Feb 25, 2006

whodunit..... sequel-1

Phew! Hmm... Thank God! Everything is fine now. Should call the cleaning lady to clean the bathroom and I need a deep sleep.
‘Charu I’m off to sleep, plz tell the cleaning lady to clean the bathroom when she comes’,
‘Yea alright….’

Around 11 am...

‘Sindhu..! Sindhu…!! Get up, ur dad’s phone, get up....’
‘hello, when did you reach Tirupathi? ‘
‘Sindhu! What’s this you are still sleeping, lazy bones?’
‘Sorry daddy, had some assignment to complete, so slept late yesterday night’
‘Ok, get up now, we reached Tirupathi and just checked into an hotel’
‘Oh! Is mom with u now?’
‘No sindhu, she’s in the hotel room, and listen if u need some money use mom’s debit card, ok then I’ll call tomorrow, bye beta....’
‘Bye daddy…’
‘Charu, what’s the time?’
‘Ok, do you want to eat something?’
‘ let’s go to udipi hotel’

After having brunch, we came back to our flat. By the time, we returned cleaning lady cleaned the bathroom, which was full of blood strains.
‘Sindhu, why don’t you stay with me tonight’
‘Yeah, let’s go’

At Charu's house..

‘Mom, Sindhu is staying here for tonight’
‘Oh, that’s fine…., Sindhu how r u feeling now’
‘Fine aunty’
‘Did u people eat something?’
‘We had dosa mom’

tingg tong…. Tinggg tonggg….’ Charu, see who’s there outside’
‘Its Avinash mom…, hello sir!’
‘Hi charu, ‘’sup, where u been?’
‘At sindhu’s house’
‘She’s in my room, come on in’

‘Hi Sindhu’
‘Hi Avi...’
‘Charu told me about what happened yesterday, how r u feeling now?’
‘Much better’
‘Hey, have u people completed preparation for tomorrow’s paper presentation at techno vocation’
‘Yeah, we have, what about you?’
‘Revision is required, ok then I’ll leave now and will come tomorrow morning at 7:30am…hey by the way I forgot to say, our presentation is at 11:30am not at 2:30pm, they changed the timings for few batches…… ok then bye girls’

After Avi vanished, Charu & I went out for ice-cream parlor. After returning to charu’s home, I went straight onto bed. Sleep is all I wanted now. At least I’ll be fresh for tomorrow’s event at college.

7am morning
tingg tong ..ting tong…..

‘Charu its Avinash, come on in beta.. .’
‘Avinash, just 10 mins yaar’
‘Charu listen come here’
‘I have an unconfirmed bit of news, but don’t know how serious its gonna be’
‘what’s the matter?’
‘I saw a e-mail from our college e-mail id account’
‘U know the password of the id, where did u get all this stuff from huh?’
‘Once I peeked into principal’s P.A diary, I know that’s a bad habit to check others diary, well I just saw on one of the pages of diary in which this password for the college e-mail id account was written.’
‘So, what u saw?’
‘There’s an e-mail from an anonymous id saying that," bombs are deployed in ur college, BEWARE."
‘Uh-huh, tell me u are that anonymous who sent the mail’
‘Oh come on charu, I’m serious.’
‘ok,ok, well may be someone might be playing pranks like u’
‘Guess who’s the chief guest for today’s event is’
‘We all know that, it’s CM’
‘NO…. he’s not coming, President of India is coming’
‘Hey u people out there, let’s start we’ll get late’
‘Yeah sindhu, let’s go Avi’

On the way to college, Charu told me about what Avi was saying and I couldn’t stop laughing at that. We reached college by 9:15am, very early for us. We came to know that President would be coming to college at 2:30pm in the meantime presentation will take place. We were walking towards cafeteria and I saw DCP Ram, he was not in uniform and beside him was SI Ali. President is coming so its obvious for their presence here.

‘Good morning DCP sir’
‘Hey sindhu, very good morning’
‘These are my friends Avinash, charu’
‘Good morning to both of u’
‘good morning sir’
‘Well, u came for President’s security purpose sir’
‘er.. well there was an explosion in ur college store room this morning at 6 am and apart from college authority no one knows about the incident, so we r here to investigate and as President is also coming.’

(to be continued)


  1. Well..can't say much. Did you name yourself pranky?? Btw, how many more sequels are you planning?

  2. now pranky!.. i definitely want a good speech by our President..

  3. @sindhu, no more sequels except this

    @mystery, thxs

    @ylder, well wait for a googly!!

  4. What do you mean by no more sequels?? You have typed "To be continued" in the last line of the post!
