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Showing posts with label me... Show all posts

May 11, 2007

my mom rocks!

Yeah..! That’s true I got a super cool mom…!

Day before yesterday, my mom took me and my brother to a movie, which was released on that day only! And getting tickets for the newly released movie on the day 1 is kind of impossible. But my mom got tickets!

Well, I’m big movie buff, and there’s hardly been any weekend without a movie so far. And moreover I ensure that I watch the new movies on the release day itself.

OK, so, that day I had office and due to little traffic jam on my way back to home I reached home little late. As soon as I reached home I crashed down on my bed. Exactly at 6 pm my mom calls up to our landline phone, my bro attended the call. Mom asked if we wanted to see the new movie. We said why not, but then she was yet to go to theatre and buy tickets and it was a big banner movie. I said to my mom; even if you have to buy from black please do that, because we have to go for that movie at any cost. My mom was like, no black nothing, will buy from counter only. And exactly at 6:35 pm my mom calls up and says just 25 minutes for the show to commence. We pulled up our trousers and set off to theatre.

On the way to theatre we hired an auto, this was damn irritating ride I must say. That auto driver started telling us about the movie, the hero, heroine, songs, and when he was about to start telling us about the story luckily we reached the theater to our respite.

On dot we reached the theatre and got into the hall. Ok... So in the hall, our seats were in the middle of the row. And as my mom bought tickets from ladies counter, obviously that row is filled with females [;)]. So there was this girl Aparna (came to know her name only in the interval when her friend called her by her name ) who sat beside me, I was popping my popcorn on her and said "sorry" whenever my mobile buzzed. (Don’t know what happened but people were calling to my mobile as if as I was dying tomorrow… [:P] )…

Anyways, I enjoyed that evening with my mom and bro.

Hey! my mom rocks!

Mar 13, 2007

mine is bigger than yours!

Everybody loves to say "mine is bigger than yours!" to others. Of course I too say that to all, but the other person doesn't agree with me, He feels his is bigger than mine. But no one in this world would accept or say, "yours is bigger than mine!". Problems yaar!

I'm tired of keeping a plastic smiling face in front of others trying to hide things. How long can I hold her, If she is yours, then she'll be yours. Ultimately its her decision to accept me or just leave me.

Jan 31, 2007

the day of good deeds!

That day in the morning, my mom was down with fever, so I got up washed dishes, made sandwiches. My mom felt really happy for that.

Then while going to college in bus I offered my seat to an old gentleman, he said, “thank you young man!”.

Then in the college, one of my juniors came up to me and asked me to help her. She was been ragged by one of my friends, and he is continuously persuading her to come for a date with him. I told her how to react when he asks something and what kind of responses she needs to give to him. Well, that evening everything came to an end and later she came to me and said “thanks for your help sir…”. And she boarded the bus happily.

And finally while crossing the road after getting down the bus, I helped and old lady to cross the busy road. She said, “thank you son, I was standing there for past 20 minutes, I wasn’t able to go forward….”

Hmm.. that one day I helped in all possible ways I can. And I was smiling all night after coming back home and recollecting what all happened that day…

Jan 12, 2007

the last exam...

Today my little bro’s results came out and he scored good grades. Well, he is doing engg and he is in 3 rd year. This took me back to my 3 rd year when he was in 1st year. My 3rd year 1st sem exams got over and my little bro still had one more exam.

So for that exam he had only 1 day for preparation. And he wasted it by just exploring the previous year’s exam papers; he wasn’t able to decide what all units he wanted to read.

He tried to get started and read something in the night after dinner, well I was observing this. I thought of asking him what the problem is, why he is feeling so tensed.

That night he didn’t sleep, I got up in regular intervals from my bed to check whether is sleeping or not.

Next day morning when got up I heard my mom saying, “don’t write exam if you are not confident, write supplementary exam”. I went into kitchen and shouted at my mom and bro, took him into my room and asked him what the problem is, he said he knew nothing about the subject and he didn’t like the subject and so he was unable to read anything. And then he requested me to help him out in anyway.

I asked him to get all the study material he had with him and also the previous years question papers. I went through few previous years’ papers, for 15 minutes I scanned through topics which are very important. At 0630 hours I called my bro and gave a brief summary on all the topics I scanned and gave him a general idea. By 7 pm I covered up 3 units and by 0730hrs he finished cramming all the topics I explained him. At 8 am he left for writing exam. In the evening he came into my room and showed the question paper. 90 percent of paper had the topics which all I covered. And then the results came out, guess what he scored 75 out of 75 in that subject. I could score only 64 out of 80 in that subject….. [; )]

Dec 31, 2006

Year 2007!

New year eve is a time for changes we want or we need to make.

Many of us make New Year's resolutions, few of us keep them...

My resolutions would be:

1. Enjoy LIFE more (come what may..)
2. Little more focus on things which I'm planning for my career.
3. Having appropriate expectations.
4. Try to reduce few pounds..(which I summoned after getting job..[:P])
5. Try to have less crushes! [:D]
6. Break as many rules as possible!.
Make this the year most memorable one. Have a great New Year ahead!

Dec 25, 2006

21 yrs + 32 teeth!... [: D]

Hmm... 21yrs just passed away in a blink, lots of memoirs and lot more will add up. Last month, I got my last wisdom tooth to make an awesome set of 32...[ ;D]

"I fell in love with myself 21 yrs ago [:P] and its 22 now :)"

Oct 29, 2006

avi-giri series - Incident #1

I am typing the whole thing for the second time, damn the power cut!!!!!! (grrrrrrrr).

Some of my most memorable hilarious incidents in my campus life which I wanna share... with lots of spices...
A series of damn cool guys hilarious, adventurous incidents.... here we go....

Incident #1 (the hot seat) :

For 1st 2 weeks in my first yr we weren't assigned roll nos', so in labs we were asked to form groups among ourselves and do expts. After 2 weeks we got our roll nos'.

That day it was Monday and first session was of C-lab, I was late by 20mins. (I missed my college had to come by 7 seater (no its nt 7 seater , its 11 seater 10+1 )) OK so when I entered the lab, everyone were busy doing programs. I got worried , if I missed any thing important...(first-days-to-college enthu in me :P)

I saw karthik (my first college friend and also in class, also my benchmate ) sitting between divya (232) and giri(234)...

He saw me entering the lab. he took me aside and said, "If anyone asks you whats your roll no. just say 252, ok na??"
"why should I say that, and hey whats my roll no.???" I asked karthik.
"Yours is 233, hey you dont talk to divya and giri rite? anyways giri has some doubt she asked me to help her, so I'm sitting there"

I was like WTF???

"Accha bhacchu!! see what am gonna do now", I said to myself and went straight to my Lab-assistant...

"Good morning ma'am, I just came to know that we were given roll nos' so could you tell me whats my roll no and where should I sit?" I asked lab-assistant.
"What's your name?"
"Avinashhh.....aaaaa.... yes ,...Avinash C 233, go and sit beside that girl"

"Where ma'am? that place is already been occupied, someone is sitting in there"
"How can that be?" she got up from her seat and walked straight to Karthik

"What's you roll no mister??"
"233 ma'am" karthik answered n confident voice..
"What's your name?"

I was like WTF?

Then she points at me and asks, "then who is this guy?"
"Oh, sorry I thought you were absent, that's why I sat here..." Karthik said.
"Now go to your place and Avinash sit here.."ma'am said.
"ma'am if he doesn't have any problem can I sit here..??" Karthik asks with little hope.
"No you can't sit"
"And next yr will our roll nos change??"
"No my dear, you have to bear this roll no for entire 4 yrs, you have to sit according to your roll nos not only in labs but also in externals..." ma'am says this and goes.

I saw building collapsing in Karhik's face,,..(poor felllA)

So finally I sit in my official seat. day when I was coming back from my college, my bus mate asked me,"Dude I heard that you are sitting between two gorgeous gals, so damn lucky you are"
"shut up, those gals are not that great, not worth mentioning.." ( to be frank I haven't seen them properly, even though I was sitting between them in labs..."Mr. shy guy"
In the next lab I ensured that I see their faces properly and Yes ....Oh yeah!!!....I'm damn lucky!!... I 'm sitting in the HOT

from there starts avi-giri series...the bindaas gang 233-234 (heavy breeze blows in the

Oct 23, 2006

Miss You!!!

My Love: hey Avi dude wassup, its been ages that we met right???
Me: ha yaar, really stupid of me. I didn't find time to talk to you these days..

ML: I can understand yaar, you started going to office also. And I see that you are stressing a lot.
Me: yes, but what should I do?? It's a part of life and I need to live with it...

ML: Hey! by the way, how ya doing??
Me: Me, doing just better.

ML: So, hows your job??? how are chicks over there??
Me: Office life is no better baap, aur ladkiya please don't even ask. Leaving couple of them rest all are aunties. SOb! SOB!

Me: ha ha Hasleey saaley, Yaar I dont wanna do job right now, not at all. And I don't wanna get settled at this age of early twenties. Cmon I need a break, I have been in this process of studying, studying and studying for 20 yrs continuous yrs and Now doing a job. When am I gonna really enjoy my life???

ML: hey! relax dude, you'll enjoy life when you love the things around you, when you love the work you do, that's when you really will enjoy life.
Me: I know you'll say this. Hey! I missed you so much and am really sorry for not talking to you for so many days ...

ML: I too missed you terribly!! Hey look at the moon, Whoa man its looking damn sexy tonite..

Hmm... my love is none other than ME, yes I love myself very much, When I need someone's support I search a support from my side... My dear friends before falling in love with other's try to love yourself first, take care of yourself, try to understand yourself first.... Half the battle is won when you know your capabilities... :)

Sep 9, 2006

Cricket bAt...........

Hmm... cricket bat, it meant a lot to me in my school days. Well one fine day I gathered my guts and asked my dad to get me a bat. For that he gave me forget-it kinda look and told me to go and study... and finally after my half yearly exams, he bought me a bat.. it was made of cheap quality wood. But then I adjusted to that...

The very next week my bat broke into two pieces (I dont remember how did it break)... hmm.., that day afternoon I joined the both bat pieces with FEVICOL, left it in a corner and waited till its gets fixed... And in the evening exactly at 7 pm, the time by which my dad returns from office, I took a look at my broken bat which was now one piece.

Now it looked in good shape, so I jumped into my imaginations. Imagining as if am in Indian cricket team, and India requires 4 runs to win in the last ball. And the bowler starts his runup and I took my stance, here he bowls and I swing my bat with full grudge to hit a 6.... oyeee wheres my bat ,,,,,,,,,, hmm bat handle was in my hands and bat went straight onto the window for a six... that happened just when my dad entered the room... ...well my dad didnt say anything that time (as far as I remember...)..

Well I was left with no bat now, and summer was approaching besides the peer pressure. So I started saving 1, 2, 5 rupee coins and finally one day, it all added up to 360bucks. I went to buy a new oil bat. But the shop keeper said it was 450 bucks and no oil bat for 300 bucks.. This disappointed me very much. I got fever because of that, that day my granny came from the village to visit us. She used to get me comics every time wherever she came. But this time she forgot, so she gave me 100 rupee note... It brought a smile on my face. That day my mom was going out for shopping, so I gave her my 450 bucks to buy an oil bat for me and gave her the sports shop address, then I went to sleep. When I got up I saw no bat, nowhere. I shouted at my mom, wheres my bat, and I started throwing all my books my stuff on the floor and was crying like anything... my granny woke me up from my dream and showed me my new bat.... wow new bat it has WILLS sticker on it.... hahaha I still have that bat..........