s go to canteen I’m starving ‘
‘let’s go ‘.
(stay glued..............)


  1. LOL...! This is turning out to be hilarious! Btw, Police in our country are identified by their Khaki trousers and not sock! Man! You watch too many movies!!!

  2. Grrr... how did i end up here?

  3. @sindhu,hello they r in civil dress in my story so...

    @ sajesh,computer geeks required
