Dec 31, 2006

Year 2007!

New year eve is a time for changes we want or we need to make.

Many of us make New Year's resolutions, few of us keep them...

My resolutions would be:

1. Enjoy LIFE more (come what may..)
2. Little more focus on things which I'm planning for my career.
3. Having appropriate expectations.
4. Try to reduce few pounds..(which I summoned after getting job..[:P])
5. Try to have less crushes! [:D]
6. Break as many rules as possible!.
Make this the year most memorable one. Have a great New Year ahead!

Dec 25, 2006

21 yrs + 32 teeth!... [: D]

Hmm... 21yrs just passed away in a blink, lots of memoirs and lot more will add up. Last month, I got my last wisdom tooth to make an awesome set of 32...[ ;D]

"I fell in love with myself 21 yrs ago [:P] and its 22 now :)"

Dec 21, 2006

Santa..(at my office) part - 2

Santa giving Plum Cake to Avinash....(in the above pic...).. (I took 2 Plum cakes..[:P])

Dec 16, 2006

The Speed Zone... # 4

TIME: 3:30PM

“Sir, there’s an unconfirmed news that some city tour bus driver is planting bombs at all the places wherever he has halted the bus”, Ali said to DCP Ram.

“OH! Any information about the bus number, which travel agency’s bus is that, anything which will leads us to the bus quickly?” DCP asked Ali.

“Sorry sir, that’s all the information for now, but our guys are investigating further for the clues.”
“Ali, send a bomb disposal squad to Charminar first, that’s an obvious stop for the tourists.”
“I’ve already done that sir” Inspector Ali said.

“Ali listen, request all the mobile networks to suspend the network for an hour, between 7pm to 8 pm. I somehow feel we can solve this in that one hour.”
“Ok sir, I’ll do that”

“Mr. Balu, may I know why did pass on the information about bomb blasts thing?” DCP Ram asked.
“That guy was not ready to pay the amount which I was asking.”
“So what’s your role in there?”
“When you catch that guy, and then automatically you’ll come to know who I am.”
“Yeah! Balu.”

TIME: 6:45PM

“Good Evening sir, that tour bus started from Ramoji Film City at 2:30pm. It first stopped at Charminar till 5:30pm then headed towards Nampally” Ali said.
“Ramoji Film City, hey Avinash said he’ll be going there with his friends today.”

We got down the bus, visited the temple, had a small photo session, and then got into the bus for the final destination, Industrial Exhibition at Exhibition grounds, Nampally.

Sindhu wanted to check out what's there in my bag. I showed her the kit, and also switched on to show how it works.

"Hey look, your kit is saying there's a bomb in the ambience, I think we must jump off right now", said sindhu laughing out loud.

"Shit! yaar, my kit started working also, I never knew that its working." , I said winking at Sindhu.

"Hey Avinash, but how cum you are having the kit, I mean how did defence labs people allowed you to carry the equipment?" sindhu asked.

"Well, we actually used the old parts to build this model and we took permission for that, actually No permission, we had to show the kit in the college for final year project so I and my friend stole the parts from the lab, built this kit and showed it in the college." I said. , "and more over we actually used the most upgraded version of microcontroller so may be thats why its detecting some stupid electromagnetic signals."

TIME: 6:55pm

Suddenly the kit started detecting the most dangerous signals. I checked the intensity to clear my doubt. I checked for the pre-set values for detecting the signal, it was in default settings. My heart jumped a beat. I fixed the antenna to trace the source of the signal. The screen was showing the source just 9 meters away. I started sweating heavily. I decided to call my DCP uncle. I was about to dial the number and my mobile buzzed, it was DCP uncle calling.

"Hi Uncle", I said. "Hi Avinash, please listen carefully.... there's a bomb in there..." "OH SHIT!" I shouted out loud.... be continue, stay glued [:P]

Dec 10, 2006

The speed Zone...# 3

“I‘ve been looking forward for this.” Karthik said to me after we reached Charminar.
“You won’t be disappointed. Come this way.” I took Karthik, Contented, KK, and Kavitha to the Biryani house where my friend was already waiting with the packets.

“Hi dude, thanks a lot man!” I said to Mallik.
“Hey! No problem dude, anytime!” said Mallik.

I introduced Mallik to all of the blogger fraternity. Mallik passed on project kit to me. I took it and kept in my bag. For 2 hours girls went for shopping in that area, which is famous for bangles, the famous Chudi Bazar. S0ulassylumm, Prithz, Keshi and Krithika were found bargaining. Sindhu, Siva, Ganesh, Venkatesh and Vicky were exploring Charminar. And Priya, Diana, Neha went to check the pearls. And we guys were enjoying our Biryani.

Finally at 5:25pm we got into the bus and headed towards Birla Mandhir. Girls unpacked all bangles they bought and showed us. They were very excited. On the way I requested to halt the bus at Gafoor Ice cream shop, this shop is famous for Ice lollies. Prithz just jumped out of the bus to get one for her. By the time we completed our quota of one ice lolly, Prithz already started enjoying her third ice lolly. After spending 30 mins there, we headed towards our next destination.

We reached Birla Mandhir at 6:15pm.

TIME: 3:00pm

DCP Ram pulled a chair and sat in front of the caller, “I would appreciate your cooperation, Mr__”


“I’m looking for the one who is doing all this.”

“I don’t know.”

“You do not his name?”

“No. He’s a manager of a BPO. He spoke to me on phone few days ago.”

“Which BPO he works in?”

“I don’t know.”

“Look we have been searching for him for past few months. The current information on him is that he is from POK and that he is staying here in Hyderabad since one year.” DCP Ram said to Inspector Ali after coming out of the room.

“Send Bomb Squads to all important locations, and also ambulances. Let’s get ready to face the catastrophe. And instruct all the highway police patrol to start patrolling until 50Kms further, instruct them check all the heavy vehicles thoroughly and especially the bikes.” DCP Ram gave these instructions to Inspector Ali and Went to have a cup of tea.


....stay glued!

Dec 6, 2006

The SpeeD zone ... # 2

Diana came at 10am, she got stuck in heavy traffic. Neha went to receive her. Well for two hours of how-do-you-dos and what's-ups, then we had photo session. priya got a super idea of city tour, so I and Contented booked a special city tour coach. It was scheduled to start at 2 pm.

After special lunch we all got into the bus. s0ulasylum and prithz started humming followed by KK. In the meanwhile I called up my uncle who works in Ramoji Film city and asked him to take my bike to home and gave the bike keys to my uncle's colleague.

At exactly 2pm the bus started, our first destination was to Charminar. Karthik was so excited about going to Charminar, he wanted to eat Hyderabadi Biryani, so was KK and Contented. So I called up my friend Mallik who stays near Charminar to order special Hyderabadi biryani packet's so that we can save time.

"Hi chicha! what's up?", Mallik said.

"Nothing much yaar, hey listen go to our biryani adda and order 6 packets. I'll be there by 3pm." I said.

"sure man! and listen I'll get our project's kit so that you can submit to our Defence lab project guide. Guide called me in the morning, he wants to check our kit", Mallik said.

"Ok fine, but I feel we shouldn't have said about the kit to him, but anyways .... ok then see you" I said and ended the call.


Police HeadQuarters

Time: 13:30pm

"Hello, police can I help you?", asked cop who received the call on emergency line 100.

"Today there's going to be series of bomb blasts by 8pm, locations are all the important public places. I can't tell you exact locations", said the annonymous caller.

"May I know who's this", asked the cop.

"Please worry about how to trace the locations where blasts going to happen and not about me", said the annonymous caller.

The other cop in the control room traced the location and passed the information to the Rakshak Police patrol in that area.

The annonymous caller was calling from a PCO near the pan shop at panjagutta, DCP Ram who was buying cigarette pack accidentally heard this conversation. He started following him after he ended the call. Later he got call about the call. He went ahead and took the annonymous caller into custody.

DCP Ram took the wireless transistor and said, "Red alert, block all the highways and wait for further instructions".

***** be continued

Dec 3, 2006

The speed Zone...# 1

It was eight in the morning, my mobile was buzzing restlessly. KK was calling. I got up to attend the phone call in half asleep state.
"Hey! bro, good morning", I said.
"Good morning!, where are you? I'm waiting for you in the bus stand and you are nowhere??" said KK.

I said I would pick up KK from bus stop at 8 in the morning. We are having blogger's fraternity get-together at Ramaji's Film city. And we had to reach there by nine.

"Hey bro! I'm on the way, I'll be in twenty mins, in the meanwhile go and eat something. Hey bro! in the next lane of that bus stop you'll find a idli bundi, that bundi is really famous, try out'll love it." I said getting down the bed and making my entry into the bathroom.
"So Mr Avinash, you are yet to start...hmmm OK! I'll go and eat idli and you make it fast..." KK said ending the call.

Exactly after 15 mins I was on my way to the bus stop where KK was waiting for me. I dailed Prithz mobile number.
"Hey! where are you?" Prithz asked me.
"Me on my bike going to pick up KK, what about you, where are you and Vicky ?
"Vicky and me will be starting after 15 minutes I guess, Vicky is getting ready", Prithz said.
"Ok, when you guys start up give me a missed call, and give a call when guys reach the venue" I said.
"yea sure, bye then" Prithz said.
"Bye, catch you later" I said and ended the call.

Finally I reached the bus stop, KK was downing idlies, it was his second round of downing process.
"Avinash, you are right, idlies are really tasty man, thanks for telling.." KK said.
" are most welcome, ok now lets start moving, we'll be late.." I said starting the bike.

My mobile started vibrating as we were about to start. Krithika was calling.
"Hi, Krithika , where are you?" I asked.
"Near shopper's stop and no sign of Contented, did he call you?", Krithika asked me.
"Nope, he didn't call, hey just hold on Contented is calling..." I put her call on hold and attended Contented call.
"Hey anna where are you?" I asked Contented.
"Thammudu, near shopper's stop, I can't find Krithika here.. did she call you ?" Contented asked me.
"Yes she did, and please look around and tell me if any girl is near you.." I asked.
"What man there are many..."
"Ok just hold on" I put the call on hold and switched on to Krithika's
"Krithika what you wearing?"
"long skirt and Tee..."
"Ok hold on.." I said and switched to Contented.
"ok listen anna,,... any girl in long skirt near you?" I asked.
"Yes ...only one girl"
"she's Krithika, now you guys come fast..bye"
"Ok bye."

At 9:15 am we reached the venue...Karthik, s0ulasylum, Ganesh, Keshi, Neha, Mystery, Priya, Siva, Venkatesh, Sajesh and Sindhu have already reached the venue and by the time I parked the bike Vicky, Krithika, Contented and Prithz got down the cabs. b continued

Nov 30, 2006

Let's talk AIDS!

AIDS is acquired immune deficiency syndrome and HIV is Human Immumodeficiency Virus. AIDS is the last stage of the HIV disease. There are only a few ways of getting infected - exchange of blood, semen, or vaginal secretions. The most likely ways are having unprotected sexual intercourse, sharing needles and other drug equipment. HIV can also be passed to an infant through breast milk. You can't identify a HIV person by looking at his or her face. Most often people with HIV don't know they have it as it can take more than 10 years for symptoms to develop. And finally, at present there is no cure for AIDS.


Nov 26, 2006

dhoom2...the bakwas sequel!

This movie is exclusively made for Hrithik Roshan. Hrithik Roshan the robber has used all possible gadgets in the movie. Hrithik Roshan can be seen in 15 different appearances in the movie. Hrithik Roshan playing a sporty guy in the movie and plays sports like Roller Bladding, Sky Diving, Sand Boarding etc. So a lion’s share of credit for this goes to Hrithik Roshan, without whom this movie would have been a soulless body. The movie truly belongs to him.

Coming to the hard facts, the movie actually according to me should have ended right after the intro of Hrithik, that's only opening scene which is watchable. Coming to Aish, how could she act so good in "Hum dil de chuke sanam", and when you watch her in this movie, you'll feel sorry for her. She can't act guys, she was so pathetic in this movie. She doesn't fit into the role properly, she acts like a novice. The film could have been made much shorter, but no bollywood principles doesn't allow that, you have to make a movie which runs for complete 3 hours.

Abhishek Bachchan looks rugged playing the no-nonsense cop but is never able to rise above Hrithik’s presence.

Bipasha Basu looks really hot.

On the other hand, Aishwarya Rai doesn’t look least bit sexy despite wearing a variety of skimpy dresses. The gorgeous actress is not able to carry herself comfortably in revealing outfits.

Uday Chopra is the only source of humour in this action-packed thriller. Although his comedy is generic, the flair and ease with which he does it makes his character very entertaining.

Rimi Sen has a brief and forgettable role of Jai’s pregnant, cribbing wife.

‘Dhoom 2’ isn’t void of faults, and some of them are so glaring to be overlooked. Bipasha’s character Shonali is inexplicably dropped at the interval point and another character, an identical twin called Monali, is introduced in Brazil. And both Shonali and Monali have little significance to the movie’s story.

Secondly, after a series of intelligently conceived robberies in the first half, the last robbery in the film turns out to be lacklustre and without any thrill.

Thirdly, Pritam’s recycled and rehashed compositions that only evoke yawns and encourage you to go out for some refreshments.

Fourthly, the romance between Hrithik and Ash lacks the real spark.

All said, this Dhoom turns out to be bigger, better and bombastic than its prequel.

Just go for HRITHIK!

Nov 22, 2006

The Speed Zone!.. (prologue)

"Hey look, your kit is saying there's a bomb in the ambience, I think we must jump off right now", said sindhu laughing out loud.
"Shit! yaar, my kit started working also, I never knew that its working." , I said winking at Sindhu.
"Hey Avinash, but how cum you are having the kit, I mean how did defence labs people allowed you to carry the equipment?" sindhu asked.
"Well, we actually used the old parts to build this model and we took permission for that, actually No permission, we had to show the kit in the college for final year project so I and my friend stole the parts from the lab, built this kit and showed it in the college." I said. , "and more over we actually used the most upgraded version of microcontroller so may be thats why its detecting some stupid electromagnetic signals."

Suddenly the kit started detecting the most dangerous signals. I checked the intensity to clear my doubt. I checked for the pre-set values for detecting the signal, it was in default settings. My heart jumped a beat. I fixed the antenna to trace the source of the signal. The screen was showing the source just 9 meters away. I started sweating heavily. I decided to call my DCP uncle. I was about to dial the number and my mobile buzzed, it was DCP uncle calling.
"Hi Uncle", I said.
"Hi Avinash, please listen carefully.... there's a bomb in there..."
"OH SHIT!" I shouted out loud....

PS: Ahem! hi everyone, well well, the characters of this story are all my blogger buddies... actually this story may sound not-so-different, but there are few things which are different and that's the difference and the curiosity generating factor.......

....main story coming up shortly....

Nov 4, 2006

hows life??....

good tht u asked me hows life??? life is always on its way till the last breathe ..its only we who wanna stop it thru our emotions.....for the sake of not being able to njaii or utilise tht sec properly........

. ....... by brute (:P)

Oct 29, 2006

avi-giri series - Incident #1

I am typing the whole thing for the second time, damn the power cut!!!!!! (grrrrrrrr).

Some of my most memorable hilarious incidents in my campus life which I wanna share... with lots of spices...
A series of damn cool guys hilarious, adventurous incidents.... here we go....

Incident #1 (the hot seat) :

For 1st 2 weeks in my first yr we weren't assigned roll nos', so in labs we were asked to form groups among ourselves and do expts. After 2 weeks we got our roll nos'.

That day it was Monday and first session was of C-lab, I was late by 20mins. (I missed my college had to come by 7 seater (no its nt 7 seater , its 11 seater 10+1 )) OK so when I entered the lab, everyone were busy doing programs. I got worried , if I missed any thing important...(first-days-to-college enthu in me :P)

I saw karthik (my first college friend and also in class, also my benchmate ) sitting between divya (232) and giri(234)...

He saw me entering the lab. he took me aside and said, "If anyone asks you whats your roll no. just say 252, ok na??"
"why should I say that, and hey whats my roll no.???" I asked karthik.
"Yours is 233, hey you dont talk to divya and giri rite? anyways giri has some doubt she asked me to help her, so I'm sitting there"

I was like WTF???

"Accha bhacchu!! see what am gonna do now", I said to myself and went straight to my Lab-assistant...

"Good morning ma'am, I just came to know that we were given roll nos' so could you tell me whats my roll no and where should I sit?" I asked lab-assistant.
"What's your name?"
"Avinashhh.....aaaaa.... yes ,...Avinash C 233, go and sit beside that girl"

"Where ma'am? that place is already been occupied, someone is sitting in there"
"How can that be?" she got up from her seat and walked straight to Karthik

"What's you roll no mister??"
"233 ma'am" karthik answered n confident voice..
"What's your name?"

I was like WTF?

Then she points at me and asks, "then who is this guy?"
"Oh, sorry I thought you were absent, that's why I sat here..." Karthik said.
"Now go to your place and Avinash sit here.."ma'am said.
"ma'am if he doesn't have any problem can I sit here..??" Karthik asks with little hope.
"No you can't sit"
"And next yr will our roll nos change??"
"No my dear, you have to bear this roll no for entire 4 yrs, you have to sit according to your roll nos not only in labs but also in externals..." ma'am says this and goes.

I saw building collapsing in Karhik's face,,..(poor felllA)

So finally I sit in my official seat. day when I was coming back from my college, my bus mate asked me,"Dude I heard that you are sitting between two gorgeous gals, so damn lucky you are"
"shut up, those gals are not that great, not worth mentioning.." ( to be frank I haven't seen them properly, even though I was sitting between them in labs..."Mr. shy guy"
In the next lab I ensured that I see their faces properly and Yes ....Oh yeah!!!....I'm damn lucky!!... I 'm sitting in the HOT

from there starts avi-giri series...the bindaas gang 233-234 (heavy breeze blows in the

Oct 23, 2006

Miss You!!!

My Love: hey Avi dude wassup, its been ages that we met right???
Me: ha yaar, really stupid of me. I didn't find time to talk to you these days..

ML: I can understand yaar, you started going to office also. And I see that you are stressing a lot.
Me: yes, but what should I do?? It's a part of life and I need to live with it...

ML: Hey! by the way, how ya doing??
Me: Me, doing just better.

ML: So, hows your job??? how are chicks over there??
Me: Office life is no better baap, aur ladkiya please don't even ask. Leaving couple of them rest all are aunties. SOb! SOB!

Me: ha ha Hasleey saaley, Yaar I dont wanna do job right now, not at all. And I don't wanna get settled at this age of early twenties. Cmon I need a break, I have been in this process of studying, studying and studying for 20 yrs continuous yrs and Now doing a job. When am I gonna really enjoy my life???

ML: hey! relax dude, you'll enjoy life when you love the things around you, when you love the work you do, that's when you really will enjoy life.
Me: I know you'll say this. Hey! I missed you so much and am really sorry for not talking to you for so many days ...

ML: I too missed you terribly!! Hey look at the moon, Whoa man its looking damn sexy tonite..

Hmm... my love is none other than ME, yes I love myself very much, When I need someone's support I search a support from my side... My dear friends before falling in love with other's try to love yourself first, take care of yourself, try to understand yourself first.... Half the battle is won when you know your capabilities... :)

Oct 19, 2006

DIWALI's special sweet....

Hi to all beautiful people out there. hope you guys are rocking in what ever things you people doing. Well just came back from theatre after seeing "DON". And I know you people will be anxious enough to know from hows the movie..???? Well yeah technically and graphically its too good to watch the movie...

Today morning I came back from office at 5:45am, and went straight on to my bed and crashed. At 10:00am my mobile buzzed restlessly, and then bike horns honking like anything. I got up to see who was so restless. Well my entire friends gang was waiting for me to come to theatre and stand in queue for tickets. They didn't give me a chance to brush my teeth or at least change my dress. I stood in queue with my paragan chappals and FM radio... we stood for an hour in the queue and by the time we got our chance counter got closed... well this was expected, anyways went back to parking lot and bought tickets in black for Rs 150 each from the gate keeper...

And few things which we'll observe from this movie is :

1. Helen can't be replaced.

2. Sharukh will be Sharukh.

3. Remade movies can't replace original ones.

Of the entire cast I loved Arjun Rampal's acting. We'll miss Big B in the track ( Khaike Paan Banaraswala..) and coming to the songs, except Kareena's song rest of them are all cool, even the background score is also cool.
Over all, the movie is really good and yeah with a little twist in people will enjoy that little twist in the end of the movie...

And here's your Diwali Special Sweet...

HAPPY DIWALI MY DEAR FRIENDS, celebrate safely and soundly, have fun....

Oct 15, 2006


WHoa!!! is the word that can substitute the complete episode. Yeah it turned out to be a most memorable thing which can be treasurised in my hard disk (memoir)...So well to start with let me first tell you guys how they met, where they met, and blah blah stuff first...

So here we go... my friend met this girl in orkut, or I should say this girl started chatting with him, the reason she gave is she wanted to make someone a true friend. Hmmm... so they chatted in orkut for a week or so, then they changed their place of meeting because it was visible to public and my friend hated (no he didn't hate that, but he feared of his friends... :P) so they jumped into Yahoo Messenger... Now after two weeks of aquaintence she asked my friends contact number, which my friend gave happily...

And so for a month they been SMSing each other and also talking on phones and not to forget chatting on Yahoo! Messenger...

Finally on Oct 13 which was Friday (the day when devils party in the nite...:P) she calls up and says, "shall we meet today at EAT STREET in the evening". My dear friend agreed readily and decided to meet at 5:30pm in the evening...

Well I had office in the evening so I was having a nap. At around 2:30pm in the afternoon he pinged me, he asked me to come to his house urgently. HMm... I got up and went to his house half asleep...
When I entered his room he was airbourne(virtually) jumping like a jumping jack, after performing all gymnastics he said she asked him to meet...Now I started to perform my gymnastics.. ha ha ha... Now I decided not to go to office today... So I called up my Area Manager told her that my uncle (who doesn't even exist) met with an accident in Bangalore and I was going to Bangalore, so I was not going to come to office today. For this she said, "Why is that Avinash such kinda incidents happen only on Fridays??" Then I said, "c'mon,, how do I know..(I was laughing and my manager got that)". So my manager said,"Ok Avinash, I'm taking your words, Take care bye".....(MUhahahaha!!!)

And so after all the this date had some terms & conditions from her side:
1. Only my friend will come and no one accompanying him...
2. No late coming..(time is valuable... hehe)
3. Don't ride your your bike over 60Kmph... (whoa...hmm..)

Well he requested me not to come. I said, "cmon I kept an unschedule leave for you. Ok, listen I will hide there when she arrives, or drop me 200 meters away from Eat Street..." And after 20mins of persuasion he said "OOOKKKK"... (he had to otherwise I would have kicked his ass nicely..)

Well If he is gonna enjoy his evening why shouldn't I, So I decided to ask Girija & Anu to come to Eat street (anyhow I owed a party to them... ) . Girija accepted and also Anu.

So Finally we reached 200 meters away from Eat Street, the place where I had to get down. I made my way to tea stall, had a cup of tea and then a cup of coffee, at 5:35 my friends arrived. Well I thought I would be pestering him a lot but never found a free moment to do that in the company of my friends... But guess what, the monkey team did arrive to disturb him..(my friend's college mates...hahaha).

6 of his friends turned out. Well you may ask who informed them, hmm my friend just informed them that he's going out with the girl and didn't disclose the venue. Anyhow those guys are smart, they knew that I'll be there with my friend, so they called me and asked where he was. Well I thought of not disclosing but I felt I'll not be able to pull my friends leg, why don't I think of alternative of pestering him, so I disclosed them the exact place where they were sitting.

They gave him missed calls, then one by one they made a pass to see how the girl looks... well I had my share of pestering also... Well I called his mobile, he responded after hell lot of secs.
"Hi bey, I'm also sitting in the Eat street with my friends, so where are you sitting?" I asked
He said, "on the Left side" (he was whispering)
I shouted," where??? I can't see you"
"On the left side, Ok bye"

That girl did get doubt and asked, "so your friends also came???"
He said ,"yes" (in a guilty tone)
"Then why don't you introduce your friends??"
He said, "they are dumb asses will definitely introduce you to them on our next meeting.."

Hmmm after two hrs of crap talk they got ready to leave... she asked him if he could come to her house...

(hmmm... don't go for wild imagination, she took him till her colony lane and showed her house and then goodbyes and goodnites... anyhow thnkxs to my friend because of his date I was able to meet my friends after many days.... [:)]......)
P.S: Hmm...well on the right side you can see a music video made by me. Thats my first attempt of making a remix song.... hope u guys like and plzz do tell me hows my work??????????

Oct 13, 2006


Uh-Huh well am not going for any date, its my friend whose going for a date in the evening, thats today. And after lots of persuasion he permitted me to come along with him, but I need to hide when the princess comes [:P] lol... I'm really excited.

I will narrate what all happened in the evening, in my next post. One thing is for sure, I'll disturb him a lot [:))] by giving missed calls, making passes, by making noises and I donno what will I do but I'll pester him (MUHAHAHA!!!!)....

Oct 12, 2006

got a doubt.... (me confused)

which is the correct word , weird or wierd??? because I saw guys using the word 'wierd' for the word 'weird' I'm getting confused, please fish me out of this confusion :P (pun intended)

Oct 4, 2006

my IInd TAg....(WeIRd...)

I have been tagged by ganesh. I have to list 6 weird things about myself. Hehe... but I have more than 6 weird things about myself, anyways these are 6 things about me that I consider weirdest...

1. Opera's: I can imitate opera's as I have already said, so my friends used to request me to sing opera, after lot of persuasion I used to sing and used to become center of attraction for the weird looks. And how many in this world can imitate opera's just like that...

2. Attitude: I have a special attitude which I guess very few people will have this kind of attitude. I generally talk freely to all new guys whomever I meet and make them laugh like anything. But when I start observing things about them and if I don't like his attitude I ditch them without giving them any notice, now these guys become clueless about what happened, why did I stopped talking to them...

3. 6th sense: O Yes!! ... well everyone has this 6th sense or intution thing in them. But coming to my intution, its in its peak during exam times, particularly on the examination day. Whatever questions I read during the traveling time from my house to college they all appear in exams...

4. Guessing which experiment I'm gonna get for external exam:

during my entire engg college lab exams, I used to guess which expt is gonna come for my lab exam, before entering the lab I used to announce which expt am expecting and end up getting that exam. (Girija, hepsiba, Anu... they are all proof for this... in entire 4 yrs whatever experiments I expected I got that same experiment...hehe)

5. The innocent face of mine:

well generally I don't wanna reveal this but anyways you guys will never meet me so... well my innocent looks nullify my mass character. I wear specs, I pretend to be calm, studious etc etc so I generally escape from the situation when I get caught doing some mischive things. My mom feels I don't talk to girls (am a shy but my friends know my true character...

6. Movie buff:

Uh well, I know there are many like me who watch a movie more than once if they like. Anyways I saw Salaam Namaste for 7 times, Lage Raho Munnabhai - 4 times, Munnabhai MBBS - 5 times, etc etc I have a big list of movies which I watched them more than thrice in the theatres...

Hmm... I'm tagging


Sep 28, 2006

I.N.D.I.A.N pie....(she's beautiful - 4) episode

"It's not a dream. You're real." I said pinching myself. Preeti felt her heart give a little pump. "yes", she said softly giving a smile. "I'm real", she said and gave a soft peck on the other cheek. "I thought I was dreaming." I said.

Next day, I was smiling, an unknown happiness creeped into me, everything around me looked new, was looking so cool. I didn't go to the office. And the entire day I was in my dreamland. At 4pm my mobile started buzzing. It was from Raj.

"Ha! bol bey, wassup?" I asked. "Hmm... nothing much happened other than training. Baap just come to Irani Cafe' by 6pm, we need to talk something about preeti" Raj said. "Ok, I'll come" I said.

I reached Irani Cafe' @6pm ordered a cup of tea and lit a cigarette. Lucky & Raj arrived at 610 pm. "Hi!" I said. "hi avi" both said in unison. "Tho kya baat hai, whats with preeti that we need to talk." Lucky asked in curiosity. Raj said, "When did you guys started liking each other?"
"I don't know about her but I started liking her since yesterday that's it, why are you asking?"
Lucky said, "preeti has a crush on you". "Haan re, so what happened.." I said. "Well she gave verbal warning to Rachana today to keep herself away from you" Raj said. "What crap are you talking?" I shouted at Raj. Everyone in the hotel stared at us. "What's Rachana saying?" I asked looking at Lucky. Lucky said, "well, the entire day she was silent in the office." "Oh my GOD! what is preeti up to?" I said.

I was shocked when I heard this. I felt bad, some unknown worry started troubling me. I dialed Rachana's number. "Hi Rachana" I said. "Hi Avi, wassup, how was your day?" She said. "Ha, did nothing at all, except Khana, penaa and sonaa. And what about you?" I asked her. "Me, nothing much, same boring training class. Missed you today anyways. Hey Avinash I need to go outside, I'll call you later. is that ok?" she enquired. "Ok, then bye" I said and hung the call. Then next minute my mobile started buzzing, it was Preeti. "Hi Preeti" I said. "Hi sweetheart, why didn't come to office today" She asked. "I had some work so didn't come" I said. "Hey I was trying your number, I was getting engage tone, with whom were you talking?" she asked. "Yeah, I was talking to Rachana." I said. "Oh OK, whats she saying?" preeti asked. "Nothing much, I called her just like that." I said. " Preeti I need to go out to get some groceries, will call you later ok, bye" I said. "Ok , bye take care".

The next day also Rachana stayed silent, and she didn't talk to me. Sameera said, "Avinash, Preeti called Rachana to her mobile and said not to talk to you." Now I didn't know how to handle the situation, it was becoming worse than I thought. This continued for the entire week. None of us talked to each other.

On Monday, as usual Rachana came on my bike, and our mood was good. We started talking normally and everyone us planned to go to movie after office. The day was fine today. In the evening break, we all met to cafeteria, I was teasing Rachana about how his instructor was showing special interest on her. She got up and chased me down. She held me by my collar teasingly and we were laughing. Preeti came from nowhere and freed me from Rachana's clutches. She said," What are you doing, huh? you wanna kill him or what?" . To this Rachana went back to the table and started crying.

I got so frustrated that I couldn't control myself and shouted at Preeti, "Preeti listen what... I HATE YOU, I never told you I love you. But now I hate you, did you get that? you just know me for a month or so, but you know what I know her from the age of 5 in fact we 6 know each other from childhood. And they mean a lot to me OK!!! what are you trying to show, huh??" and left preeti crying. I walked over to Rachana and said, "Rachana what is this, huh? all this has happened and you didn't even tell me a word about this... don't you know that you guys are more important than anyone else, the reason for alienating me all these days is because some stupid girl says to stop talking to me and you stop, GOD what happened to you?"

Uma and Sameera tried to calm me down but I just walked out saying nothing. Tears started to roll out of my eyes. I head back straight to my home and locked myself in my room.

At 9pm in the night, Raj and Lucky came to my house and took me to Rachana's house. Preeti was also there. She tried to say something, but I ignored her. Sameera came towards me and said, "Avi! you know what, this incident could never have happened if you already told about us to Preeti." I turned towards her and said, "forget telling about us, ask her what made her to behave like this. She never asked me about you guys and I never told about us. Moreover if she had a problem with me talking to Rachana then she should have told to me".

while the argument was going on Preeti stood up and said, "I was a fool to believe whatever others said. My batch mates said that you and Rachana had liking for each other and so I felt insecure and was afraid that I may lose you. I'm sorry, I'm really sorry Rachana, I'm really sorry Avinash this all happened because of my stupidity." And she broke to cry out loud. She turned to me and said, "I'm sorry Avinash, I did all this because I love you and I didn't want to lose you for a stupid reason." She hugged me and cried.......

....................the ENd.....................................

Sep 26, 2006

I.N.D.I.A.N pie....(she's beautiful - 4) episode tEASEr [:P]

I got so frustrated that I couldn't control myself and shouted at Preeti, "Preeti listen what... I HATE YOU, I never told you I love you. But now I hate you, did you get that?"..........

Sep 24, 2006

I.N.D.I.A.N pie....(she's beautiful - 3)

Life has become hectic for us these days, be in time to the office, then after office hours wanting to just go to home and crash onto the bed. And we hardly had time to talk to each other properly. Then finally the most wanted weekend arrived and Rachana's B'day was on Sunday and also it was Friendship day. Rachana planned to throw a party to all the colleagues of our batch.

On Saturday, Raj and Lucky booked a banquet hall in Shilpi restaurant . Girls took the responsibility of inviting all the colleagues. Rachana and I took the responsibility of shopping.

At1200 am in the night we all sneaked into Rachana's room as we planned with her mom. We all shouted at once"HAPPY BIRTHDAY RACHANA!!!", she jumped out in shock and surprise. Then after cake cutting we went back to our houses.


Time: 600pm...

By 7pm everyone arrived and got settled, there was a small welcome speech by Sameera, followed by cake cutting. Well guess what ... party was boring. We didn't expect this.

I came out for a smoke. Someone jabbed me from behind, it was preeti.

"Hi, Avi!" she said excitedly. I said," hey preeti!" She said, "happy friendship day Avi!" and gave me a Rose. "Wow! thank you very much" I said smiling at her in surprise. "What's happening?" I said to myself. I started feeling uncomfortable and weird. Then she said, "What's up with you, huh? you don't even give me a handshake???" . And I didn't want to give her a handshake, I don't why, but I just didn't want to give., the way she was behaving.

To my rescue Rachana came and I thanked God for that. Rachana said, "Its OK Preeti, he told you thanks and that's enough." Preeti left the place from where we were standing. I just gave Rachana a worried smile and gave her the rose that preeti gave. I caught Preeti seeing this. Preeti was looking very cool in her long skirt, but she was behaving weirdly.

I didn't tell about this incident to Raj and Lucky. Finally at 10pm everybody started leaving. Later at 1030 we guys bid the girls good night and we stayed back for a round of beer...

After couple of beers we were about to go to our houses my mobile started buzzing. It was an anonymous number.

"Hello, who is this?" I asked.
"Hi Avinash, Preeti"
"Hey hi, what's up why did you call?"
"Today is my b'day, and I thought you know that"
"Oh really! many many happy returns of the day" I said and looked into my watch its 1025pm.
"Preethi, can you come to coffee day near your house for just 5 minutes?"
"Yeah no problem, but why?"
"hmm...nothing just want to meet you that's it. Ok then I'll be there by 1040pm"
"OK I'll come" .

I told Raj and Lucky that I had some work and left them guessing. On the way, I bought a small bouquet and zoomed my way to coffee day. I reached there by 1035pm. She came at 1045pm. I gave her the bouquet and said "Happy b'day preeti. And I'm really sorry, I didn't know that it was your b'day too". She gave smile and said, "thank you very much Avi... thanks a lot".
Then I bought ice creams, which we ate while talking some pointless topic. At 1100pm I told preeti its already late we have to head back. I was about to start my bike, preeti came near and said "Good night and thanks a lot" and planted a peck on my cheek....

********** to be continued ***************
Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional...any resemblance or inspiration from any individual living or dead is purely unintentional! (hope u guys got that)....

Sep 21, 2006

THe GirL PoWEr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hmm... girl, woman, mother, wife, girlfriend. These all words actually sounded so sweet when I started thinking about a new topic. And this thought striked me when I was getting ready to go to office, and the main inspiration came after reading this status message of preethi "When women are depressed, they either eat or go shoppin. I'm still a girl - no reason not to shop or eat!!!"....

How should I start???? thats the big Question. I was unable to find the sweetest adjectives to describe the most beautiful species on the Earth.

GIRL the sweetest word in the dictionary according to me, sweeter than the word "Sugar", sweetest than the word "sweet" itself. The most beautiful species on the Earth, not only the Earth but the entire galaxy. Thank you lord for creating such a wonderful species.

You know what guys, why a girl shouts at you? thats because she loves you, cares about you.

She enjoys music and DVDs.
She likes trendy, affordable designer clothing.
She wants cool furniture and home décor.
She is redecorating her home, gardening and entertaining.

she is actually beautifying the world for us. She shares her joys and happiness and never her pains. But she is ready to shares your pains, the burden of your shoulders when required. Then why do some people degrade women.

What does a girl want?????????????????

She wants nothing but love, care, and love. She just wants someone to listen her when she is depressed not the suggestion for the problem or the solution for it.

Hey gurls thanks for bringing light to this world. you are the perfect synonym for the word "love"....

Gods knows how this world would have been without a girl....