Apr 24, 2008

Life in US ... part II

So last time I briefed very few things about the life in US, I missed many. Let me share few more things that you'll find in US...

Well I don't have a watch but yea, have a mobile thankfully. But out of habit when you are at some store, anywhere where you go out for shopping I look at the walls for time. You generally won't find a wall clock...

Back in India, you can shout, you can jump, you can play cricket, you can do what not. But you have to learn to walk in air, shouldn't walk firmly, shouldn't play loud music, shouldn't laugh out loud... "Dude neighbors have kids, they have schools and offices to go next day..." sigh!...

Well you somehow you break all the limits... so what happens next??? you'll get couple of warning notices from the lease office, ok then what?? then dude get ready to meet big boss, Mr Cop, who talks less writes more... so you'll be awarded a sweet penultimate warning ticket... that's it?? what next?? you'll have to shell out your pockets from next time onwards...

Here pedestrians are considered kings but they to0 have to pay if they break the rules!!!...

Anyways got to go, booze party is waiting ...am late....

Apr 17, 2008

how many balls do you have???

Week was filled with lots of funny moments and best were these...

The other day on Srirama Navami two of roomies went to temple. On there way back to home they were boarding the bus, then the Lady Driver asked the man with sindoor on his forehead before these guys...

"I know Indian women put that color thing on their foreheads... why did you put that? what are you??"

For this that Indian uncle gave a simple smile and walked away...

And then last evening was at my friends place, I just reached the aprt and these guys who were playing cricket inside the aprt had to face the bitter of the next door guys... All started the night when we got drunk and started hooting and dancing, had an altercation that night and then daily playing with basketball and then cricket what can we do if the walls are made of wood...bloody hell...

So last evening entire family of the nxt door got into altercation and the Uncle asked "How many balls you guys have???"... (One of my friends couldn't stop his dirty mind for sec... ;)

Apr 4, 2008

Hungama at Stevenson Blvd!

There was this cop patrolling at BART station downing his hamburger at 0130hrs singing...

"I walk this empty street

On the Boulevard of Broken Dreams

Where the city sleeps

and I'm the only one and I walk alone"

He gets a message in the wireless to go for patrolling at Stevenson Boulevard.

"What the f***, can't eat my hamburger at peace..."

He then meets the security guard of the Stevenson place aprt.

"Hi, how ya doing?"

"Hi, pretty good officer..."

"What's the trouble?"

"Well, there's this aprt #264 disturbing the sleep of the other people, and I have already warned them before, few days back and even today an hour ago, noise doesn't seem to be reducing...

"Ah-huh... well, guess they need a written notice then..."

He pulls out his wireless, "I need backup..."

There comes three more patrolling cars...

Cop knocks the door firmly... Inside nearly 35-40 souls smelt the trouble and fell silent... The person who was in full sense with opened eyes goes and opens the door...


"Hi, I need aprt owner please..."

"Officer, it's his b'day today so we are sorry if we were creating any kind of problem..."

"Can you please call the aprt owner sir..."

We smelled a ticket... the b'day boy comes with his passport for the proof of his date of birth...

"Sorry officer, they are leaving in 5 minutes, party is over..."

"Ok, well, can I see you ID..."

He takes the Passport and fills a warning notice form and slaps it...

"It's just the warning, hope you'll not repeat this..."

"Good night officer..."

He closes the door smiling and people started walking back to their aprts...

After 15 minutes they all return back from other lane back to our aprt to finish the liquor... only whispers existed from there on with no lights on, only source of light was from the lappies...

The B'day boy got a relishing gift on his birthday!

Apr 2, 2008

DIDN't brush my teeth yet!

Ahh,... goood morninngg, eekk it's afternoon!!

Yeah, I started waking up very early these days not until its half past twelve, may be few minutes earlier... Last evening was at friend's house, stayed there in the night, got up around eleven in the morning...before I was leaving my friend asked, "are you leaving?" that must have said it to me "FINISH YOUR WORK AND GO!"

My aprt is one mile away from his. I haven't brushed yet. As soon as I reached home rushed into the restroom to brush my teeth... NOT-A-SINGLE-DROP of water was squeezing out of the tap nozzle!... I came out and saw a notice from the community, "24 HOUR NOTICE OF MANDATORY WATER SHUT OFF"

Now I have nothing to do but wait for the main line to resume...

Thank god, I answered the nature call there at my Friend's aprt only... phew!

Mar 20, 2008

Tortoise & Hare... back again!

And they are back again. After finishing their graduation they headed to Ooty to beat the heat in the summer.

Hare and Tortoise decided to race this summer. So they finalised a spot and date of race, that was a week away. They started warm ups from next day onwards.

And the D-day arrived. Clear blue sky, birds chirping and cool breeze in the background with sun shining brightly.

And the race started, as expected hare zoomed off and tortoise moved slowly. After few minutes hare got tired and it decided to take few minutes break. Tortoise slowly reached the place where hare was sitting. Hare saw tortoise approaching and it decided to resume the race. Hare wanted to win this race at any cost.

"Hey dude... TIME PLEAASEEEE...", shouted tortoise from distance seeing hare getting ready to zip off.

"Eh..?? forget it... cya at the finishing line..."

Tortoise didn't like this... before it could say anything something shiny fell into the pond beside from nowhere... Hare stopped seeing that...

A witch rose up from that shiny thing... She saw both Hare and Tortoise...

"Hi folks .. this is witchy witch for you... how ya guys doing... so you guys racing again... anyways I keep blabbering only... thing is have opened my eyes after 1000 years and I saw you guys as soon as I opened my eyes... as you guys are the first living organisms I saw I would like to grant 3 wishes to each... So who wants first wish??"

Tortoise and Hare didn't know what to do, they realised that they can't escape now...

"Hare first", said tortoise.

"ok... go ahead hare...", said Witchy Witch.

"Ok... OK... no big deal... well, I wish all the other hares in this country become female ones..."

Witchy Witch swung her wand in the air and little spark came from the tip of the wand...

"Ok you wish now tortoise...", said Witchy Witch looking at tortoise.

"I want a helmet please", said tortoise shyly.

Wand swung in the air and torty had a helmet in its hand.

"Ok next hare's turn...", Witchy Witch said turning towards hare.

"Ok... I wish all the hares in this continent become female"

"Your turn Torty.."

"I want a bike..."

Whooosh! and bike appeared... hare laughed inside and said to himself, "that's good thing you asked for torty you need those for sure".

"And you last wish Mr. Hare?", asked Witchy witch.

"I wish all the hares on this planet become female..."

"And yours Mr. Torty?"

Torty put on its helmet, fired the bike, accelerated it...and zipped off saying




"I wish Mr. hare is a GAY!!!!"

Mar 17, 2008

Life in US!

Never flew in a plane so was excited when I finally got into a plane, and that nearly 20 hrs stint in the air changing three different flights bored me, and now I don't wanna get into a plane! How will I go back to India??

Oh! you going to US! man that's rocking!... said so many with so many exclamations, yeah, so me too was so excited packing my bags to US!... Hmmm... after spending eleven hundred hrs I say what's there here to get excited! (with an exclamation)...

Anyways, if you feel hungry and you don't wanna spend bucks for killing your hunger, man go to a walmart. Go search for donuts, chocolates, pancakes... eh! hold on! I'm not gonna pay for all these... rite! who's asking you to? tear the packets, dump them into your mouth and dump the cover into some rack and get out from there...

Back in India, Non-veg means rates! but in US vegetables means rates! so go for meat rather than veggies... anyways, all you get here is frozen to the core...

You hardly find water to drink, or should I say you just forget that you had to drink water. Water is like some beverage here, you see yourself quenching your thirst with energy drinks, pepsi's that too diet ones and of course how can I forget beers!
You waste your hell lota precious time crossing the signals! bloody hell! anyways you must be hungry again, watch out for BK (Burger King) you'll get million dollar worth $1 crisp chicken burger, of course Mc D also has one called McChicken, but comparatively BK rocks!

Whatever it might be but you observe that you improve your mother tongue here rather than in India, for-apparent-reasons...
Aftr so much of complaining, on the contrary I'm slowly loving US...

Mar 12, 2008


Arasi tagged me, actually she has this huge crush on me so she wanted to know me better and this tag might be really helpful for her... (:P just kidding...). Anyways, thanks ma'am for tagging me. Here are the instructions to be followed:

In the 8 Facts about Yourself, you share 8 things that your readers don’t know about you. Then at the end you tag at least 8 other bloggers to keep the fun going. Here are the rules.

* Each blogger must post these rules first.
* Each blogger starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
* Bloggers that are tagged need to write on their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
* At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
* Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.****

So, here are the 8 facts about me...

1. I wake up just before the alarm starts yelling!!
2. I kissed a girl (who's not related to me in anyway...)
3. I forget names easily.
4. I love to learn things myself.
5. I predict my grades (which is 98% accurate) after I come out of the exam hall.
6. I easily get bored.
7. I'm lazy depending on my mood.
8. I love to preach but I hate to be on the receiving end of it.

I tag:
kavitha , gayathri , maru , saty, sravs , sajesh , sindhu , krithika ....

Mar 2, 2008

Whodunit? - retold part 1

"Dad... when is the train?," I asked checking the reservation ticket which was on the dining table. Mom and dad are going to Tirupathi to attend my cousin's marriage. I had my final year project seminar day after tomorrow, so I wasn't going with them. "It's at 5:30 pm", replied dad who was reading the newspaper in the living room.

"Sindhu... come here...", mom shouted from the kitchen.
"Yea.. mom?", I said entering the kitchen.
"Why don't you go to Neelima's house instead as she isn't coming to stay with you..."
"I will go tomorrow morning mom, I have to prepare slides for the presentation..."

Mom and dad left in the evening and I left to Prasad's Imax for evening show with neelima. After the show Neelima dropped me at my apartment. I wished her goodnight and went into my apartment.

It was eleven in the night, I was very sleepy had no mood to sit and prepare slides. I heard sounds coming from the upper flat, out of curious I peeked out of my flat to see what’s happening there. I saw Mr.Kapoor’s flat door ajar, I went inside and hid myself behind the curtains. I saw a man in mask stabbing Mrs.Kapoor, I slowly took out my mobile and took pictures of this man. while I was slipping out of the flat man noticed me. I was so terrified that I just ran from there and stopped at the police station.

As soon as the Sub-Inspector came to know about the murder from he sent in task force to my apartment and he informed the news to the Inspector. ..

Inspector Ram came in at 12am. He came and shook hands with me.

"Hello sindhu, I'm Ram"
"Hello sir..."
"Are you ok now?"
"Yea, I guess so..."
"Well, I just got a call saying that there's no sign of any murder in that flat..."

.........to be continued

Feb 26, 2008

missing the niche'

Couple of years ago what made me start a blog is missing these days. Or I should be saying that craze. passion and patience which were the niche for a blog has been in deficit levels of late.
The fraternity to which I belong in this blogsville has gone to sudden lull. The blog socialisation has come down drastically. Once it used be a carnival in the comment boxes, these days they are left dry with a random one or two comments here and there.
It's not the creativity that went down just that the time parameter has been main culprit here, was blogging just a fad?? I hope not....

Feb 24, 2008

not anymore...

I fear night,
not anymore now that you are there with me,
I fear being lonely,
not anymore now that I see you regularly,
I fear of being lost in this cruel world,
not anymore as I see you standing for me with a candle to show me the path...

Oh! such a sweet dream,
I know it's not gonna happen for real,
sigh, the dreamland of mine...

Feb 21, 2008

Reporting from CLass!!!

A really boring lecture, its 1500hrs in the day, people have their heads in between their hands trying hard not to sleep in the class, and me online!

It's been showering for past couple of days and it's quite chilly with 6 degrees centigrade, just returned back from canteen after hastily downing a hot dog, my first meal since morning. Didn't had time to eat cereals in the morning as I had class at 9:30 in the morning and woke up at 8:30.

Last night all my roomies and next door guys went nostalgic after eating rice with the dal I made. This was my first attempt to make dal, and it turned out to be superb!

Hey catch ya later, got to finish my assignment, it's 24 mins due!!

pic source : used with permission Youth Change web site link http://www.youthchg.com

Feb 14, 2008

Will U b my Valentine!

Salaam-Namaste! it's been long long long time that I visited my own blog, sigh... the cruel busy schedule of mine is killing me. Anyways, a very happy valantine's day to all the beautiful bloggies out there. I hope all found their valentine today.

I don't think I will find my valentine today... reasons being I have two classes today, afternoon through evening and there ends my day without having anytime left to go out and find one.

Anyways, I hope people back in India had a wonderful valentine day and wish people of this side of the Earth have a gorgueos day ahead!

Jan 24, 2008

My Pets..

Though I don't have any pets now but I had few when I was a school going kid till my engg second year! Had a puppy, then a cat, then fishes, and then a hen!

Puppy - I found this cute little puppy while playing cricket near my friends house, this was when I was in 4th standard. Named it tommy. One find day when I started for my school in my dad's scooter it loosened up the chain and ran behind the scooter I was standing in front so couldn't hear it's barking. When I came back from school that day I found my puppy missing...

Cat - Nancy was it's name. My aunt presented me nancy when I was in 6th standard. It was a white cat with small golden yellow spot on it's right side. It used sleep in my bed during winter season and mom used to get irritated at that sight. Due to snake bite it died when we went out for a movie.

Fishes - I fished out few fishes with a net (taare zameen par.. :P) from a small pond at my grandmas town. Brought them to my home in bottle from there and was in a process of building an aquarium for them but one day my dad overfed those fishes and they all died... hmm..

Hen - I bought this as chick for 15 bucks when I was in engg second year. I fed it nicely we used play and then it had a friend, cat. Cat used to ambush where this used to go. And then one day it ran off from home and it never returned back. I went out and searched whole evening in the streets. After a month it came back but it didn't recognise me, hmm..so I let it go where ever it wanted to...

Jan 5, 2008

Whodunit? - The Remake Version

First of all, after ages I got tagged (New year resolution - TAG). Kavitha has passed on this tag-cum-award.

New year Resolution:

Last year I made 6 resolutions and those were:

1. Enjoy LIFE more (come what may..)
2. Little more focus on things which I'm planning for my career.
3. Having appropriate expectations.
4. Try to reduce few pounds..(which I summoned after getting job..[:P])
5. Try to have less crushes! [:D]
6. Break as many rules as possible!

Outa 6 I adhered to the 6th resolution very sincerely. And so this year too I'm going to continue that...

Last year,
Best thing that happened
got US Visa...

Worst thing that happened
I went into the shell for the first time in my life...

And thanks Kavi for the award... (do u really think I deserve that ?? :D)


Coming attractions!

Whodunit? - The Remake Version

Got this thought of re-writing the first story in this blog. You can say I got instigated by the endless remakes of the bollywood flicks these days...

Dec 31, 2007


The year 2007 was full of contrasts - of ups and downs. It presented a procession of happy moments and bad times. Made new set of friends, saw extremely boring moments to happiest ones. I mostly relied on my luck this year to succeed in my own shattering enterprises. I did take way too many risks and got through but couldn't escape few hick-ups on the way.

I was well-motivated by all my friends, had so many ambitions and always believed in my chances. Had to leave amazon.com for my new ambition. All the year I was just running to reach on time if not in time.

And finally the year ended on the happier note...

Wishing all my friends a very happy and prosperous new year ahead!

Dec 8, 2007

No Commitments please! (the end)

I didn't inform my dad about the flight details as I wanted to give them a little surprise and more over I wanted to spend couple of hours with Neelima. I couldn't figure out a time frame when and where can I meet her as mom and dad will not allow me to go out for at least two to three days. So I made a call to Neelima and asked her to come to airport.

It started raining when I walked out of the airport. Neelu was standing on the other side of the road with an umbrella. She gained little weight and was looking more prettier. I fell in love yet again after seeing her.

"Hi ma'am"
"Hi prasad..."
"Gawd! you are looking so gorgeous that I think I deserve a kiss from you..."
"Shut up... where are we going now?"
"ahh... Well, I didn't think of anything yet, so first we'll go to Ohri's and have lunch then we'll think of where to go..."
"Ok sir..."

After lunch we went to Necklace road and walked for while holding our hands before we settled at the Eat Street.

"Hmm... so how are you, you lost so much of weight. Look at you, you look like a father of two kids..."
"Yeah, I know... got to join a gym soon..."
"You better, and how are girls in you city sir?"
"Girls... I guess you were the first girl in this one and half years I talked to except for my instructor in lab, the lady bus conductor, the lady bartender, the cashier in the super market and the waitress in the hotel near my house..."
"ahan, that's really sad..."

Neelima took my hands into her and looked into my eyes. Tears started to slip on her tender cheeks.

"Prasad... I did a mistake, a terrible one and I'm so shameless to see directly into your eyes and talk to you like this..."
"Hey... what happened??"
"I donno what to say and how to say...but then I can't keep you in dark for long, I can't cheat you..."
"are you telling me what happened or not?"
"Prasad... I'm pregnant ...."
"I'm sorry , I'm really sorry prasad... "

I couldn't digest that, I started feeling beaten. As If I had come to tad end of my life, there's nothing left. I rose from the chair and walked away leaving her there. From there I went to a bar and boozed till I lost my senses. I cried my heart out, cried so much that my tears dried out.

Next day morning I saw myself in my room. I got up with headache . Poo got into the room and bolted.

"Hmm... dad brought you from the bar last night... What happened, why were you so upset?"
I hugged poo tightly and cried...
"Hey ... what happened, will you tell me something please, I feel like crying now..."
"Hmm..nothing, I missed you badly and mom and dad..."
"We too missed you yaar... please come back for ever...please..."

Poo wiped my tears and gave a peck on my forehead. Next minute I went to dad and said that I wanted to marry Neelu. My mom rushed into the house from the veranda when she heard that and hugged me. My dad was in little confusion on how to react for my decision.

In the evening I got a call from Neelima...

"Prasad... are you sure you want to marry me...?", She was crying on the other end.
"Yes, I am... and I appreciate your boldness to reveal about the incident to me..."
"I'm planning for an abortion ..."
"No, you will not do that... why you want to kill the part of yours because of your mistake... Ok listen, happened so happen, I'm ready to accept the child. Will you marry me neelima?"
She hung up the phone...

We got married after two weeks on forcing from my end. Later after a week the day before I was returning to Germany we sat with our parents and weaved a story that we fell in love two years back itself and then we got close physically. I didn't where did I gathered the enough guts to talk to them. We confided the news of the pregnancy. They got shocked for a while and then everything came back to normalcy. They felt happy for us for correcting our mistake and blessed us. This released immense pressure from me.

Back to the cafe...

"That was a brave decision bro. I feel so proud of you", Avinash said.
"Hmm... thanks man... But then I still can't believe what made her to do that...I didn't want to know how and where it all happened"
"There will be few moments in life where no one can have a hold on his/her feelings..."
"Yeah... I understand that... so that's how I'm gonna be a father soon..."
"that's cool bro..."
"Chalo, let's go now we got a seminar in fifteen minutes..."
"Yeah, you carry on, will catch you in a moment. Have to make a call..."
"Ok, cya then..."

"yeah me... I'm really feeling guilty for what happened... we shouldn't have done that... anyways by God's grace everything is fine now... you got give so much of love to Prasad from now on till your last breathe... Take care of yourself and goodbye".


That day I met Neelima on New year's day party. I got so attracted to her that I couldn't take my eyes off her. Her friends forced her to drink. She had so much that she lost her senses. Neelima stayed back at her friend's place. On the way back to home my bike got skid and I got injured. My friend took me back to her home from the hospital.

She ushered towards the room where I had to sleep. I accidentally got into Neelima's room. As I was going out Neelima held my hand and pulled onto the bed, she started kissing taking prasad's name. At that moment it hardly mattered what was happening I couldn't resist the animal instincts in me that night.

Next day she realized the terrible mistake that happened that night. I had really hard time consoling her. I felt guilty for what I did. She was shivering and crying, I didn't knew what to tell her. After shaking herself little bit she asked me not to tell this to anybody and never try to meet her....


Dec 1, 2007

No commitments please! part 5

continued from here...

Germany made me feel nervous. When I went to S'pore I wasn't that nervous then. May be the age factor, I have become a responsible adult and this feeling made me feel lonely. Initially I had problem in acclimatizing but as the days passed I got settled down. New people, new friends, new neighbors, even I started boozing now. My first cocktail was "sex in beach" and then "long island", I started drinking beer like water.
The weather was always warm mainly but one day while coming back from my work place and all of sudden I was standing in the snowfall, ah! awesome was the word. It was only in movies I saw snowfall but now I'm standing in the snowfall! I wished neelima was here with me at this moment. I missed her badly. We haven't been in touch for ages, no phone call, no mail nothing. We took each other for granted. But then I wasn't having much time to think other than my research work. It was very slow progressing one, takes months at times to see some progress into it.

Staying in room with new people, they were of all kind, selfish, unselfish. But I learnt one thing never rely on anyone, it's all you who's gonna help. I started knowing myself better now, saw the untamed world around me waiting to conquer me and destroy. I became kinda indifferent by nature, not bothered of what's happening around, all I bothered was me. Can't even remember when was the last I talked to dad, mom and poo. Poo used to send mails and I hardly replied a couple of them. And no mail from Neelima, I thought of mailing one to her to know what's up with her. But felt weird to mail one, don't know why, just took her for granted and thought she was doing fine and so she would have mailed me if something was wrong. Not that I didn't mail any, mailed her couple of times but I didn't receive one reply for those mails.

It was on the new year day I decided to make a call to her.

"Hello, neelima?"
"yea, how are you?"
"I'm fine, and how are you?"
"I'm ok, hey did you get my mails? I never received any reply for those..."
"Ahh... I forgot to tell you, my ID got deleted, it's not active anymore... and I didnt have your email ID, I never memorised that...so.."
"oh ok, anyways did you create one?"
"ok... hey happy new year maam"
"thanks and wish you the same sir, so how are celebrating the eve?"
"well, with chivasregal..."
"who? you colleague huh?"
"hehehe...that's a hard drink neelu..."
"When have you started this ?"
"hey chill, just couple of pegs, it's very cold out here and right now I'm standing in the snowfall..."
"hmm... I hope you are telling truth to me..."
"oh cmon now, jus 2 pegs that's, jus to taste that's it..."
"ok ok , your wish, just take care of yourself..."
"yes maam"
"hey prasad, your mom n dad have come to my house. I have to go....bye..."
"oh! is it, give them the mobile I'll talk to them ..."
"good joke! ok then I'm hanging up the phone..."
"ok ok, love you, bye.."
"love you too, bye.."

After I hung up the phone I felt too bad of me for the first time. I thought she wasn't bothering about me, but there she had a problem in contacting me, I'm sitting here instead of calling her and asking how was she... I felt happy after talking to her... everything seemed normal again... felt like I smiled after good one year and the effect was there because of that, my cheeks were paining...

As summer was approaching and my research work was running at a snail pace, saw hardly any developements so I kept myself busy with paper presentations. One day I got call from dad...
"hello prasad, how are you?"
"I'm fine dad, how are you, mom n poo?"
"All are good prasad, prasad I thought of asking if you could come to India for couple of weeks, we want to see you prasad...."
"I too want to come, I need a break.... ok dad, I'll do one thing, I'll check out if my batch mate can take up my work too for couple of weeks..."
"Ok prasad, let me know when are going to come..."
"ok dad..."
"ok prasad, take care, bye..."
"bye dad.."

After that call, I couldn't wait for to go home. Took off from the lab for the day and went back to room...

I have shifted to new flat with Avinash last week, just two blocks away from the lab, my batch mate who just joined couple of months back. I told him the situation he readily agreed to cover up for me. Luckily my professor was going to Canada for a paper presentation there, he wasn't going to come back for a month and the developments of my work was hardly showing any improvements. These little things cleared all my tensions and I booked a flight ticket for next week.

........to be continued

Nov 27, 2007

What do girls want? (my view)

I n t e resting topic, ain't it? yes of course. Girls will be very curious to know what the boys think about them now, and boys will also be equally curious to know what-actually-a-girl-want...

So what do they want? no idea right... Well, I too have no idea but sometimes I try to observe the behavior of the girls while talking to them. Talking and observing? crap!! yeah it's an impossible task in your hands if you do both the things when you are with a girl. I succeeded few times to perform this feat. Mind you, you got to be mentally vigilant while doing this feat outside (kids are advised to keep off this feat, this feat is performed by pro's like me! :P ).

I'll not tell you guys what girls want, 'cus 99% girls will deny this... (remember the evergreen law, a girl will never accept things straight away... ;) but will prescribe few things while being with a girl....

  • If she's telling something, how crap it might be, let her finish first. Later you can tell your gossip piece to her. But she's not gonna show any interest on what you tell to her after (can't help it sir). Just let her do all the talking, but never forget to be with her. If you lose the track then only God has to help you. She will link the stories at her will, so try to memorize the things she says to you.
  • When she is down she will vent all her frustration on you, please restrain yourself from giving any solution for the problem shes having. Just be there with her will all the ears open.
  • Give some believable compliments now and then, it works many a times.
  • You can do whatever you want, whistling and hooting in a theater, shouting while riding, singing loudly in public place. You know what, many girls like this, so try to be yourself! this is your trump card...
Thats enough of prescription, follow above things you'll find new things by yourself.

What I think a girl want is...

  • lots of chocolates
  • lots of gossips
  • lots of apparel
  • tonns of ice-creams
  • many puppies... (donno ''sup with puppies, I saw so many puppy pics in orkut albums. So lucky pups)
  • lots of dresses
  • never ending list of sidney sheldon novels.
  • fairytale prince on white horse.
Those are few things... ;)

PS: Pure PUN intended stuff

Nov 26, 2007

IDLy and Dosai!

Idly and Dosa never tasted so yummy when I gulped them down into my tummy at 2230 hrs at the roadside bandi.

My friend and I went out to grab a pizza after paying vodafone bill. As we were about to reach CCD near my house yummy steaming smell of idlies pulled us towards that bandi. Without any second thoughts in our minds we plunged to grab the idlies. Morsels of idly just melted in my mouth, and in this chilly weather outside those hot steaming idlies outscored to pizza. I can't tell you exactly how heaven like it tasted, the taste of any food can be relished very much only when you are damn hungry.

And the dosa was next after downing six idlies. It was overall a mouth watery session for us.

BOTTOMLINE: East or West Idly & Dosai are the best!