Feb 20, 2006


My mobile was buzzing restlessly, what shit, who the heck is calling at this time?’, it’s 2:30am, I hate this police job.

“Hello, DCP Ram”;
‘hello SI Ali sir, sorry to disturb you sir’.
‘That’s ok Ali, what’s the matter?’,
‘sir, there is a madam in your cabin, she wants to talk to you about a murder she witnessed just an hour ago, she seems to be very terrified’.
‘Okay Ali, I’ll be there in an hour’.

Today is Sunday, going to be a heck day for me.

‘Good morning sir!’,
‘what good morning Ali, you could have handled this case for yourself…whatever, where is your madam?’,
‘inside sir’,

‘Hello, good morning, I’m DCP Ram, and how may I help you miss…?’
‘I witnessed a murder at my apartments, the murderer has seen me, and I rushed to here for protection’.
‘Okay, you have done a good job by coming here, you are safe here’.

‘Ji sabji’,
’aaaa…what would you like to have tea or coffee?’.
’ coffee’,
’ok, yadav dho coffee'.
‘Okay, may I know your name? what do you do and what about your parents?’
‘I’m Sindhu, final yr engg. Student, my parents are out of town, they went to Tirupathi.’

Yadav served hot steaming coffee...

‘Sindhu, please have the coffee and relax, I’ll be right back’

‘Ali, let’s go the murder site’,
turning towards yadav, ‘yadav, madam will stay here until morning so see through what she needs.’
‘Right, sabji’.

‘Ali did you send our men there?’
‘Yes sir, as soon as she told about the murder I sent 4 constables, sir but the thing is the place seems to be quite, no sign of any incident, no trace of blood, everything seems to be normal’.
‘Oh! Let’s check that area then we’ll finalize.’

We reached the flats. Ali was right; everything seems to be normal, how can this be possible? This is going to be sturdy case to deal with, let’s see.

‘Ali, what’s the flat no. ?’
‘Flat no. 503, sir’.

Goddamn lift is out of order; I have to climb five floors, crap man.

It’s 4:15am.

my mobile was ringing...

‘hello, DCP Ram’,
‘sir, this is sindhu’
’Yes, sindhu what’s the matter?’
‘Sir, I took the photos of the culprit with my mobile cam, I dropped my mobile in the nearby garbage bin, please find that, may be it can help you.’’
"Oh! I’ll go and check, thanks for letting me know.’

‘Chinna, check if there is garbage bin outside the apartment, the girl dropped her mobile in it’,
’ok, sir’.

Chinna returned with a mobile in his hand...

‘sir, here is the mobile’.
‘Hmm..samsung, good piece man’.

Time 4:30am.

‘Ali, let’s go and check the flats’.

After climbing 5 floors, I was panting heavily...

Here it is flat no. 503 “Sanjay kapoor”, ‘ey Ali, Anil kapoor ka bhai hai kya?’……

Ali buzzed the doorbell...

’whose there outside?’
‘DCP ram’,
‘what’s the matter DCP sir?’.
‘Sorry to disturb you, Mr. Kapoor, we received a call about a murder in your flats’.
‘sorry to say you DCP, but there was no such incident happened here’.
‘well I have search warrant to check your flat’.
’ No problem sir, plzz come on in’.

After checking every corner of the flat we didn't find anything unusual, not even a blood strain, nothing related to murder.

‘By the way Mr. Kapoor where is your wife?’.

Ting tong …ting tong.. .
’Excuse me sir, I’ll just check out who has come’,
’ uh-huh shalini, how was your journey?’.
‘Sir, my wife shalini kapoor, she has just arrived from her mother’s hometown’.
‘Sanjay, what happened? why is police here?’,
’Seems like someone called police and informed that a murder took place in our apartments, so they came to check’.

something is not adding up here...

‘Anyways, thanks for your co-operation Mr.Kapoor’,
‘any time officer’.

After coming out of the flats I went to sindhu’s flat, it’s locked.

‘Ok Ali, tell our men to be here only and let’s go back to station’.

Back at the Police Station...

‘hi sindhu’,
‘did you find my mobile?’….
‘oh yea! Here it is take it, you actually forgot to store the pictures you took’.
‘oh, it's out of storage space’,
‘it’s ok ….’.
‘Now sindhu, tell me what you witnessed and all the events you have done before & after the murder’.
‘Well after my parents left to railway station, I along with my friends went for movie at 7 pm, and after that had dinner at one of friend’s house, then reached my flat at 11pm. While I was changing into my night suit, I heard sounds coming from the upper flat, out of curious I peeked out of my flat to see what’s happening there. I saw Mr.Kapoor’s flat door ajar, I went inside and saw this man in mask stabbing Mrs.Kapoor, I took pictures of this man. He saw me while I was slipping out of the flat. I was so terrified that I just ran from there and stopped here at police station’.
‘Hmm.. ok, will you go to your friend's house? it’s 6am, I suggest you stay at your friend’s house at least for today’.
‘ok , I’ll call my friend to pick me up’.

Where this story is is going I can’t understand she says she witnessed a murder and there’s no sign of a murder

‘okay sindhu, I’ll see through this, no need to worry….. hey can you show me pictures of the any apt celebrations anything if you have taken in your mobile’, ‘yeah, sure’.
‘Good piece, and what you wanna do after engg?’, ’I’ll do MS in USA ‘.

While I was checking the pictures in her mobile I saw Mr.Kapoor’s picture with some other woman.
’Sindhu, who is this beside Mr.Kapoor?,
‘they are my parents’.
‘the woman beside kapoor?’,
’shalini, his wife’ .
’Are you sure?’,
’ yes sir’.

What was the other woman at Kapoor's place then?

At 7 am sindhu’s friend came.
I gave her mobile, while I sending her off something flashed into my mind.

‘sindhu, wait a sec did you lock your flat when you came out ?’,
‘ Oh ! I din’t lock it..!’
‘Then let's go to your house... we'll have check your house’.
‘Ali, let’s go the apartment and ask our men to be alert, instruct them not to allow anybody to enter the apartment or leave.’
‘Sindhu come with us, we’ll have to check your flats...’.

After reaching the apartment I had a gut feeling that we might find something. 

‘Sindhu, do you have keys to open the lock’.
‘I don’t have’.
‘Ali, get Kapoor family here’.

‘Ha! Mr.kapoor sorry to disturb you again. Sindhu has lost her flat keys, so can you help her out?’ ‘how can i help? Find some key maker or break the door’
‘Enough of your acting, your play is up Kapoor’.
‘Ali, get Shalini’

‘sir, Shalini’ .
‘she is not Shalini’…
‘I know that Sindhu’,
‘now Shalini ji , please take off your necklace I see a key with it’.

Ali opened the lock and went into the flat...

‘Sir there’s a body in the bathroom’………… ‘Sindhu, this is Shalini right’, ‘Oh my GOD!!’
‘Ali, arrest both Mr & Mrs. Kapoor’.

Thank God it’s only 8am and my Sunday is waiting for me.

‘DCP sir, thanks for your help and how did you suspect Kapoor was the real culprit?’

‘well I didn’t suspect him in the early stages of investigation, but when I asked about his wife, his wife has just came from her mother’s hometown. Kapoor managed everything well, but getting this woman into the picture, he laid his own trap. When I came out of his flat and heading back to the station I asked my constable about the woman who just arrived into the apartment. I was surprised when he said no one entered the apartment. There I din’t suspect him yet, but when I saw the picture which you family and Kapoor's family were there, that's where the clue showed up, fake Shalini and the actual Shalini Kapoor. And then the other clue was the locking you flat... well, it all added up with a gut feeling that your flat might unlock the mystery’
‘Anyways, that’s really bold of you to come to cops right away to report about the murder.’
‘All the best for your future, bye….Sindhu’
“Bye sir…!’